Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (2024)

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Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error

Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (1)


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‎12-18-202204:04 PM

My Meta Quest 2 has been performing flawlessly since I bought it in February of this year, but yesterday I made the mistake of downloading and trying to install Meta's Paradiso environment as a home screen and began seeing only this error message upon starting the headset: "SHELLENV keeps stopping". Now all I get is a message asking if I want to exit the app or cancel and I'm hoping someone has experienced the same crippling result and can offer a suggestion on how to repair the damage caused by one of Meta's own apps!


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Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (2)

Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (3)MetaQuestSupport

Community Manager

‎12-18-202204:19 PM

Hey hey, @R0nMoore! We see you are having issues with your headset being stuck on the following error message "SHELLENV keeps stopping". We know how much this can hinder your gaming experience. So that we can try to resolve this issue of yours, please try to reboot your headset with the steps linked for you here. If this is has no success please use this link to factory reset your headset.

If this after trying these steps the issue still persists, follow this link here to our amazing support team. They will be glad to help you knock this issue out!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (4)

Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (5)MetaQuestSupport

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‎12-19-202204:54 PM

BOO! We're just reappearing to check in to see if you were still in need assistance, and if you were able to get a support ticket created. If you are still having issues, feel free to reach back out!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (6)




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‎12-28-202210:20 PM

Exact same thing happened to me. Had to reset my headset. I hope this will get fixed if it hasn't already..


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (7)




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‎12-29-202208:34 AM - edited ‎12-29-202208:43 AM

Everyone you can fix this error by using sidequest app on your phone (need to support otg usb) or apparently using a PC.

You load sidequest then plug in the headset and this allows you to search the files on the headset (like a file manager)

Now dont ask me how but I searched through for a file named shellenv and there's one in there with a longer name but "shellenv" is there.

I clicked on this file but it didn't execute or anything . I really seemed to do nothing at all, I'm not even sure this step is necessary , it's just what I did.

Feeling like I'd failed to do anything I unplugged the headset.

Upon trying on the occulus it had weirdly , for some reason reset itself to the original home enviroment. I'm guessing sidequest somehow overwrites the shellenv file and this replaces the original home screen enviroment or perhaps it deletes the corrupted file that's causing the problem , I don't know. All I care about is it fixed it for me. Seems its worth a try even if it doesn't work as youre not messing about with anything. Just looking at the headset like you would a USB memory stick.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO FACTORY RESET. I don't know why the support team are recommending such a drastic move when sidequest appears to be a solution. You can find other people explaining how they used sidequest and swapped out the shell env file but i couldnt do this. Wasnt an option using the pho e (this is how I originally found out about sidequest and gave it a try)

So to recap. I didn't use a PC as suggested by other posts I found I had no access to one.

I merely used the sidequest phone app, plugged in my occulus to the phone. Looked through the files seemingly doing nothing(?). Unplugged it. Tried it on and the shellenv repeat shutdown error was gone.

Surely this is worth a try before some factory reset.especially if like me you have loads of games amd saves you don't wish to lose.

Hope it helps


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (8)


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‎12-30-202211:46 PM

Thank you SO much for providing this workaround!! I also downloaded the Paradiso virtual environment, and it crashed my headset with the ShellEnv error. I didn't have to locate the file name in SideQuest, but I restarted my headset after connecting to SideQuest and then unplugging my device. You helped prevent me from having to do a factory reset!! ❤️


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (9)



In response to PixieNinja


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‎01-01-202305:16 PM

I'm so pleased it worked for you! I bet you was as suprised as I was lol. Now we know we need only plug in sidequest and it fixes it. I didn't know if what I did (searching for file with shellenv in it and clicking on it) helped but it seems it wasn't necessary. That's good to know. We should let as many people know how to solve it as possible. I've answered a few and I'll keep pointing them to this solution if I see anyone asking for help.

Happy new year mate!!! 😁


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (10)


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‎01-01-202305:30 PM

No, thank YOU for continuing the share the fix with all of us!! I think it might have worked by just downloading SideQuest because SideQuest performs a mandatory debugging when you install it. Whatever specific debugging scenario it ran, it appears to remedy the issue we were experiencing.

Thank you, again, for sharing your workaround!! You already helped start my new year off on a positive note since I didn't have to factory reset & redownload everything! I wish you the very best in this new year! 🙂


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (11)



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‎01-01-202306:09 PM

You're welcome, have a great year!


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (12)


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‎01-22-202307:35 PM

I get where coming from but I can't connect my headset without allowing it from my headset itself, and the message to allow it isn't popping up, is there a way to turn this off on the oculus app or what because I really want to fix this?


Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (13)

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Black screen from a "SHELLENV keeps stopping" error (2024)


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Troubleshooting your Oculus headset's black screen of death starts with a few easy steps.
  1. Force restart your headset. ...
  2. Open the Oculus menu. ...
  3. Check the proximity sensor. ...
  4. Check the Oculus App. ...
  5. Charge your headset. ...
  6. Leave your headset on and plugged in. ...
  7. Perform a factory reset.
  8. Factory reset your Oculus from the Meta Quest app.
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Several issues can lead to the black screen of death, including dead batteries, stuck updates, corrupt firmware, and even hardware issues. If you've changed your Oculus password and your Oculus can no longer log in, it may get stuck attempting to update, which will cause the black screen of death.

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This is a Package Control dependency that allows Sublime Text packages to get a copy of the environmental variables for the current user as they would see the in their terminal.

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The black screen in Rec Room is due to the vignette, which can be turned off in settings under comfort.

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To resolve this issue: Boot the virtual machine into Safe Mode. In the Device Manager, change the driver for the VGA card to the standard MS VGA Driver. (An alternative would be uninstalling the driver instead.)

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Why won't my VR turn on? ›

If you're in VR mode and none of the lights are on, check the following: Make sure all cables are securely connected and the headset and processor unit are turned on via the inline remote. Unplug the VR headset connection cable from the VR headset and then plug it back in. Try another USB port on your console.

Find Out More
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To factory reset your Oculus Quest 2, turn off your headset, then press and hold the power and volume down buttons simultaneously until the boot screen loads. Then use the volume buttons to highlight the “Factory reset” button and press the power button to select it. That's it!

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How do you reboot your headset? ›

To restart your headset:
  1. With your headset on and powered on, press and hold the power button on the right side of your headset until you see the Power off screen.
  2. Select Restart. Your headset will turn off and then turn back on.

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What happens when you factory reset your Oculus. If you don't back up your headset, a factory reset will permanently delete all the saved games and settings on your device.

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Why does my Oculus keep stopping? ›

Charge the Headset and Replace the Controller Batteries. If your headset battery or controller battery does not have enough charge, you may also encounter the “com. oculus. guardian keeps stopping” error.

Get More Info Here

How to fix com oculus guardian keeps stopping? ›

guardian” is a Guardian error message that appears when that software has crashed (stopped working).
  1. Update the Quest 2. ...
  2. Clear the Guardian History. ...
  3. Clean the Quest 2's Tracking Cameras. ...
  4. Adjust the Tracking Frequency. ...
  5. Disable and Re-enable Tracking. ...
  6. Reset Experimental Features to Default. ...
  7. Reset the Quest 2 Headset.
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Make sure your firewall, antivirus, or network filters have exceptions that allow all traffic through for Rec Room and the app you're using to run it (Steam, Oculus Home, etc.) If you're on 2.4GHz WiFi, try switching to a different channel. (Consult your router instructions.)

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If your game is crashing before you even get to the start screen, shortly after landing to your Dorm Room, or it consistently crashes after a few minutes, it's likely your installation is corrupted. Please try and reinstall the game.

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The PSVR headset can be stuck at a black screen for a few reasons: The headset is turned off. The headset was turned off and back on while out of view of the PS4 Camera. The in-game recalibrate option was used, but the front of the PSVR headset wasn't completely in view of the camera.

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If you're in VR mode and none of the lights are on, check the following: Make sure all cables are securely connected and the headset and processor unit are turned on via the inline remote. Unplug the VR headset connection cable from the VR headset and then plug it back in. Try another USB port on your console.

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Restarting your headset is relatively simple and can be accessed through the power menu. Press the power button and then select “Restart” while the headset is on. Once the restart is complete, check if the problem has been resolved.

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Check Battery Levels: Low battery levels can sometimes cause connectivity issues. Ensure that both controllers have sufficient battery charge by replacing or recharging the batteries. Restart Oculus Quest 2: Try restarting your Oculus Quest 2 headset.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.