The Best Low Carb Recipes of 2016 (2024)

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The best low carb and keto recipes of 2016. From appetizers and snacks to dinner and dessert, it’s all here!

It’s that time of year again. Time to look back over the past 12 months and think about what you accomplished, what touched you, what changed you, and how you grew as a person. On a personal level, 2016 was an incredibly tough year for me. I am deeply touched, deeply changed,and I can only hope that the things I went through this year help me grow and evolve. Only time will tell.

However, on a professional level, I feel that 2016 was my best year yet. I poured my heart and soul into this blog and I am immensely proud of the recipes I created. It also soared in popularity early in January and stayed high all through the year, with record breaking traffic in almost every single month. My social media following grew at an astonishing rate as well. But through all of that, I flatter myself that I still kept my deep connection with my readers, answering their questions and responding to their emails and comments as much as time would allow. Oh, and did I mention that I signed a publishing deal this year too? Cookbook coming in Fall 2017.

It’s always fun to look into my statistics and see which were the most popular recipes from the past year. This year I look back and I think “Yep, these were all among my favourites too!”. Each one I’ve made multiple times, because they quickly became family favourites. Honestly, they are all winners and I am just so proud of them. Enjoy!

Crispy Baked Buffalo Drumsticks

Using baking powder to crisp up the skin of baked chicken was an absolute revelation to me. And apparently it was to many readers as well because this was far and away my most popular recipe of 2016.

Cinnamon Twists

Another absolute revelation was using mozzarella to create a stretchy, tender dough that’s great for pizza, pastry, and other fun applications. I’ve used it in so many ways already and I have so many more ideas for it!

No Bake Peanut Butter Bars

You don’t need any explanation as to why these easy low carb bars are so popular. Peanut butter. Chocolate. No bake. Enough said.

Chocolate Mousse Tart

This is one of my favourite desserts from 2016 because it’s so easy to make. Some folks have trouble with the moussesetting properly, so make sure you are using the same ingredients I use. Substitutions may cause your mousse to be runny.

Peanut Butter Texas Sheet Cake

Sheet cake: feeds a crowd, tastes divine. How can you go wrong, especially with a peanut butter version?

Coconut Almond Crisps

These thin crispy cookies are delicious but admittedly a little tricky to make. From reader feedback, I think that the Yacon syrup works better than the molasses. Watch them carefully so they don’t burn!

Soul Bread Sesame Rolls

Another revelation for 2016 was the Soul Bread movement. An entirely flourless bread based on cream cheese and protein powder. It’s the closest thing to white bread you will ever have on a low carb diet!

Peanut Butter Molten Lava Cakes

Another dessert that needs no explanation: gooey melty peanut butter oozing out of a warm-from-the-oven cake.

Pecan Toffee Bars

I am so glad these hit the top 10! They are so good, they quickly became one of my all-time favourites.

Lemon Sour Cream Pie

The moment I published this recipe, it became immensely popular. With an easy press-in pie crust and a sweet-tart lemon filling, it’s really a divine low carb dessert.

Boston Cream Poke Cake

Any kind of poke cake is delicious. But a poke cake with vanilla pastry cream and chocolate ganache? Well that’s something really special!

Single Serve Brownies

When you’re single and you’re hungry, these are definitely the way to go!


Crumbly oat-like crust (with NO oats!) filled with chocolate and caramel. How could these not be amazing???

Jalapeno Popper Pizza

My husband declared this to be some of the best pizza he’s ever had, low carb or not. You’re welcome.

Brown Butter Old Bay Wings

Some of the best wings I’ve ever had, low carb or not. You’re welcome.

Mexican Chocolate Avocado Ice Cream

I don’t always make dairy-free ice cream, but when I do, it’s delicious.

The Best Low Carb Recipes of 2016 (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.