The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

and Collections 216 Pets, Pet Supplies 232 Legal Notices 300 Legal Notices 300 Legal Notices 300 The GAZETTE, Montreal, Oct. 30, 1974 13 miss the exciting Coin and Stamp Show Sunday, November 3, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Sheraton Mount Royal Hotel. Admission free 216x2 PAYING $210.

plus for 1967 Canada set, also World gold coins. Call after 8 p.m. 326-7290. 216x31 SCHOONERS, 3 mast, replicas, hand carved in Spain, slight damage, Laurentide Trading. 842-6831.

216x5 WILL BUY pre-1968 Canadian coins in small amounts at a premium. Will pick up. 842-8720 or 288-8215. 216x27 WILL BUY pre-1968 Canadian coins in small amounts at a premium. Will pick up.

842-8720 or 288-8215. 216x30 Household Appliances 218 AUTOMATIC washers, wringerwashers, dryers. Sales, repairs, 3 months guarantee. R. H.

Beaulieu Regd. 526-7788. 218x13 FRIGIDAIRE, G.M. appliances, authorized parts, service. Western Refrigeration.

637-2587. 218x27 MOFFAT gas stove, 30 inches. Avocado green, $100. Call: 766-8831. 218x1 VACUUMS, reconditioned, new, all kinds, $10 up.

Choice of 1,000. Rentals, Parts, Dustbags, Repair all models. Eureka, Viking, Hoover, Electrolux, Compact, etc. Mr. Sweeper.

Free delivery. 481-1221, 761-4513. 218x16 Machinery Equipment 220 A-1 WOODWORKING machinery all kinds. Electric motors. New, used.

Airtak compressors. Roller and conveyor chain sprockets, bearing V-belts and pulleys. Eastern Machinery and Equipment 5100 chelaga. 255-3621. 220x15 TIMING belts tenacity cable cord, V-belts.

Dominion Belting, 6542 St. Lawrence, 274-2539. 220 SALES Classifications 224 292 Miscellaneous 224 BOOK of life, Marshal Cavendish Encyclopedia of Human Mind and Body Complete. Best price offered. 288-9592 224x1 COUTELLERIE, vaisselier, vaisselle, peinture, cabaret argent, miroir (antique), bahut.

279-6034. 224x11 MAN, Myth and Magic Purnell. Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural Complete. At best price offered. 288-9592.

224x1 METAL skis Kastl Kombi 210 C.M. with Marker bindings, tapered steel soles $60. 933-4204. MANUFACTURER of unpainted furniture. All mattress makes available.

Immediate delivery. Call 272-8520, 527-0077, Dealer. 224x16 PRE-XMAS SALE Six Homemade Barbie Evening Gowns, Floor length, with two fur stoles. $2.00. Immediate Mail Delivery.

Free list of other sizes and clothes available. Mrs. Fielder, Homemade Doll Clothes, R.R.1 Putnam, Ontario NOL 2B0. 224x16 CHESTS, butter, toy boxes, crating, cartage, 767-8472, 622-0076. 224x30 USED hospital beds and wheel chairs.

Good discount. Bench Table Service, 5410 Ferrier, 738-0848. 224x25 WE MAKE all kinds boxes, we also do packing, 'crating, light moving Gerry, 845-0790. 224x13 300 SCHOOL desks. Different types.

873-2427, days, 642-1095, nights. 224x7 Musical Instruments, Hi-Fi 228 ANDY'SPianos, guaranteed, sell, rent, $15 monthly. Applied purchase. 51 Bernard West, 276-4748. 228x5 BARGAINS at Montreal Organ Cenire.

New and used organs, startIng at $319.95. Sales, service, rentals. 1263 Amherst, 527-3629. 228x20 COME to Heintzman. Only one place to buy a Heintzman piano in Montreal: at Rockland Shopping Center.

Complete selection of quality organs and pianos. Conn, Lowrey, Hammond, Rogers. New and used. $595 up. Piano and organ rentals.

739-3617. 228x16 ORGAN Courses. your favourite tunes. Enrol now. Baldwin Music Centre.

631-1891. 228x9 HAMMOND ORGANS 10-Month Combination Rental-Purchase Plan Call Downtown 845-3211 Pointe Claire 695-7623 Chomedey, Lavai 681-2559 Place Versailles 354-8140 Valleyfield 371-0070 Joliette 753-5191 TE 228 UPRIGHT piano for sale. 488-9003. 228x5 Office Store Equipment 230 Atomic Furniture Equipment 4532 ST. DENIS, MTL.

Office furniture new and used. Desks, filing cabinets, chairs, safes, etc. 845-8463. 230x20 ELECTRONIC mechanical cash registers, new and used, sales, rentals. 739-2481.

230x22 FILING CABINETS, legal size, desks, chairs, bookcases, type stands, etc. 302 Craig 861-9871. Dealer. 230x19 Pets, Pet Supplies 232 A home away from home, Boardingwashing-training. 687-0300, 232x2 A.

M. SAMSON TRAINING CENTRE House breaking, obedience attack. Commercial and Industrial protection. 474-2625. 232x2 ANDRE PILON KENNELS REG'D St.

Bernards, English Sheepdogs, Spaniels, Airedales, Samoyed, Irish Setters, Beagles, Poodles, Pomeranians, etc. 1-238-4264. 232x9 BEAUTIFUL, puppies registered. Labradors, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Irish Setters. Special on Beagles.

$25. 1-438-2347. 232 BEAUTIFUL 2 months old, Irish setters, dalmatians. Registered, inoculated. Baron Kennel.

666-3679. 232x6 QUALITY! BEST PRICE! Beagle, Airedale, Samoyed, Dachshund, Sheltie, Maltese, Scottie, Fox Terrier, Lhasa-Apso, Pekingese, Poodie, Persian, Abyssinian, Siamese. Bahama Pet Shop. 2226 Guy, 931-2048. 232x18 BOARD for dogs.

We pick up and deliver. 435-4937. 232x16 DOBERMAN Pincher, black and brown. 5 months oid. Registered.

688-0645. 232x2 DOBERMAN, male, 6 months, excellent health, all shots. After 6 p.m. 676-7472. 232x1 DOG food, top quality, 48 cans 15 ounces, $7.49.

325-9600. 232x7 GERMAN SHEPHERD. dogs, Ger. man bloodline importer and consultant. Puppies sold at reservations.

679-7207, evenings, 1-754-2081 days. 232-7 HARLEQUIN Great Dane, exclusive champion stock, for serious connoisseur, 474-2625. 232x9 HUNGARIAN Puli for sale, months, purebred, with or without pedigree. Evenings. 677-7380.

232x26 IRISH SETTER puppies, registered, tattooed. Champion sire and Dame. 1-826-3481. 232x1 PET CIRCUS offers fat, healthy puppies. English setters $95.

Spaniels, Shepherds, Terriers, etc. Mixes $20 up. Inoculated. 684-2715. 232x18 POODLES: Toys, minatures, bred for quality and temperament.

References available. Good home Importtant. 334-3003. 232x6 POODLES miniature, 7 weeks, male, vaccinated, dewormed, registered, inoculated, private. 691-1055.

232x2 PUGS, Poodles, Schnauzers, Lhasa sos, Chihuahuas, Yorkshires, others. Stud service. 1-348-3616. 232x25 SIAMESE kittens, registered, 2 male bluepoints, female Illac months old. 1-267-3620.

Call after p.m. 232x12 ST. BERNARD Schnauzer, Great Pyrenees championsired puppies, guaranteed. Mrs. C.

Lunn, Franklin 1-827-2704. 232x1 Poodles, imported, also Canadian. 527-0666. 232x1 Equipment Transport 234 Horses, Livestock, SPECIAL bred mare sale, Friday, November 1st at 1 p.m. 2 loads coming from the U.S.

All mares will be tested day of sale by Doctor C. Champagne. Consign all your mares early. Transportation available. For information, contact: Stan Bernard Horse Sales, R.R.

4, Alexandria, Ontario, 613-525-3023. 234x31 Radio, TV, Stereo 236 FOR AMUSING message on audio equipment, call 678-2658. 236x6 RENT OR OWN ADMIRAL Color TV, black and white and stereo. $6.95 and up per month. KING TV 488-2545 236x30 SOLID State a.m f.m.

plus turntable, 2 speakers, 1 unit. Price $60. 342-9279. 236x6 RENT-A-TV Colored Black White Stereo, low rates. Option to buy.

We serve Montreal suburbs. Trans-Quebec Colour TV 376-0880 236x6 TELEVISION Admiral, colour, 1973, console. Price to be discussed. 481-9485. 236x31 Sporting Goods 240 BILLIARD Tables.

All prices. All sizes. New and used. Complete line of equipment. 669-9113.

240x11 METAL skis Kasti Kombi 210 C.M. with Marker bindings, tapered steel soles $60. 933-4204. 240x2 Christmas Trees 245 CHRISTMAS TREES: Scotch pine, wholesale, top quality stock, all sizes available. 695-8254 evenings.

245x2 Wanted to Purchase 246 ACT now for needed cash. Period type furniture, antiques. Damaged pieces accepted. Carpets, china, modern appliances. 866-9958, 334-3842.

246x13 ACT NOW I NEED A PIANO IMMEDIATELY Also Tea Wagon. From private party only please. Will pay cash. For appointment call 731-2584. 246x16 DISCRIMINATING lady customers looking for imports, originals, perfect gown, pantsuits, day dresses, coats.

Sell through Boutique Fantasque, 2155 Mountain. 288-3655. 246 IMMEDIATE cash for your long playing records, jazz, classical, rock, blues, western. 861-4574. 246x27 OHMAN'S Estate department will buy or sell on consignment your Sterling silver, Victorian, Edwardian, or Georgian jewellery.

Old gold purchased. 1216 Greene Avenue. 246x20 ONLY Portable televisions wanted, working or not. 739-5936. 246x7 PAINTINGS by Norwell, Robinson, and other Canadian artists.

Private. 933-6588. 245x4 PIANOS: Any size, any brand, any condition. 272-8285, 274-5934. 246x15 PIANO WANTED Better price paid, any size, any condition.

271-3085. 246x31 TV's portable only, 6 years or less, working or not. 321-8311. 246x26 WANTED Used pallets, lift trucks, all types of salvage. 676-7769, dealer.

246x25 WANTED PAINTINGS: Welssenbruch, Bosboom, L'Hermitte. Boudin, Montague Dawson, Munnings, also Cullen, Krieghoff, Pilot, Coburn, Verner, Morrice, Goodridge Roberts, Group of Seven, etc. 935-5123. 246x11 WANTED. Engravings or prints by Louis Icart, 932-0680.

246x1 WANTED Used pallets, lift trucks, all types of salvage. 676-7769, dealer. 246x23 WOULD buy any kind of tools. Days 849-2803, evenings 735-6926. 246x9 Personals 284 WOULD any witnesses to an automobile accident which occurred at a.m.

on Sunday, October 13, 1974, between a blue datsun and a blue taxi, at Park Avenue and Van Horne, Montreal, please contact Mr. Ronald Barbara at 334-4058. 284x25 Business Personals 285 MASSEUR, fully qualified, and licensed for service at home. 484-7922. 285x13 MAN with 12 ton truck, light moving.

Nights, weekends, in or out of town 748-7057 evenings. 285x16 TO RAPPORT translation from English and French to Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, vice versa. 488-9269. 285x2 Lost 286 BLACK angora cat, red collar, Draper and N.D.G. Avenue, October 23.

482-4472 after 6 p.m. 286x31 BLACK Elephant October hair bracelet, downtown, 28. Reward. Call 748-7692 286x31 GOLD bracelet, lost October 18 uptown area, buildings or department stores. Sentimentel value.

Reward. 672-8436 286x31 IN ST. LUCIE near Val David, male grey and white Siberian Husky. Generous reward. 489-6946.

286x6 LOST white Pekenese, 10 years old. October 26. Generous rewad offeed 667-0616. 286x31 Found 288 SMALL ginger female cat, on Wednesday evening, vicinity Draper evenings. 288x25 Personal Services 289.

A PROBLEM Pregnancy? We care for individual help, a new hope call Birthright, 937-9324. 289x23 ABORTIONS PERFORMED BY QUALIFIED REGISTERED NURSES GYNECOLOGISTS IN A LICENSED CLINIC CONTROLLED PARENTHOOD WHY RISK COMPLICATIONS CALL 932-4128 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING SHERBROOKE GUY, SUITE 707 NEW YORK IN THE MORNING TRANSPORTATION AVAILIBLE RETURN THE SAME DAY A non profit organization 289x25 ABORTION. Personal medical service. Return same, day. Safe legal, strictly confidential.

Free consultations. 7200 Hutchison, 107. 277-2129 274-6545 Betty Farhood Centre 289x7 Legal Notices 300 LEGAL AID SUPERIOR COURT (DIVORCE DIVISION) CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL DIVORCE REGISTRATION 500 12-046361-741 Rose Simpson, Petitioner; versus Edward Holloway, Respondent. By order of the court: The respondent, Edward Holloway, is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of 60 days following the last publication. A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for him at the office of the Divorce Division of Montreal.

And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance or contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be granted without notice to you. StHubert, October the 23, 1974. Wilfrid Lefebvre, Registrar. Lamarre, Lacroix Associes, :258, Grande Allee, St-Hubert, Telephone 678-9936. 300x30 SALIM (SALOMON) THOUMA SHEITO ET ALS.

Notice is hereby given that the following persons shall apply to the Minister of Justice: 1- Salim (Salomon) Thouma Sheito; 2 Joseph Ellas Thomas Sheito; Sheito; Marie Christophe Charles Sheito; 5 Marie Reine Elizabeth Danielle Sheito; 6- Joseph Marie Jude Sheito; 7 Anne Marie Shelto; all residing at 10630, Berri Street, Montreal; 8 Joseph Georges Robert Sheito, residing at 64 Daneil Street, Chateauguay; 9 Joseph Antoine Thomas Sheito, residing at 8465, Bretagne Street, 10 Joseph Noel Albert Sheito, residing at 2584, Desautels Street, Montreal; 11 Joseph Jean Jacques Sheito, residing at 239, Deguire apt. 416, City St-Laurent; 12 Joseph Marie Victor Sheito, residing at 5637, Terrebonne Street, Montreal; in order to change their names respectively to: Salim (Salomon) Thouma Sheitoyan, this change shall also benefit to his wife Claire Cattouf and to their minor son Marie Joseph Jude Pierre Sheito, all three residing at 10630, Berri Street, Montreal; Joseph Elias Thomas Salomon Sheitoyan; Marie Terry Sheitoyan; Joseph Marie Christophe Charles Sheitoyan; Mari Reine Elizabeth Danielle Sheltoyan; Joseph Marie Jude Sheitoyan; Ann Marie sheitoyan; Joseph Georges Robert Sheitoyan, this change shall also benefit to his wife Lorraine residing at 64A, Daniel Street, Chateauguay; Joseph Antoine Thomas Sheitoyan, this change shall also benefit to his wife Diane Celsi and to their minor son Richard Joseph Benoit Sheito, all three residing at 8465, Bretagne Street, St-Leonard; Joseph Noel Albert Sheitoyan, this change shall also benefit to his minor son Joseph Robert Sheito residing at 2584, Desautels Street, Montreal; Joseph Jean Jacques Sheitoyan; Joseph Marie Victor Sheitoyan, this change will also benefit to his wife Louise Duguay, residing at 5637, Terrebonne Street, Montreal; October 15th, 1974. Attorneys for petitioners Bernard, Girard Despatis. 300 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Paul Kotkiw (Kokiw), Irene Alexander Kotkiw (Kokiw), and Donna Alexandra Kotkiw (Kokiw), domiciled and residing at 6270 St. Michel Apt.

5, City of Montreal, Province of Quebec, will apply to the LieutenantGovernor of the Province of Quebec for an order to change their names 10 Paul Cote, Irene Alexander Cote, and Donna Alexandra Cote. Montreal, October 11, 1974. Roman B. Karpishka, Attorney for Petitioners. 300 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Eugene Jean Kicak and Daria Kicak domiciled and residing at 846 56th City of Lachine, Province of Quebec, will apply to the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec for an order changing their names to EUgene John Kisak and Daria Kisak.

The said change shall also benefit their minor children, Alexander Eugene and Nadia Oksana. Montreal, October 11, 1974. Roman B. Karpishka, Attorney for Petitioners, 300 LEGAL AID SUPERIOR COURT (DIVORCE DIVISION) CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL DIVORCE REGISTRATION 12-045500-745 Albina Dagenais, residing and domiciled at 3435 boul. Gouin, No.

503, Montreal, district of Montreal Petitioner versus Pierre Courcelles, unknown domicile Respondent. By order of the Court The respondent, Pierre Courcelles is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of 60 days following the last publication. A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for him at the office of the Divorce Division of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance or contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be granted without notice to you. Montreal, October 24, 1974.

(s) W. Lefebvre, Registrar. Lamarre Lacroix Tremblay, 3258 Grande-Allee, St-Hubert, P.Q. 678-9936. 300x30 SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500 05-014705-741 Rigaud the law of credit Caisse populaire, Ste Madeleine de and Saving Bank, having its social place at No.

123 St-Pierre Rigaud district of Montreal, Plaintiff versus Normande Brunet, formerly residing and domiciled in the City of Rigaud, district of Montreal, but now of unknown parts, and Raymond Boyer, formerly residing and domiciled in the City of Rigaud, district of Montreal, but of unknown parts, Defendants, 'and the Registrator of the Registraton Division Vaudreuil mis en cause. By order of the Court: The defendants Normande Brunet and Raymond Boyer are hereby called upon to appear within a delay of 30 days following the last publication. A copy of the writ of summons and declaration has been left for them at the Office of the Superior Court of Montreal. Montreal, this 25th of October, 1974. Mtre Wilfrid Lefebvre, D.P.S.C.M.

Mtres Bissonnette Cadieux, 420 Roche Vaudreuil, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT DIVORCE DIVISION CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL DIVORCE REGISTRATION DIVISION OF MONTREAL 500 12-046220-749 Simone Chartier, residing and in the City of Longueuil, district of Montreal, Petitioner versus Roland Dansereau, presently of unknown parts. Respondent. By order of the Court: The Respondent, Roland Dansereau is hereby called upon to appear within a delay cf 60 days following the last publication. A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for at the office of the Divorce Registration of Montreal.

And further take notice, that in default of your serving and filling such appearance or contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be granted without notice 10 you. Montreal, October 25th, 1974. Mtre Wilfrid Lefebvre, Deputy-Registrar. Mtres Brissette St-Jacques, 3 St. Charles West, Longueuil, Que.

Attorneys for Petitioner. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 05-014320-749 FAMILY DIVISION Ducarmel Joseph Leon, Plaintiff versus Duze Leroy, Defendant By order of the Court: The Respondent is hereby called upon to appear within 15 days following the last publication. A copy of the Declaration has been left for her at the Family Division Registration Office of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance and contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herin by default and the separation and other relief may be granted without notice 10 you. This 10th day of October, 1974.

(S) Me. W. Lefebvre, Registrar. 300 NOTICE is hereby given that Michael Alexander losipovici, Professor, residing and domiciled at 5527 Clanranald Avenue in Montreal, will apply to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for a change of name to that of Michael Alexander Florian. Said change of name will affect his wife Judit Hainalka Frank.

Montreal, October 24th, 1974. Charles Spector, Attorney for Applicant. 300 NOTICE OF CAPACITY late Poirier, Romeo In Estate of 1,427 Painter of the his March 18, 1974 life time Circle, deceased Apartment 3, Ville authority St-Laurent, of Mont- the real. Under the Public Curatorship Act (Chapter 81 of the Quebec Statutes 1971), the undesigned hereby gives notice that estate, he is ex-officio curator to such will receive, at the aboveand he mentioned address, payment of any debt owed this estate and proof of claim against it. Public Curator any Quebec 300x30 of FABB TRANSPORT TRANSPORT FABB INC.

Notice is hereby given that Fabb Transport Transport Fabb a company incorporated under The Quebec office in the City of MontCompanies Act, and having its head real, will apply to the Minister of Financial Institutions, Companies Cooperatives for permission to surrender its Charter under the provisions of the Quebec Companies Act. at Montreal, this 25th OctoDated ber 1974. Charles Wolfson, Q.C., attorney for Fabb Transport Inc. 300x30 is hereby given that NOTICE and domiciled at Leroux, residing Ste-Marie, in the City of Mont5138 real, Province of Quebec, will apply to the Minister of Justice for an his name to order changing Attorneys for the PetiVilleneuve Asselin, 300 Lecompte. tioner, SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500-05-015 458-746 Dame E.

Sakellaropoulos (nee Pouloupati) Plaintiff defendant. against The loannis defen- Sadant for whom a copy of the writ kellaropoulos and declaration has been left at the office of this Court, is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of thirty (30) Clerk days. Montreal, Postelnick, October Pos1974 Mes telnik Scott Attorneys for plaintiff. 300x31 NOTICE Notice is given that Raymond Joseph Coward, Taxi driver, residing and domiciled at 266 Lawrence Boulevard, apartment 131, of the Town of Greenfield Park, District of Montreal, Province of Quebec, will apply to the Lieutenant Governor in Council of Quebec, to change his name to Raymond Joseph Ward. Montreal, September 20th, 1974.

Kaufman Posman, attorneys for applicant. 300 NOTICE BOUTIQUES DE VETEMENTS LALLOUZ LTEE. Notice is given that Boutiques de Vetements Laliouz a corporation Act and having its head office in the incorporated under the Companies City of Montreal, will apply the Minister of Financial Institutions, Companies and Cooperatives of the Province of Quebec for leave to sur. render its charter. Dated at Montreal, 28th day of October, 1974.

Marks, Shapiro Hoffman, Green Beinhaker, Attorneys for the Com300x30 pany. CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC NOTICE NOTICE is given that Jerome Provost, is applying to the LieutenantGovernor in Council, in order to obtain a decree allowing him to change his name to that of Gerard Provost, said name to be used for all legal purposes. Montreal, October 23, 1974. Attorney for petitioner. Me Andre Duceppe, lawyer, Dansereau Daoust Duceppe Beaudry Rouleau Filion Jolicoeur, 1595, St.

Hubert Montreal, P.Q. 300 LEGAL AID SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500 05-015327-743 Patricia Birsette, Plaintiff versus Georges Jacobs, Defendant. By order of the Court. The Defendant, Georges Jacobs is hereby called upin to appear within a delay of thirty (30) days following last publication of this Notice. A copy of the Writ of Summons and Declaration have been left for him at the Office of the Superior Court of Montreal.

Chateauguay, October 24th, 1974. (S) W. Lefebvre, Prothonotary, C.M. 300x31 PROVINCIAL COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 02-026527-742 Le Bret D'Honneur a body politic duly incorporated and having its principal place of business at 385 Sherbrooke East, city and district of Montreal; Plaintiff versus Francois Gauthier, formerly residing at 37, Leslie Gau't, City and district of Montreal; Defendant. The defendant, Francois Gauthier, for whom a copy of the writ and declaration has been left at the office of this Court, is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of thirty (30), days.

Montreal, October 23, 1974. Me W. Lefebvre Deputy Clerk. Mes de Grandpre Colas Associes Suite 2501 Tour de la Bourse Place Victoria, Montreal. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

300x30 SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500 05-014973-745 Christos Pagratis, businessman, in his quality of Tutor to his minor Spiros Pagratis, residing and domiciled in the City and District of Montreal. Plaintiff Es-Quality versus Roger Cordeau, formerly residing and domiciled in the City and District of Montreal, but now of unknown parts, et Al. Defendant. By Order of the Court: The defendant Roger Cordeau is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of delay of 30 days fol owing the last publication. A copy of the writ of summons and declaration has been left for him at the Office of the Superior Court of Montreal.

Montreal, this 28th, of October 1974. Mtre Wilfred Lefebvre d.p.s.c.m. Mtres Blanshay Blanshay 901 Bleury suite Montreal, Que. Attorneys for Plaintiffs Es-Quality. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT (DIVORCE DIVISION) CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL DIVORCE DIVISION DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 12-046 097-741 Dame Jeannette Ouimet, wife common as to, property to Lionel Raymond, residing and domiciled at 6160 Chambord, app.

2, city and district of Montreal, Petitioner versus Lionel Raymond, of unknown domicile, Respondent. By Order of the Court: The respondent, Lionel Raymond is hereby called upon the appear within a delay of 60 days following the last publication. A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for him at the office of the Divorce Division of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance or contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be granted without notice to you. Monfreal, Registrar.

Me Mario Thibault, 6507 de Chateaubriand Street, Montreal, Que. 300x31 Notice is hereby given that Cave Canem a corporation constituted under Part 1 of the Canada Corportions Act, and having its head office in the City of Pierrefonds, Quebec, will app to the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs for leave to surrender its charter under the terms of the Canada Corporations Act as and from a date to be fixed by the Minister of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. Dated at Pierrefonds, this 21st day of October 1974. Cave Canem Ltd. Annick McNally, President.

300x30 AVIS est par les que le contrat de vente en date du September 10, 1974 La Banque Toronto-Dominion de toutes dettes, ou futures, payables a Joseph Saliba trading under name style of Saliba Associates Reg'd a au bureau d'enregistrement de la division d'enregistrement de St-Hyacinthe le 8th jour de Octobre 1974, sous le 165691. Ce 22nd jour de October, 1974. La Banque Toronto-Dominion. 300x30 SUPERIOR COURT (DIVORCE DIVISION) CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL DIVORCE DIVISION DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500-12-046459-743 Dame Phillis Gaudet-Klingerman, residing and domiciled at 6725 Papineau, apt. 14, in the City and District of Montreal, Petitioner versus Klingerman, husband of the said Phillis Gaudet, presently of By whereabouts unknown, Respondent.

Order of the Court: The Respondent, Frederick Klingerman is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of sixty (60) days following the date of the last publication. A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for him at the office of the Divorce Division of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance or contestation within the thre prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce Decree and other relief may be granted without notice to you. Montreal, October 25th 1974. (s) Wilfred Lefebvre Deputy Registrar.

Labelle, Charbonneau Villemure 4935 east, Beaubien Street Suite 103. Montreal, Quebec. HIT 1VI. 300x31 COUR SUPERIEURE CANADA PROVINCE DE QUEBEC DISTRICT DE MONTREAL 500-05-013 904-741 Arthur lannone fireman, domiciled and residing at 350 Victoria Street, Apt. 13, St-Lambert, district of Montreal, personally, as well as in his quality as tutor and legal guardian of his minor children Deborah and Gregory lannone and Dame Nicole Levert wife common as to property of the said Arthur lannone of the same address, Plaintiffs, verSUS Rejean Grondin, domiciled and residing at 995 St-Michel Longueuil, district of Montreal, by order of the court.

The above defendant, Rejean Grondin, is hereby called upon to appear within (20) days following the last publication. A copy of the writ of summon and declaration has been left for the defendant at the office of Superior Court; and further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such Appearance or Contestation within the time prescribed above, the plaintiff may proceed herein by default; Montreal, October 23rd 1974. (signe) Selim Naguib, Authorized Officer. Mes Leroux Guay, Lawyers, 4 Notre Dame East, Room 802, Montreal, P.Q. 300x31 PROVINCIAL COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500 02-032524-741 of the court the defendant, Vito Cicco Tosto for whom a copy of the writ and declaration has been left at the office of this Court, hereby called upon to appear within a delay of thirty (30) days following the last publication.

Montreal, 24 October 1974, Belhumeur, Lawyer, 10 St-Jacques Street, room 910, Montreal. P.Q. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT (DIVORCE DIVISION) LEGAL AID Alphonse Roy, plaintiff, versus Vito Cicco Tasto, and Tony and Son Bakery defendant By order CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500-12-045, 972-746 Dame Helene Desiarlais, residing domiciled at No. 4058 Evelyne Street, city of Verdun, district of Montreal, province of Quebec, Petitioner, versus Rene Hurtibise, of unknown address, Respondent. By order of the court: The Respondent, Hurtibise, Is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of 60 days following the last publication.

A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for him at the office of the Divorce Division of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your Serving and filing such appearance of contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be. granted without notice to you. Montreal, October 16th, 1974. Jean-Guy Vaugeois, Associate-Registrar.

Me Jules LeRiche, attorney, 360 St. James St. West, Suite Montreal, Quebec, attorney for petitioner. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 500-12-046441-741 FAMILY DIVISION Real Morais, merchant, domiciled and residing at 12255, Reeves at Pointe-aux-Trembles, district of Montreal, Petitioner versus Monique Lanthier, formerly domiciled and residing at Montreal and now of place unknown, Respondent. By Order of the Court, the respondent, Monique Lanthier, is hereby called upon to appear within a delay of 60 days following the last publication.

A copy of the Divorce Petition has been left for her at the offce of the Divorce Division of Montreal. And further take notice that in default of your serving and filing such appearance or contestation within the time prescribed above, the Petitioner may proceed herein by default and a Divorce decree and other relief may be granted without notice to you. Montreal, October 25th, 1974. Me W. Lefebvre, Deputy Registrar.

Me Alain Brabant, advocate, 210 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec, 288-5243. 300x31 SUPERIOR COURT CANADA PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DISTRICT OF MONTREAL NO. 05-013647-746 (500) Unifed Knitting Textile Machinery a body politic and corporate, Plaintiff vs. Seamless Knitting Mach nery Coro.

a body politic and cor(porate having its head office in the City of New York, State of New and Gary A.G., a body politic and corporate, having its head office in the City of Zurich, Switzerland, Defendants, and Reliable Hosiery Mills Ltd. et al, Garnishees. By order of the court: The Defendants Seamless Knitting Machinery Corp. and Gary A.G. are hereby called unon to appear within a delay of thirty (30) days followng the last pubtication.

A copy of the Writ of Summons and Declaration has been left for each of them at the office of the Court. Montreal, October 22nd, 1974. Me W. Lefebvre, Deputy Prothonotary of the Superior Court. Mes.

Shriar, Polak Cooperstone, 1010 St. Catherine Street West, Suite 620. Montreal, Quebec, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 300x31 NOTICE is herebv aiven that the contract dated October 1, 1974, whereby Oceanair (Montreal) Ltd. transferred and assioned all of its book debts, bresent and future, to Rank of Montreal by wav of security, was renistered in Montreal Renistrv Office for Montreal on October 4, 1974 under No.

2554241 Bank of Montreal. 300x30 "RAYMARCAN INC" Notice is hereby aiven that the cominany tion "Raymarcan Inc." a corporaincorporated under the Quebec Connanies Act and having its head office in the Citv of Montreal said district. will apply to The Financial Institutions Companies and Cooperafives Department of The Province of for leave to surrender its Quebec charter under the provisions of the Quehec Companies Act. Montreal, Octoher 24th, Me J. Jacques Hamel, Q.C., attorney for petitionner, 1691 Rachel Street, Montreal, Que.

300x30 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby alven that Jovce Linda Gildenhorn, Student, domiciled at 210 Dufferin Road, in the Town of Hampstead, District of Montreal, Quebec, will apply to the LieutenantGovernor in Council of the Province of Quebec for the adoption of an order changing her name to: Joyce Linda Gilden. Montreal, October 24, 1974, Garonce, Attorneys for applicant, Garonce, Costin Stern. 300 Births Deaths HOURS SUNDAY HOLIDAYS RATES Daily From 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Birth and Death notices only).

per word Closed Saturdays From 012 noon to 4:00 p.m. Minimum charge Call 866-4771 $2.00 per day Also listed in these columns Engagements, Announcements, Marriage Notices, Divorces, Chosen Children, Requiem Masses, In Memoriam, Unveilings, Cards of Thanks MARRIAGE FOOT, SMITH. On October 5, 1974, at St. John's Anglican Church, Shrewsbury, Quebec. Linda Sturgeon Smith, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. W. J. Sturgeon, Sutton, to Andrew Braithwaite Foot, son of the late J. Ronald G.

Foot and Mrs. Foct of West mount. 30 BIRTHS BARRIE. George and Connie (nee McAllister), proudly announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Elizabeth Lynn, on October 27, 1974, at St. Eustache General Hospital.

31 BELMONTE. Nicola and Carole (nee Lefebvre) proudly announce the arrival of their first child, Rebecca Ann, on October 25, 1974, at the Montreal General Hospital. First grandchild for both Mr. and Mrs. J.

Lefebvre, Mr. and Mrs. F. Belmonte and fifth great tor Mr. and Mrs.

S. Mondoux and first greatgrandchild to Mr. and Mrs. N. Mastandrea.

Both well. Father still recovering. 31 BOCCIA. Vincent and Sabine, (nee Hannis! proudly announce the birth of their son, on October 28, 1974, at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Mother and son fine.

2 CERE. Alfred and Jo-Anne (nee Hussul) are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, October 27, 1974, at St. Mary's Hospital. Mother and daughter doing fine. 31 FOLEY.

Rod and Geraldine (nee Pilotte) are proud to announce the birth of their son, Duane William, 8 lb. 9 on Saturday, October 26 in Vancouver. Brother for Rodie. All well. 30 500 homeless after 'quake in Yugoslavia BELGRADE (UPI) An earthquake rocked the area of the Yugoslav town of Tuzla yesterday, damaging buildings and leaving some 500 persons homeless.

About 15 persons were slightly injured, police said. The quake awakened many of Tulza's 70,000 inhabitants and thousands of others in villages in this coal and salt mining area when it struck at 2:05 a.m. Seismologists said it measured six degrees on the 12-degree International Mercalli Scale. Its epicentre was at Majevi ca Mountain close to Tuzla, about 118 miles west of Belgrade. Five minutes later another tremor whose intensity was 4.5 degrees shook the area.

More than 3,000 miners were underground when the quakes hit the area and all of them returned to the surface uninjured, police said. No damage a to the mines was reported. In villages outside Tuzla about 100 buildings were damaged, including schools and hospitals, police said. Tight security for Tito visit to Denmark COPENHAGEN (UPI) President Tito of Yugoslavia arrived yesterday on an official three-day visit surrounded by the strictest security measures ever. taken in Denmark to protect a foreign visitor.

Denmarks young Queen, Margrethe welcomed the 82- year-old Yugoslav, leader in chilly weather at Kastrup International Airport where sharpshooters were posted on building roofs. Security arrangements included 3,000 security men and bulletproof limousines borrowed from West Germany's federal police. Stowaway said thrown overboard BREMEN, Germany (UPI) Three West German crew members of the freighter Margitta went on trial yesterday on charges of throwing a stowaway overboard in the Red Sea after serving him a last meal of corned beef. The indictment. accused the 9,900 Panamanian-registered merchantman's officer, Klaus-Henning Hartung, 42, the boatswain Volkhard Eggers, 33, and 23- year-old carpenter Karl-Heinz Adler of beating a black stowaway with an iron bar off the Yemeni port of Hodeida and then throwing him into the Red Sea.

The stowaway's body was never found. The prosecution alleged that after a beer and vodka party, the three defendants marched the stowaway out of a cabin where they had held him prisoner to the quarterdeck. Before beating him up and throwing him into the sea, the defendants gave him a last meal of corned beef and a cigarette, the prosecution said. BIRTHS GAGNIER. Gerald and Beverley, (nee Mockford), proudly announce the arrival of their daughter, Sandra Nadine, 7 lb.

3. at the Montreal General Hospital, Monday October 28, 1974. Both well, daddy 100. Thanks to the caseroom staff. GOGARTY.

Terry and Pamela (nee Airlie) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Alison Suzanne, 7 lb. 11 on October 25, 1974, at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Sister to Jamie. All well, 30 HUSTON. Tom and Dale (nee Nichol), proudly announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Katherine Clare, on October 23, 1974, at the Royal Victoria Hospital.

31 LOWE. David and Claire Anne (nee McCarthy) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Erin Elizabeth, 7 lb. 4 ozs. on October 29, 1974, at St. John General Hospital, St.

John, New Brunswick. Sister. 10 Kathy and Jamie. All well. 30 MacNEIL.

Don and Carol (nee Barr) are proud to announce the birth of their son, Jamie Alexander, 9 lb. 8 on Tuesday, October 22, 1974, at the Montreal General Hospital. Brother for Donna-Maria. Thanks to the caseroom staff and Doctor Rhea. 1 McCANN.

Brian and Lois (nee Neil) proudly announce the birth of their son, Brian James, 6 lb. 8 on October 25, 1974 at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Mother and son both well. 30 PETERSON. Wayne and Ursula (nee Mackie), proudly announce the arrival of their son, John Thomas, 5 lbs.

014 on October 25, 1974, at St. Mary's Hospital, 31 PIAFSKY. Don and Donna (nee Rosen), are proud to announce the birth of their son, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, on October 27, 1974. Both well. 30 RUDNIKOFF.

Ian and Rhonda (nee Kirshner) proudly announce the birth of a son on October 26, 1974, at the Royal Victoria Hospital. A brother for Jordana. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirshner and Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Rudinkoff. 30 SAURO. Paul and Susan (nee Valiquette) proudly announce birth of a son, Mark Andrew, at the Royal Victoria Hospital on October 25, 1974, 7 lb. ozs.

Brother to Shannon. Thanks to Dr. Venecek and caseroom staff. 30 SEED. Jim and Joanne (nee Arthur) proudly announce the arrival of their son, Brian James Gordon, 8 lb.

11 on October 25, 1974, at the Montreal General Hospital. Brother to Sherry-Lynn. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Seed, Mr. and Mrs. G. N.

Arthur. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J.

Wilson. Great-great-grandparents, Mrs. Alice Seed. Thanks to Doctor MacFarlane and staff. 31 SINCLAIR.

Jack and Moira (nee Conoley), joyfully announce the birth of a son, 7 lb. 9 ozs. Brother to John, Mike, Heather and Kelley. Born on October 28, 1974, at the Lakeshore General Hospital. 2 STEVENS.

Gary and Denise, (nee Summers), proudly announce the birth of their daughter, 8 lb. 4 on October 25, 1974 at St. Mary's Hospital. First grandchild to Joyce and Ken Summers, and Bea and Phil Stevens. Thanks to Dr.

Patrick. 30 DEATHS ABRAMSEN, Constance. At Montreal, October 28, 1974. Constance Caroline Jones, wife of the late Nicolas Abramsen, dear mother of Nicolas of Burlington, Ontario, sister of Betty and the late Nell, Bernard and Henry. Funeral from D.

A. ColWins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke Street West, on Thursday, at 3 p.m. to Mount Royal Crematorium. 31 BALDWIN, Paul T. In hospital, in Ottawa, October 28, 1974.

Paul T. Baldwin, beloved husband of Bernice Reed, 532 Thessaly Circle, in his 82nd year, brother of Mrs. Leslie Baskerville (Lloyd) of Ottawa, Norton K. of Sherbrooke, Quebec, and the late Allen M. of Coaticooke, Quebec; also surviving many nieces and nephews.

Funeral service was held from Hulse and Playfair Centrat Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, Wednesday, at 10 a.m. Interment North Hatley, Quebec. 30 BARASH, John. On Tuesday, October 29, 1974, dearly beloved husband of the late Gertrude Barash, dearest and loving father of Harry, Mrs. Deborah Barash Cohen and the late Reuben Barash.

Beloved grandfather of Claude, Michael, Daniel, Sheldon, Felicia and the late David Barash. Funeral services from Paperman and Sons Cote des Nelges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges Road on Thursday, October 31 at 11 a.m. To Kehal Israel Cemetery, Dollard des Or. meaux. Shiva at 5627 Redwood Cote St.

Luc. 30 CALNAN, Ann-Evelyn (nee Brown). At her home in Glendale, California, on Sunday, October 27. Beloved wife of Christopher Thomas Calnan and dear mother of Christopher Paul and Lorraine Margaret, daughter of Mrs. E.

J. (Mary Catherine) Brown, sister. pf Mrs. C. G.

(Marguerite) Vaughan of Ottawa and Geraldine of Montreal. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated in the Lady Chapel of St. Patrick's, 454 Dorchester Boulevard West, on Saturday, November 2, at 4 p.m. 30 CHIPMAN, Noel. Following a brief illness in Madeira Beach, Fiorida, on October 29, 1974.

Beloved husband of Eileen Devin and Uncle of Mrs. M. Maxwell-Fisher, Tony, John, Carroll and Julian Chipman. Memorial service to be announced at a later date. 31 ESAR, Reuben.

On Monday, October 28, 1974. Dearly beloved husband of Katie, brother of Jack, Joseph Max, Isreal (ltz), Mrs. Arnold Lithwick (Rose) and Al. Also survived by nephews and nieces. Service from Paperman Sons Cote Des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote Des Neiges Road, on Wednesday, October 30, at 11 a.m.

to Chevra Kadish B'nai Jacob Congregation Cemetery. (Berri Street). The family request the courtesy of observing Shiva in the strictest privacy. 30 GASSE, Wilfred. At the Queen Mary veterans' hospital on Monday, October 28, 1974.

Wilfred Gasse, beloved husband of Daisy Mae Barton, dear father of Joyce, (Mrs. J. B. Hogan), Joan (June) (Mrs. R.

Bellows). Also survived by 9 grandchildren and one Past President of Branch 74 of the Royal Canadian Legion, also retired employee of Montreal Tramways Commission and the Court of Commissioners. Visitation at Clarke MacGillivray White Funeral Directors, East end facilities, 4484 St. Catherine Street, East, (at William David). Funeral Mass at St.

Aloysius Parish in St. Cyprien's church, Morgan Blvd. on Thursday, October 31st, at 10 a.m. Interment Hawthorn Dale Cemetery. 31 McKENNA COTE DES NEIGES Florists NW2 EMM Since 1851 731-4992 DEATHS GENTMANTEL, Emma, On October 26, 1974, in her 81st year, beloved wife of Charles, dear mother of Kurt, Charles and Rita (Mrs.

B. Levitan) and loving grandmother of Kurt, Linda and Robert. Funeral service held privately on Monday at the Blythe Bernier Funeral Home, 930 St. Roch. Thence to Mount Royal Crematorium.

30 HARPER, Jemina. At the Montreal General Hospital, on Friday, October 25, 1974. Jemina Harper in her 73rd year. Very dear friend of Jessie Cavil. Funeral service and committal will be conducted from Rosedale Chapel of Clarke MacGillivray Funeral Directors, Downtown Facilities, 1459 Towers Street (at De Maisonneuve) on Wednesday, October 30, at 2:30 p.m.

Interment Montreal Memorial Park. (Parking on premises). 30 McLARNON, R. Gerald. Suddenly at home on Saturday, October 26, 1974, Gerald McLarnon, aged 56, beloved husband of Claire Beauchamp, and dear father of Robert, Peter, and Laura-Lee.

Also Survived by his sisters Agnes (Mrs. R. Davis), of Truro, Nova Scotia, Mary, Teresa, (Mrs. A. Dougall) and brothers John and Frank of Toronto.

Resting at Armstrong Funeral Home, 1640 Cote Vertu, St. Laurent. Funeral service from Transfiguration of Our Lord Church, on Thursday, at 10 a.m. Interment St. Laurent Cemetery.

30 MINGIE, Christina Galloway Ritchie (Sheily). Wife Hamilton Mingie, mother of Sheily Elizabeth Rutledge, Frank Hamilton Mingie, Heather Grace McFarland, and the late Monica Virginia Mingie, died on October 26, 1974, at home. Service at The Comstock Funeral Home, Peterborough, Ontario, on Tuesday, October 29, at 1:30 p.m. Interment in The Mingie family plot, Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal, on Wednesday, October 30, at 3 p.m. Please omit flowers.

30 MURDOCH, Hazel, M. At her residence on Sunday, October 27, 1974, beloved wife of E. Bruce Murdoch, mother of Doris and Marjorie, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Empey. Private funeral was held from D. A. Collins, 5610 Sherbrooke Street West, on Tuesday, October 29th.

To Mount Royal Cemetery. 30 MURRAY, Robert. On Tuesday, October 29, 1974, at St. Anne Military Hospital, Robert Murray. Husband of Annie Young, also survived by five children.

Visitation at Clarke MacGillivray White Funeral Directors, 5580 Sherbrooke Street West, from 7 to 10 p.m. on Wednesday. Funeral service in the Chapel on Thursday at 11 a.m. Interment Field of Honor, Pointe Claire. 30 MYLES, Isabella.

At Montreal, October 28, 1974. Isabella Stewart, beloved wife of the late John Myles, mother of Ruth (Mrs. J. Finley), Jack, Alex, Jean (Mrs. J.

Steedman) and also survived by seven grandcrildren. Funeral from D. A. Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke Street West, on Wednesday, October 30. 1974, at 1 p.m.

To Mount Royal Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Salvation Army Eventide Home will be gratefully acknowledged. 30 O'DONNELL, Edna. On Monday, October 28, 1974, Edna Mary Farmer, aged 71 years, beloved wife of the late Parkyn J. O'Donnell, mother of Mrs.

David Todd (Mary), Mrs. James Morrissey (Barbara), Miss Patricia O'Donnell and Mrs. Sheldon Phaneuf (Anne), also survived by her grandchildren, Mrs. R. Bigelow (Anita), James and Ronald Morrisey, Kenneth Todd and Ingrid and Sheldon Phaneuf.

Resting at Wilson Funeral Home, 123 Maple Boulevard, Chateauguay. Service in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Thursday, October 31 at 10 a.m. Interment Chris Roi Cemetery. 30 SCLATER, Edna. At Heather Hospita', Rawdon, Quebec, on October 28, 1974, aged 91 years.

Daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Sclater, sister of the late Mrs. N.

M. Yuile, Mrs. Gavin Milroy, Mr. C. H.

Scater and Mrs. D. A. Patterson. Private funeral from St.

James the Apostle Church, on Thursday, October 31 at 3 p.m. 30 WICKARDT, Kurt W. Suddenly on October 27, 1974. Beloved husband of Emelie J. M.

Knapheide. Dear father of Christel and Ulrich, grandfather of Christopher, and Andrew, father-inlaw of Chistine. Funeral from D.A. Collins Memorial Chapel, 222 Metropolitain Blvd (hwy) 2-20 at Cartier) Pointe Claire. on Thursday at 11 a.m.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Memorial Funds, Beaconsfield United Church would be gratefully acknowledged. 30 IN MEMORIAM WALKER, Gertrude Marion. In loving memory of my dear friend who passed away October 30th, 1966. Silent thoughts of our times together Old memories that will last forever. Remembered by Ada.

30 House of flowers for Beautiful Hover MOUNTAIN STREET AT SHERBROOKE 842-4444 The Gazette has a gift for your new baby a deluxe Penaten pack 55 PENATEN BABY PUFFS A deluxe pack of pure Penaten baby preparations, containing shelf-size products worth over $12. is The Gazette's gift for your new baby. You can receive this complimentary pack by placing your child's Birth Announcement in The Gazette for three consecutive days. A specially bound edition of Dr. Benjamin Spock's book, "Baby and Child is yours when you place your child's Birth Announcement in The Gazette for two consecutive days.

Parents placing the 3 3-day announcement may select either Penaten Pack or "Baby and Child Care." (Please allow three weeks for delivery) CALL 866-4771 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 12 to 4 p.m, Sundays..

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.