The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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0 TS-v 'v 0 XT XT Subscription: $800 a Year CHARLOTTE SUNDAY MORNING JULY 26 1896 Price 5 Cents i i THir MEETING A FIASCO COL A ANDREWS PROTESTS LOCAL WKATHEK ILK PORT THE SANCTIFICATION CRAZE BRYANT IS UNCERTAIN TOM WATSOX WILL ACCEPT THE I hoaBiB Observer Charlotte July 25 18 ILISBCRY GRANITE FOR NORFOLK WACHOVIA LOAN TRUST CO 19 CS1VBESALLT PBEFEKBED The records of ooarts and the opinions of Judges and attorneys wherever Trust Companies have had aa extended trial show that their work is regarded as far more satisfactory than that of Individuals so that In such places the preference uniformly is for them Their systematic methods alone would commend them in communities where the courts a'e constantly prodding dilatory administrators and guardians to comply with the law Experience In this as in other matters has demonstrated all that Is claimed for Trust Companies and proved that tb-lr existence Is a public they having maJe an Improvement in baslm ft duties 'rendered a value to the public hat has the in os- sanguine expectations of their originators A QUESTION OF BOLTING When a National Committeeman Deserts the Nominee What is to Be Done About It? Washington July 23 An important question that will engage the attention of the Democratic national convention committee on the return of Chairman Jones from the East is what the status of national committeemen who are openly working against the Bryan and Sewall ticket will be as regards the national Democratic committee Several national committeemen it is said are working in conjunction with the gold Democrats again the Chicago nominee One of these is Laxvier of Minnesota and already inquiries have come from Democrats of that State whether it is not in the province of the national Democratic committee to declare that vacancy exists in the committee from Minnesota The Bryan Democrats take the ground that when a national committeeman bolts the party nominee by his own act he takes him-elf outside the pale of the party and the party of the State or the national Democratic committee has the power to fill the place of the offending member by appointing some Democrat from the State in accord with the party SEND FOR US Get your soiled shirts collars cuffs etc done up in a bundle and then send here! Our plant is as nigh perfect as money and brains can make it Finest machinery perfect sanitary system help purest washing materials and prompt delivery mean but one thing BEST WORK If you care for this but of course you do drop a postal or us and one of our wag-ons will call for your trundle CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY In order to discontinue our business tye are compelled to Close Our Bools July 31st '96 He Must Know What Conditions Attach to His Nomination By the Populists Before He Says What He Will Do Lincoln Neb July 23 Mr Wm Bryan told the Southern Associated Press Representative to-night that his action with regard to the Populist national ticket would depend entirely upon the conditions attached tc his nomination In answer to a question concerning the matter he said: the Populists decided to nominate the Vice President first Senator Jones chairman of the national Democratic committee wired me as follows 'Populists nominate Vice Presidedt first If not Sewall what shall we do? Answer quielf I favor your declination in that wired him as follows: entirely agree with you Withdraw my name if Sewall is not dispatches were published in this morning's papers and the convention understood my position In spite of this they have seen fit to nominate me Whether I shall accept or not will depend entirely upon what conditions are attached to it My first desire is to aid in securing the immediate restoration by the Fnited States of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation The Republican platform declares that the bimetallic system should be restored but asserts that we as a people are helpless to secure bi-metallism for ourselves until fo'-eign nations come to our assistance We cannot afford to surrender our right to legislate for our people uron every question and so long as that rierht is disputed no other question can approach it in importance I appreciate the desire manifested at St Louis to consolidate all the free silver forces and regrret that they did not nominate Mr Sewall also Me stands squarely upon the Chicago platform and has defended our cause against greater opposition than he had to meet the West amt South The Ropulist platform is on many questions substantially identical with the Chicago platform it goes beyond the Chicago platform however and endorses some policies which I do not approve of All that I can say now is that my action will depend entirely upon the conditions attached to this nomination I shall do nothing which will endanger the success of bi-metallism nor shall do anything unfair to Mr BUTLER MADE CHAIRMAN The North Carolina Senator Becomes the Head of the Populist National Committee St Louis July 23 The first meeting of the new Populist national committee was held this evening at the Lin-led Hotel and started in with as much promise for debate as was exhibited in the convention that created it This propensity for discussion was so irrepressible that one of the members call-d attention to the fact that the campaign lasted hut four months and it was important that the committee organize before that period of time had elapsed The committee was called to order shortly after 8 by ex-Congressman Lafe Pence of New ork and after much discussion the following gentlemen were placed in nomination for chairman of the committee: Senator Alarion Butler of North Carolina General James Weaver of Iowa Judge Bentley of Texas Senator Wm Allen of Xe tiraska John Breidenthal of Kan sas On the first ballot the result was as follows Butler 46 Weaver 20 Bentley 6 Allen 20 Breidenthal 10 As 61 votes were necessary there was no choice The second ballot resulted in the fdection of Senator Butler as follows: Butler 63 Weaver 10 Allen 33 Breid-entiiui 13 SOUND AIONEY DEAIOCRATS Men of Prominence and Influence Wanted for National Committeemen Chicago July 23 The executive committee of the sound money national Democracy was busy to-day communicating by telegraph and mail with leading sound money Democrats in otheh Gtates with a view of securing prompt ccinization and the selection of pro isional Si committeemen for the meeting in August th to arrange the time and for I Mann Page to Speak at Hillsboro at an Alliance Farmers Institutes In Taxidermy at the State Museum A Marriage Beckwith Succeeds Chambers Interesting Development at the Durham Harder trial Bureau Park Hotel Raleigh July 25 i To-day a special meeting ot the railroad commission was called to be held Monday morning at 9 at the request of Col A Andrews who asks for a rehearing on the valuation of the North Carolina Railroad Before the commission a few days ago he insisted that the rate of valuation ought not to be higher than on other main line roads It will be remembered thatlhe commission made the rate between Selma and Charlotte $12 OOO per mile while other main lines are assessed at $10000 It is stated that the high rate was assessed because this road pays better than any other property in the State The city of Norfolk awards a contract for 3000 tons of Belgian paving blocks toMcCanless Bros of Salisbury at $3 45 per ton President Page of the Virginia State Alliance will deliver an address before the North Carolina Slate Alliance at Hillsboro August 13: or 14 At the Department of Agriculture it is learned that a series of institutes begins August 8th in Watauga county Eight will be held including Surry Alleghany and Stokes and ending with Davie Two day meetings will be held when desired if practicable It is to be hoped the attendance will be large In some counties it has been so small as really to be unworthy of the intelligent and progressive farm ers The new artesian wells at the agrl cultural college are a great succesibJ- There are six They are 76 feet deej'i Curator Brimerly of the State seum who is an expert taxidermistJF mounted over 150 birds and is at rJjr-1 on many more The skins are in condition This morning a mixed train ot? Southern Railway was derailed in southern part of Ihis city No damU was done The hope that the Populists wouMk' Dominate their own candidate for the presidency and not endorse Bryan was expressed very heartily by many Demo-crats here to-day Even some of the -s? expressed this wish 4-Spier Whitaker says that endorsem*nt of Bryan means two sets of electors and that elects McKinley unless some agreement is One of the Populist members of the Legislature from Wake (Bagwell) said to-day: Populists will make Bryan prove what he is He must be strictly with us be- fore we support him This is what the country Populists say We like him but he is in mighty bad The delicate fling at the Democrats is in the usual Populist style A Democrat who heard it said: is whst our people get for bothering with the At Grace church Weldon to-morrow the rector Rev Edward Benedict will be married to Miss Kate Long Bishop Cheshire performing the ceremony GovCarr appoints Beckwith of Raleigh a member of the State board of internal improvements vice Ed Chambers Smith who resigned upon appointment as State proxy for the North Carolina Railroad Mr Augustus Bradley who was for several years a druggist here is the new president of the State Pharmacuetical Association The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company has issued a circular to its policy holders in which it lakes ground against free silver The trial of three negroes at Durham for the murder of Fearington has brought to light the statement that Herbert Womble the young white man who murdered his mulatto mistress in Raleigh was in hiding near Durham and was supplied with Tftod by a woman with the musical name of Annie Rooney A convict was brought to the peniten- The Middle of the Road Populists Did Not Put Up Norton or Issue an Address to the People St Louis July- 25 The meeting of the Middle of the Road men at the Texas headquarters in the Southern Hotel to-night for the purpose of issuing an address to the people and placing Col Norton at the head of the ticket in place of Bryan was a fiasco Not more than 20 delegates responded to the call of the committee Col Norton made a speech advising the hotheads to go slowly He said: I simply say to you Texans wait until your convention on August 5th Lay the matter before them and I am ith you in any course that you may see fit to take By August 5th we will know' whether Mr Bryan will accept the nomination or not You will know whether Torn Watson is on the ticket I have no faith in the national committee It is owned body soul and breeches by the Bryan people It possesses absolute control of the Ropulist party for the next four After Col Norton left the room John Ulrich of Wisconsin of the committee appointed to wait on Governor Stone and ask for the alleged telegram from Mr Bryan reported that they had seen Governor Stone and he had informed them that in his opinion Mr Bryan did not intend to accept the Populist nomination The committee appointed to draw up an address to the American people reported and the address was laid on the table It as charged that the convention was not Populistic but was conducted in the interest and under the direction of the national chairman the Democratic party that hired emissaries were sent among the delegates to influence them by questionable means that nomination was procured by misrepresentation and the suppression telegrams of decimation from him The address recommended that in case MrIiryan does not formally accept the nomination by August 5th his silence be taken as a declination and that ITon Norton of Illinois be considered the nominee of the People's party In place of the address the rapidly-dwindling crowd of kickers adopted a resolution as follows: Resolved That we the minority known as the Middle of the Road people enter our solemn protest against the arbitrary methods of those in control of the There were nine delegates and three representatives present when this result was reached and the rump convention adjourned A GERMAN AT SALISBURY The Guests of the German Club There A Negro Tramp Killed in a Wreck Special to the Observer Salisbury July The Salisbury German Club gave an opening german last night The affair while the weather was exceedingly warm was a most pleasant one A more brilliant and beautiful assembly of young folks has seldom ever gathered there The german was led by Mr Jack Harris of Concord The visitors present were: Misses DunavantMorganton Christine Crawford Winston Lottie Maffitt Char-itte Elizabeth GiVison Concorn: 3Sm-ily Gibson Concord: Penelope Whed-lee Hereford Emily Evans Reidsville Agnes Moss Concord: Ella McAden Charlotte: Miss Mallett Chapel Hill Miss Hutchison Charlotte Pearl tenstein Charlotte: Messrs Jenkin Hutchison Lexington Joe Cannon Concord: Frank Rogers Concord Janits Webb Hillsboro Ar-mistead Burwell Charlotte John York Concord James Addenton Lexington Frank Pinnix Lexington Joe Whitaker Raleigh Mr Scales Greensboro The Eurydice gave a delightful musical? at Mrs Thos and last night a most charming time to a fa vored few was given The north-bound freight this morning at 4 o'clock had a fatal wreck about three or four miles north of here The middle portion of the truck jumped the track and five cars were wrecked A negro tramp was killed From a letter found on the negro his name is supposed to be Groud from Vance county The Joyful Services To-Day Itev Sinclair will preach in Tryon Street Baptist church this morn ine and Rev VV Stagg to night Rev Todd Statesville yesterday afternoon 4rpend Sunday Rev A Kirkpatrick of Wood preaches at Sugar Creek to-day St Peter's Episcopal church Morn-ng prayer literary and sermon at 11 a Subject: Not The public cordially invited At night the rector will preach at St Bristow so there will not be a second service in St St Catholic church First mass 8 a high mass and sermon 10:30 a vespers and sermon 8 The text of the morning sermon will be As Jesus drew near Jerusalem seeing the city He Luke 19:41 All are welcome There will be divine services at St Evangelical Lutheran church at 11 a and All are invited Olivet Baptist church Regular morning and evening services by the pastor Subject of morning service of the Five Tournament Salisbury is to have a tour nament on the 19th 20th and 21st of August Charlotte will accept an invitation to be present and will be represented by a winning team composed of old Pioneers and old Hornet3 The team under Chief Culpepper is now in training A Carnival A young carnival is being arranged for Thursday night It will be held at the park and will be one of the features of the park season Index to bis Ad vertlsem*nts Alexander Son Co are offering exceptional bargains in all kinds of hosiery and dry goods See Stenbouse Co 's pilce list of groceries for to-morrow Long Tate A Co offer business suits in more varieties than you can try on in half a day Orders solicited from a distance The Emporium is selling out its stock ot dry goods regardless of cost to make room for tall purchases Mellon A Shelton are offering everything in the clothing line that's cool and stylish for less money than the same goods were ever sold at before The Wachovia Loan A Trust Co of Win ston Is universally preferred Delightful weather is being experienced at the Green Park Hotel Blowing Rock Kaufman A Co 's midsummer reduction sale Is now on and prices on clothing are one-fonrth off Jordan Co fill a great many prescriptions and can fill more The latest gents' watch chains at Pala-mountain's Reese's quiifine and giyeerine hair tonlo at drug store All kinds of lubricating oils at the Geo Hiss Oil Baruch offers a complete stock of drv goods and carpets at midsummer prices The Bee Hive the cheapest store la Norm Carolina Bicycle races next Friday Best ever seen In tbe Bouih For 15 minutes Monday morning Selgle A Co will seii a line of $1 to $150 shirtwaists at 490 Beik cheapest store on earth Head quarters for tbe trading pnblle The Salem School will open the fall term In a splendid new building Harris dt Keesler's sale to-morrow and Tuesday will eclipse all previous ones Joe Barooh a Co offer their entire line of wash fabrics at 7U Woodall A Sheppard offer a lot of head ache remedies Garibaldi A Bruns Jewelers are now open for business and have an elegant line of watchez clocks diamonds and silver oods The Latest Victim of Evangelist Crump- A Common-Place Ill-Favored Man Who Has Shaken Up the Eastern Part of the State Raleigh Press-Visitor 24 th The town of Goldsboro has been visited by the most powerful and puzzling religious revival that has ever shaken the hearts and minds of her people It began with the preaching of of some local renown by the name of Crumpler Crumpler is a native of Wayne county As a result of this craze which he created by his talk Richard Holmes a well-know citizen of Clinton was brought here last evening and placed in the Insane Asylum Holmes has lived in Goldsboro Wilmington and Clinton and is well known in the east He was at one time proprietor of the Hotel Gregory at Goldsboro Mr Holmes was brought here by Senator Fowler of Sampson and I Holmes They think that Mr mind is only temporarily effected He seemed to be completely under a spell or trance since he has accepted the teachings of Crumpler Crumpler has set the whole country wild Numbers of people have lost their reason and are complete of the craze He is a man ignorant and unattractive in appearance and manner decorating his language with much slang and many warlike gestures thereby routing from the mind every sugestion of the he pretends to preach and enthroning the he preaches He claims to have committed no sin in many years The spell he has held over several thousand nf every class to whom he has nightly preached has created the greatest sensation He claims that after conversion one must become sanctified or receive the This blessing comes to the recipients in a trance during which he is purified in the presence of Christ and after which he is incapable of sin Almost eviry night during his visit from ten to fifteen men women and children lay unconscious on the floor of the large tobacco warehouse where this apparent wizard held his court They would remain in this state for several hours at a time and awake praising God In some instances physicians were called in and numbers of them with intelligent men of all professions who at first pronounced it excitement have embraced the doctrine Several have lost their reason and one poor fellow was arrested while crawling on his hands and knees cursing the citizens and commending Crumpler His father says he has been insane since be heard this man preach a year ago Crumpler has departed with the brand of from many but the large assembly of converts who continue to hold services in several of the churches with the same weird scenes prove how effectively he has cast the cloak of his power upon his followers Crumpler has gone to Rose Hill a station near Goldsboro where he is setting forth the doctrine which he taught at Goldsboro Many people are vild over him having given up their jusiness entirely Crumpler was formerly a Methodist A leading Baptist of this city states that he has demoralized their church at Goldsboro Crumpler is described as a man of low statue rather stout build He has no beard SHELBY DISTRICT CONFERENCE Bishop Duncan Presides and Remarks Upon the Prosperous Condition of the Country Correspondence of the Observer King's Mountain July The Shelby District Conference convened in the remodeled and beautiful Methodist church in the historic old town of Mountain yesterday morning Dr Renn presided yesterday and Rev Roberts filled the place of secretary The morning session was spent in or ganizing At 11 Rev A Cook preached thoughtful sermon from the text mfist be born AtrhT afternoon session the newpres-idelTif Asheville Female College Rev Mr Warwick addressed the Conference in the interest of his school Last night Dr Gibbs of the North Carolina Conference lectured to a full church on It was a very excellent address Rev Page of the North Caro lina Conference preached a stirring Gospel sermon this morning Bishop Duncan came up on the early morning train from Spartanburg and presided over the Conference to-day If any one can enliven a Dis trict Conference more than Bishop Duncan can I have yet to meet him Commenting upon some re port he said that notwithstanding the cry of hard times and the assertion that the country is going to ruin by the politicians his observation satis Tied him that the country had never been so prosperous or in a better condition since the war that he had traveled in several Southwestern States and in his own State This truth would do well to look at for they can see it if they wish to do so Dr Kilgo president of Trinity College Profs Aldridge and Craven of Belwood Institute and Dr Crawford of the North Carolina Christian Advocate were introduced and in few words addressed the Conference Dr Kilgo will preach to-night THE BEDFORD ALUM SPRINGS Correspondence of the Observer Bedford Alum Springs Va July 24 season at these famous and sprinSs opened unusually early this year and the manage- Is this is the result of the well- earned and long-maintained repu tation of the springs or whether it to the liberal use of prin KtSUh papers as the Obser--l had their influence Owing to the liberal patronage of the springs this year and in order to ex- theV? 311 privilese of enjovfng the wa-ters and attractions it has been af refluced rates the 1st of August commens A sections of the country are now" to be found at the springs The principal ingredients of the a6 iron and iodine ter McGuire says of them: nmblt of inesti- THE FUNERAL OF REV DAL TON AT HIGH POINT Special to the Observer High Point July The remains of Rev Dalton who died at Madi son the 22d inst were buried here yes terday The funeral services were eortducted from the Presbyterian church The deceased who for some time had made his home at Moeksville was for many years pastor of the Pres byterian church of this place and was reverenced and esteemed by all who knew him Thieves broke into racket store here last night and made several unsuccessful attempts to get into other places Miss Nettie Walton and Miss Daisy Rankin left yesterday for a visit to Mt Airy Mrs Pickett and Miss Florence Welch are at White Sulphur Springs WILL NOT RUN FOR GOVERNOR Portland Me July 25 The Adver tiser this afternoon announced that Mr Winslow Democratic candi date for Governor had concluded not to accept the nomination and may write a letter declining it This is the result of a conference of prominent Democrats in this city to-day A second flood came over the cities of Golden and Morrison City Colo yesterday greater in volume than the flood of the day previous The loss of life by drowning is estimated at about 30 The towns were near the mouth of the canyon HE AND BRYAN ARE GOOD FRIENDS Tbe Georgia Populist Beady to Sacrifice Blmself on the Altar of Bis Country Be Was a Middle of the Road Man at First But Is Entirely Satisfied Now With the Work of the What He Thinks is the Matter With the Country He mil Be Tice President of the Whole Conntry Augusta' Ga July 25 A Southern Associated Press reportef saw Thomas Watson the Populist nominee for the vice presidency at his home to-day in Thompson Ga Mr Watson was in his shirt sleeves superintending the painting of his house He said: will -accept the nomina-tlon I yesterday wired my friends in St Louis to that effect I did it in the interest of harmony and to prevent the disruption of the Populist party which seemed imminent Under the circ*mstances I did what I believed to he best for all interests The movement for fusion was immensely greater than I had any idea of two weeks ago I was originally for a straightout Populist platform and a straightout Populist ticket but the demand for fusion was so great it" could not he withstood Total fusion or adoption of the entire Democratic ticket would have killed the Populist party As it is the integrity of the party is preserved Under the circ*mstances I fully endorse the policy pursued by the convention There is no reason why I should refuse to receive the support of a man who agrees with me in three essential principles bcause he does not agree with me in four I should rather accept his aid and thank him for it If Mr Bryan accepts the Populist nomination I believe our ticket will be hat do you base your combination ticket will carry the Solid South and West with 233 votes when 224 are necessary to a choice Besides there are Eastern and Northern States that' are debatable ground I should not be surprised to see as great a landslide in favor of free silver as we saw in 1890 and that several States that are now considered reliably Republican will go for our ticket and free silver The only difficulty in the way of the supremacy of the Populist party in the West is the Democratic party and with the votes of this party we would carry the West The only difficulty in the way of the supremacy of the Democratic party in the South is the Populist party A union of the strength of the two will carry both sections solidly fully endorse the Populist platform just adopted at St Louis There will be no trouble in reconciling the platforms of the Populist and Democratic parties The Populists will endorse tbe Democratic platform as far as it goes The only difference between the Democratic and Populist is that the goes further I consider that the Democratic partv is returning to Jeffersonian principles and I am ready to devote whatever of influence or talent I may possess to a restoration of the government of its early principles am ready to offer my services to the executive committee composed of Democrats and Populists to further the interests of the ticket Mr Bryan and I were friends in the Fifty-second Congress and I believe voted together on every measure that came before the House I have no prejudice against anv section of the Union was horn on the 5th of September 183G and therefore did not participate in the civil ar I am a Southern man in sentiment and feeljjg hut I have no sectional bitterness the very foundation of the government I think the Fast and North have been represented in Congresses by shrewd business men who have paid very strict attention to getting passed such laws as would benefit their sections I do not think that national banking laws our tariff laws our funding system have to very great extint built up the North and Fast at the expense of the South and TYest While I mould not if I could do any injury to these sections I would like to see the right thing done Tnese laws that discriminate against the South and West should he removed from thesfatute hooks Our svstem at present is in favor of wealth as against the citizen of the dollar as against the man I see no reason why the law cannot give ample proteoeion to property without doing injustice to the laborer and pro ducer and I should he happy to see a policy that would give mutual protection to each successful The South and the West practically produce all the wealth of this the East and the North practically produce none of it It is the literal fact that the producing sections accumulate little or nothing while the non-producing sections accumulate fabulous MRS NORWOOD A U'XDAY SCHOOL RALLY Special to the Observer Monroe July 25 Mrs Norwood an aged lady died this morning of malignant tumor She had been suffering for some time She leaves husband and several children all grown one of whom is Air Nor wood of Charlotte She was a member of the Presbyterian church and most consistent Christian lady Meadow Branch church was to-day the scene of an immense gathering It was a Sunday school and educa tional railv Speeches were made by Prof Sikes late of Wake Forest College and Rev Moore Mrs John Creech of Raleigh is vis iting her brother Air Adams -Aliases Arollie and Elise Ramsey are visiting in Charlotte The new cornet band gave a delight ful entertainment last night The hand has not been organized long but they are doing excellent work NO REPUBLICAN ADVISORY COM MITTEE Cleveland July 23 Chairman Mark Hanna and Major McKinley held a conference at house yesterday and it was decided to let the executive committee of the Republican national committee run the campaign to suit themselves without the aid of an advisory committee Thus Mr Hanna establishes a precedent The New York tangle among the Platt-Bliss-Miller factions and the Pennsylvania mix-up among the Quay-Mar-tin-Magee faction is the real case of the decision It was necessary to have reports from these States on the advisory committee and as no one could be appointed without incurring the displeasure of at least two of the leaders in each State it was thought best to do away with the committee entirely Mr Hanna said I feel there is need of advice I can find plenty of recognized leaders who can easily be called together to talk the matters er and invent ways and MAJOR GENERAL BILLUPS WE SALUTE THEE Jackson Miss July 25 Two hundred white tents have been pinned down at Camp McLaurin and by Monday night that number will have been doubled and everything be in readiness for the National Guard which goes in to its seventh annual encampment July 29th Thirty companies of 1000 will be in attendance under the com mand of Maj Gen Billips of Colum bus LONGSTREET A REPUBLICAN ELECTOR IN GEORGIA Atlanta Ga special to the Constitution from Macon says: The Republican State central committee met here to-day "with full numbers the majority being colored and una ni mously adopted for electors-at-large J- Haoison of Macon and General James Langstreet of Gainesville committee also put out an entire tic ket of whije candidates for district tors I COMMODORE AND COLFAX The Cutter Keeps a Keen Eye On the Filibuster Steamer Cubans Ready to Sail Charleston July were no startling developments in the filibuster case to-day At an early hour this morning she left her station and started across the harbor The cutter Colfax promptly followed her down to quarantine and there both remained until this morning: when they returned to their former positions During the day the cutter has had an officer aboard of the Commodore three times hut for what purpose it is impossible to learn as TTnited States of- ficials cannot be approached and Cap- ain Morton of the Commodore remains silent when spoken to There are nearly a score of Cubans from New York in the city who are in constant communication with the agent of the Commodore and it is thought that they are going on her it is this that the Colfax proposes to prevent THE SUGAR BOUNTY CLAIMS WILL BE PAID Washington July 23 The sugar bounty claims aggregating $3000000 will now probably be paid without further delay at the rate of about 54 cents on the dollar of claims filed Today Secretary Carlisle approved the decision of Commissioner Miller disallowing three claims aggregating about 000 These claims were filed by General John Seaniil Frank Webb and Walter Southon all of Alabama The ground on which they were rejected was that the law required that the man who obtains the license must also be the producer of the sugar and these did not meet the requirements of the law Sound Money Democrats Should Support Bryan To the Editor of the Observer: shall vote for These words are uttered daily by life-long Democrats right here in the city of Charlotte and it appears as if the goddess Discordia has been exciting divisions among the followers of the immortal principles promulgated by Thomas Jefferson Uach a state of affairs is to be deplored No matter how obnoxious the present platform no matter how odious the silver craze It is clearly the duty of every Southerner to cast his ballot for Bryan He stands as the representative of a party which has ever defended the people of the Southland while McKinDy is tbe leader of a party which has always advocated measures to oppress our people Reconstruction martial law and force bills are a few specimens of the rare magnanimity vouchsafed the South We shall think twice before casting ourselves in front of the Republican juggernaut although it masquerades in the golden garbs of righteousness Remember the iniquitous pension bills and how the vampires suck their sustenance from the veins of honest labor Protection of the classes and pauperizing the masses is the chief aim of the Republican party Therefore it is necessary for us to swallow the Chicago platform regardless of its nauseating effect Sound Money SEB ALL YESTERDAY NATIONAL LEAGUS At Louisville: Louisville 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 7 Washington 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 6 Base Louisville 11 Washington 6 Louisville 8 Washington 2 Bat-Frazer Hill and Dexter German McGuire and McCauley At 8t Louis: 8t Louis 00000008 8 Baltimore 0 0101000 0 2 Base St Louis 5 Batlmore 8 St Louis 0 Baltimore 3 Esper and Clarke Hart and Murphy At Chicago: Chicago 0 2110001 Brooklyn 0 220 0 200 1 7 Base Chicago 1 Brooklyn 9 Chicago 2 Brooklyn 6 Batteries Terry and Donahue Payne and Grim At First game: Cincinnati 00005014 Boston 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 Base Cincinnati 11 Boston 10 Cincinnati 0 Boston 5 Batteries Ehret Fisher and Peitz Stlvetts and Gan-zel Second game: Cincinnati 2 0000010 Boston 0 00 0 0 0 2 0-2 Base Cincinnati 9 Boston 10 Cincinnati 0 Boston 3 Dwyer and Peitz Nichols Sullivan and Bergen At FlrBt game: Cleveland 2 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 1 0-0 Philadelphia! 04400000 1-10 Base Cleveland 10 Philadelphia 12 Cleveland 2 Philadelphia 1 Bat Cuppy Wilson and Zimmer Taylor and Clements Second game: Cleveland 30001010 0-6 Philadelphia 0 3 0 8 1 I 0 2 Base Cleveland 18 Philadelphia 14 Errors Cleveland 3 Philadelphia 0 Cuppy and Gumbert and Grady At First game: Pittsburg 0 0 0 1 8 2 1 0 0- New York 20400210 Base hits Pittsburg 9 New York 14 Errors Pittsburg 2 New York 6 Batter ies Hastings Hawley and Merritt Dad Clark and Wilson Second game: Pittsburg 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 7 New York 0 100010 0-2 Base hits Plttebnrg 8: New York 7 Er rors Pittsburg New York 4 Batteries Kiilen and Merritt Dad Clark Sullivan and Wilson HOW THE CLUBS 8TAKD Maximum BO minimum 72 Corresponding date last year: Maximum 78 minimum 05 WKATHEK FORECAST For North Carolina Fair preceded by showers in east portions warmer variable winds 10 Vents a line Six Words to the Line Mias sl'laliacorn'euus win re-same ber music school in Statesville after tbe middle of August In addition to her work there she will go to Davidson one day in each week and teach a class there 2RAXD offering of linens and spreads at Harris A Keesler's OX DAY is cny at Garibaldi 4 Jewelry store Of (43 bottles 100) cycle oils Geo lss Ol Co time Monday 2JRANl) opening Monday of Garibaldi Bruns' Jewelry store SAFE uash register scales coffee mill coffee roaster Bhow caes and all fixtures at less than cost JBethune White IONG string of bargain counters at Har-A ris A Keesier A MOONLIGHT FETE will be given Tuesday night for the benefit of the Exchange at Mrs Hunter's 408 East Avenue Admission 100 ALL the ladies In tbe city are invited to come and see onr line of JeweFy tomorrow Garibaldi Bruns IT A KRIS fe KEESLEK Monday see ad barn the wind WEs have five show cases and six pair ecaiea for sale at les than they cost Bethane White BUSHELS old crop wheat i' JvU must be sold price low John VanLandingham At once address of any Ante TV player lu the State Charlotte College of usic and Art II ARRIS 6 KEESLEK have the largest mall order business in the city UV9R HAIK cheap two horses and two L2 delivery wagons Bethane White riJO oar white friends who would like to A take advantage cf tbe cheap rates to Wilmington Wennesday the 29th and return Hatardav morning August 1st arraignments have been made to accommodate them Fare only ii round trip giving you two days and nights in the city by the sea Me Taylor General TA )R AL The property adjoining my home if not sold soon will rent James Oates SE hard for the public schools of tbe city will be received up to and Including August loth Hirsbinger chairman finance committee school board SEND a postal ard with your address thereon to the Observer Printing House Charlotte and let us send you samples of our printed stationery Largest stock In tbe State I lences 710 REST-New Fast Fifth 8 room house No 213 street all modern c-onven ts Asbury ITIOR Store on West Third street at railroad Also grounds suitable for coal wood or lumber yard with railroad frontage Howell 2i8Ea9t Fifth street ItTE guarantee to do any class of prlnt- lngat as low price as you can get It done anywhere and give you the best class of work Observer Printing House 1AOK SALE-rFor $45 cash '98 Model Kam-' bier 24 inch frame Charlotte Hardware Co Cx OOD work prompt delivery and lowest prices are what you get when you leave your orders for printing at the Ob server Printing House SALEM SCHOOL FOUNDED 1794 SALEM NORTH CAROLINA Fall term will open in its commodt ous and splendid new school building constructed according to best ideas of lighting heating and ventilation: thoroughly equipped in all its departments regular gymnasium practice Graduates from Classical Course enter State University without examination Situations easily secured by those completing course in Commercial Arlth metic Book-keeping Phonography and Type-Writing Special courses in Music and Elocution Home accommodations for boarders Send for cata logue JAS BROWER A Head Master SPECIAL THE latest Watch Chains at PalamountainV FOR SALE Valuable residence property fronting Vance Park one of the choice locations of the city Alexander FASNACHT is headquarters for anything in the bakery line Also candies and ice cream rroR A adjoining the land ot Alpha Mills suitable for light manufacturing plant one small house on premises Prices low terms reasonable A Duncan Osborne KEERANS DENTI-T 7 West Trade street Charlotte I ALEXANDER DENTIST No 8 South Tryon Street Charlotte C1 T7CKSTEIN CO Char AA I1 lotte manufacturers of FINE HAVANA CIGARS Hand-made work a specialty GREEN PARK HOTEL BLOWING ROCK Letter received last night SOgnests weather beautiful roads excellent cuisine first-class Address Gbkes Paek-P NC NOTICE OF Notice is hereby given of the seizure of the following property for Violation of the internal revenue laws of the United States to-wlt: Near Gastonia July 28189423 bar reis of whiskey and distillery and fixtures property of Rhyne July 24th189S49 barrels of whiskey and distillery fixtures as the property of Rhyne Any person claiming said property Is hereby notified to appear before the undersigned at his office In Asheville within thirty (80) days from the date hereof and make suoh claim In the form and manner prescribed by law or the property will be declared forlelted to the United States Sam Roena Collector Fifth District North Carolina Per Lkepkk mountain Park Hotel Hot Springs North Carolina Offers attractions unobtainable elsewhere Natural Thermal Waters and Baths a spe clflcln cases of rheumatism gout sciatica and nervous troubles Perfect climate and sanitary arrange ments Beautiful mountain scenery Ex cellent orchestra and abundant amuse ments Moderate rates hotel ansnrpassed DOOLITTLE Manager holding 11? national convention an7 to serve 13 vears fot issuing the call therefor The exeeu- tiar to serve i lb years ior tive committee desires so far as feas- tHc aegre ilile that men of national prominence I Yolg cotton crop' apw a0 and party influence should be named sured in this section Planlft agfci-well as committeemen so that the call of gr0wn and well fruited boro 18" the convention to be signed by them Grumpier the shall carry as great weight as possible As soon as the national committeemen responsIJ) jTfoYv stare secured by action of the State or- 9ane asylum b0r0- And-tj jjag eanization or through the executive people in orlh Carolina wv correspondence their I at thp cranks who believed i names will be made public Mr By- the healer nmn of Indiana and Mr Robbins of Illinois are doing most of the correspondence work Encouraging tele-crams Continued to come in today from Eastern supporters of the Third ticket movement Senator Jones Makes tbe Silver Men a Member of National Comm It toe After that date we will close out the remainder of our stock for CASH ONLY BhTHUNE WHITE LudlowGEMS Sanitary and Hydraulic ENGIN Water Scpplifi Hewerage Systems and htrekt Improvements Reports Plans Specifications Estimates of Cost and Superintendence of Construction Water Supply and Sewerage Disposal for Isolated Institutions and Plants Water Power Surveys Plans and estimate of cost of developing and utilizing Available Power and Commercial Value determined When you smoke let it be Co's Cigar the very best 5-eent cigar in this city Burwell Dunn Co Wholesale and Retail Druggists orTwThTyv akefIeld Will be In his office at 509 Tryon street July 17 IS 70 21 23 24 27 and 2Sth His practice Is limited to Eye Ear Nose and Throat CHAS HOOK ARCHITECT CHARLOTTE Safely Courtesy and Minimum Rates in BANKING Are very desirable features and tl can be found at the corner of Fourth and Tryon streets under the Buford Hotel Our facilities for transacting a general banking business and accommodating customers are greater than ever and merchants manufacturers capitalists and others will find it greatly to their advantage to open an account with us Northern Exchange received from and furnished to depositors at par The Commercial National Bank OF CHARLOTTE Capitai $173000 Surplus $173000 BUFORDHOTEL -AND- 0 A SEX -C a UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT House Completely Overhauled Papered and Painted New Dining Room on Parlor Floor Handsomest -in the State Everything First-Glass Popular Prices EcelesAND Bryan John Irwia A Misenheimrr Physicians and Surgeons No 84 North Tryon St DR GEO GRAHAM OFFICE 7 WEST TRADE ST Practice limited to eye ear uose and throat JONES OF ARKANSAS GOES TO LINCOLN TO SEE BRYAN Lincoln Neb July 25 Senator Jones of Arkansas chairman of the Democratic national committee will tie in Lincoln to-morrow evening His candidate principal business here will lie to con- While in this city suit with Mr Bryan about the advisability of accepting or declining the Populist nomination There are a number of matters to be arranged between the two and it is not unlikely that as a result of their conference something 1 Committee IhlSt will be arranged concerning the date lowing letter addres of the ratification meeting in New under datj York and Mr itinerary from I dear sir 4 Lincoln to the metropolis Senator erty of appointing Stewart of Nevada will also be in Dem0cratic natiorf Lincoln to-morrow hope that you will A POSSIBLE STRIKE IN PITTS- upon the duties of BURG I ery rt BURG Pittsburg Pa July 23 A strike in- Jones chairman of tional committee left evening at 8 fo where he goes to confi St Louis Mo Jul the leading factor in wbich adjourned yest) which hepre8ided as pe He promptly add Chairman Jonesaeceptmgjpaj meat Young Negro Why Rejoice VV'-Eso peeial to the Observer Lexesgtox uly 25 Esq Thompson with Deputy SherijU negro boys in custody says that the boys carried a Irjj miles last Thursday night a window in the second st OOl- store entered and took tj quantity of tobacco razors small articles They bad too keep and went to trading on thu plus stock and it was not long tl officer had the boys in custody were placed in jail to await further tion of the court One of the confessed to the burglary came in to-day from Tyro Mr- an( I Republicans here becitne'f' the Consolidatd Traction Company is 1 not impossible Over half the em- Ployes of the traction company met in morning and after a long discussion I AAW1 t- I unanimously decided not to attach I their signatnres to the new and par ticularlv obvious agreement under which they say no man can live as laid down by Superintendent Green wood Inhabitant I Hickory ewi Oldest Special to the Observer Hickory July 25 Mrs Mary II Hale of Sumter 8 and Mrs Rosseau of Statesville are visiting their aged parents Mr and Mrs Hamilton and other relatives here The former will remain yet some days The latter will return to Statesville this evening Mr Hamilton is now the oldest citi- zenofthis town or community being 32 years of aee Of course he is some- what enfeebled with age yet he is re- markably bright and active of mind for one so old Dr Baker was called this morn- ng to see Dr Elliott at Sparkling Catawba Springs who is reported to have been in great suffering from some incidental cause He is another old man of remarkable life and vitality LORILLARD AND BERESFORD JOINT HORSE RACERS London July The Star asserts that Mr Pierre Lorillard and Lord Wm Beresford have become racing partners According to the paper Mr Lorillard will manage the combined stable and the horses will be trained by Higgins THE BERMUDA SOLD Philadelphia Pa July stamer Berrrrada which some months ago took an expedition to $45000 $10000 having been paid down -The I I over the action of the Populis'f tion when they heard this jp Watson had been nominated SgMWS President Till then they One prominent Republican that scheme was work 5111 0 Cleveland Chicago 1 FitUDarg Philadelphia Brooklyn Washington New York SOUTHERN LEAGUE At New Orleans: New Orleans 1 8 0 0 5 1 0 11 Mobile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Base New Orleans Mobile 4 Errors New Orleans 0 Mobile4 Batteries Smith and Gondlng Bates Schmidt and Lohbeck Called to permit the visitors to catch their train At First game: Montgomery 0 0 2 1 4 0 0 0 7 Colnmbns 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 Base Montgomery 18 Colnmbns 11 Errors Montgomery 5: Colnmbns 8 Bat' terles- Sheehan and Wiley Petty and Grim Second game: Montgomery 21 020000 Coiambus 2 0010010 4 Base Montgomery 12 Colnmbns 8 Montgomery 4 Columbus 5 Bailey and Wiley Lamont and Grim Prominent Democrats here whtss been strong goldites have Bryan and Sewall iih- Dr Payne of Norfolk spent Friday here i' The Visible Supply of Cotton- total New York July 25 The ble supply nf cotton for the worIr 1670933 bales of which 1322733 are American against 3 914182 balY and 2573982 bales respectively Receipts of cotton this weyio In interior towns 2 026 bales rrf Item I in sight 691oi00 bales.

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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)


How much does it cost to live in Charlotte NC for a single person? ›

Overall Cost Of Living In Charlotte, NC

For a single individual, the overall cost averages around $950 per month or $11,400 per year, excluding rent or mortgage expenses. If you were a small family of four, your monthly expenses would average $3,400 per month.

Is Charlotte, NC a good place to raise a family? ›

Moving to Charlotte? Queen City is one of the top destinations for families, thanks to its affordable housing, excellent school districts, and abundance of family-friendly activities.

Why is Charlotte so popular? ›

Known as the Queen City, Charlotte, NC, has become a darling of the South. Boasting a low cost of living, beautiful weather, the mountains and the ocean within a few hours' drive, and an up-and-coming food scene, Charlotte is an affordable home for anyone who loves close-knit communities and the outdoors.

How many people read the Charlotte Observer? ›

The Charlotte Observer
The April 29, 2024 front page of The Charlotte Observer
Headquarters550 South Caldwell Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 United States
CirculationDaily Print: 64,117 Sunday Print: 85,822 Online Avg. Mo. Unique Visitors: 3,955,000 Avg. Mo. Page Views: 24,372,000 (as of 2020)
9 more rows

Where is the cheapest place to live in Charlotte? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Most Affordable Neighborhoods To Live In Charlotte:
  1. McAlpine. With a median home price of $254,996 and a median rent of $1,415, McAlpine is the most affordable neighborhood on our list. ...
  2. Oakview Terrace. ...
  3. Hwy 51 Park Road. ...
  4. Park Crossing. ...
  5. University Park. ...
  6. Eastland Wilora Lake. ...
  7. Southside Park. ...
  8. Becton Park.

How much money do you need to make to live comfortably in Charlotte? ›

Using this model and data from the MIT Living Wage Calculator, SmartAsset found that a single adult in Charlotte would need an annual income of $101,338 or an hourly wage of $48.72 to live comfortably here.

Where do millionaires live in Charlotte NC? ›

CHARLOTTE — The Charlotte Business Journal has mapped out the most affluent areas of the region, ranked by 2021 median household income. Charlotte's wealthiest enclave is the 28207 ZIP code, which includes parts of the Myers Park and Eastover neighborhoods. The median household income in 28207 is $192,500.

What is the safest area in Charlotte NC? ›

As a general rule, the safest neighborhoods to live in Charlotte are in East and South Charlotte. That doesn't mean many communities in other areas, including downtown or Uptown Charlotte, aren't also safe! However, you'll find the lowest crime rates in these communities.

What is the nicest area of Charlotte, NC? ›

Uptown is considered one of the best neighborhoods in Charlotte, NC, as it's truly the city's heartbeat, pumped full of tech startups, creatives, restaurants, bars, the city's top museums, gobs of nightlife and entertainment options, and a true big-city feel.

What is a nickname for Charlotte? ›

Nicknames for Charlotte include: Char. Charley. Lola.

Why is Charlotte, NC so clean? ›

Charlotte is a notoriously clean city — which is no easy feat in a metro of over 900,000 people! The city council prioritizes initiatives like street and sidewalk repair, storm drain maintenance, and debris clean up. All this contributes to the beautiful green space that's everywhere you look in Charlotte.

Who owns Charlotte Observer? ›

The Observer is one of 30 McClatchy-owned news organizations acquired by Chatham Asset Management, which bought the McClatchy brand in July 2020 after the organization filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in February of the same year.

Who reads the observer? ›

Observer readers are affluent, young urban consumers with a keen sense of adventure when it comes to trying new products and experiences. They have varied interests and their high disposable incomes give them the means to keep up with their sports, hobbies and travel.

How much does the Charlotte Observer cost? ›

Stay Connected. Get unlimited access to our website, mobile app and eEdition — the digital version of the print paper. then only $15.99/month. Billed annually at $159.99 a year.

How much money does a single person need to live comfortably in North Carolina? ›

According to the report, single adults need about $88,317 to live comfortably and families of four need $200,762.

What salary do you need in Charlotte to afford a home? ›

Homebuyers in Charlotte need to make $111,051 to afford a mortgage, which is nearly double what it was four years ago: Income needed to afford a mortgage in 2024: $111,051.

Is rent expensive in Charlotte NC? ›

As of July 2024, the average rent in Charlotte, NC is $1,446 per month. For comparison, the national average rent price in the US is currently $1,535/month, which means Charlotte rent prices are 6% lower than the national average.

Is Charlotte a good city for singles? ›

A November WalletHub study ranked the Queen City a lowly 116 out of 182 in its list of best cities to be single.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.