Rive Void Knight Last Epoch Build Guide - Maxroll.gg (2024)

Last Epoch

Build Guides

Rive Void Knight Guide

Last Updated: March 9th 2024

Patch 1.0

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Welcome to the Rive Void Knight build guide. This Void Knight joins the fray with Rive, engaging in pure melee combat and quickly moving around the map with Healing Hands. Brutally slash your enemies to pieces, while the echoes finish anything strong enough to survive the first cuts.

By speccing Rive with Flame Drinker's Blade, this build is able to turn stacks of Ignite into powerful Physical Penetration buffs. Use Anomaly, Volatile Reversal and Sigils Of Hope for the great buffs they provide. Healing Hands supplements the Damage and provides mobility. Follow the Ward Variant for 1.0, as it is currently better.

Thanks to Jasper's Searing Pride, stacking Ignites is easy. The build can be played even without this Unique, but you will be missing out on a lot of damage. Aside from Jasper's Searing Pride, this setup can also take advantage of other Uniques. Titan Heart and Aurora's Time Glass provide amazing tankiness for the build, while Siphon of Anguish and Shattered Chains raise the Damage considerably.

Overall, the Rive Void Knight is an amazing build capable of defeating all the content in the game. It's fun to play and has very high single target DPS. If you are looking for a melee build that destroys bosses, this setup is perfect for you!

This build guide assumesyou have a Level 70 Character.
Reach Level 70 with ourVoid Knight Leveling Guide.
If you are looking for a different playstyle, check all our Build Guides!


  • Easy To Play
  • Great Boss Killer
  • Amazing Single Target DPS
  • Great Scaling With Gear and Uniques


  • Limited AoE
  • Heavy Buff Management
  • Unlocking Crit Requires a Legendary
  • Melee Suffers Against Certain Enemies



Rive is your main Damage Skill. This setup focuses on maximizing its damage with Flame Drinker's Blade, Savagery and Ripples of Oblivion. Scrap Metal provides multiplicative Armor and Damage. Foe Cleaver is a big damage boost, as it doubles the Damage stats of a two-handed weapon.

Sigils Of Hope

Sigils Of Hope provides valuable buffs, but with a high Mana cost. Spec into Empowering Sigils for the extra damage. This setup also grants survivability with Iron Sigils and Sign of the Guardian. Grab Last Wish for a chance to cast a Sigil on kill.


Anomaly in this setup provides powerful buffs with Time Bubble. Take Decimation, Manipulation and Swiftrest for their buffs. With Time Lord, the Time Bubble moves with you.

Volatile Reversal

Volatile Reversal is a unique Movement ability with tons of utility. Harbinger of Dust increases enemy damage taken while Warped Time and Catching Up speeds up your build. It can also be used for extreme mobility and animation canceling so take the time to master this skill!

Healing Hands

Healing Hands is your Movement Skill and provides great extra Damage by proccing it with Rive through Cleric's Hammer. Seraph Blade turns it into a melee attack. Bane of Evil, Cleric's Wrath and Virtue of Patience grant great Damage.


Passives provide powerful effects that dictate the playstyle of a Class and its Masteries. Remember that you can allocate Passives on the first half of all Masteries regardless of the one you chose.

  1. Armour Clad grants Damage Reduction and is crucial for any Sentinel's survivability.
  2. Juggernaut, Abyssal Endurance, Holy Icon and Defiance provide tons of Resistances. Use them as needed.
  3. Place at least 1 Point into Gladiator, Steel Aegis and Honour for the Block Chance.
  4. Echoing Strikes, Time Legion and Avatar of Regret are necessary for maximum Echo uptime.
  5. World Eater has enough leech to single handedly provide us with enough sustain.
  6. Eternal Form is a massive increase to our health and therefore our survivability.
  7. Void Corruption is an easy source of Critical Strike Multiplier for almost no investment.
  8. Finality provides a Cull, which is great for Bossing.
  9. Invest Points into Time and Faith for the mana gain based on your needs.
  10. Placing Points into Phoenix Strike is an option for extra Damage.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Passive Points.


Dive in while spamming Rive to wreak havoc on your enemies. Make sure you are familiar with enemy mechanics to know when to use your Support Skills to stay alive. Pay attention to the telegraphed attacks of your enemies and stay out of their range.

Skill Usage/Rotation

  • Cast 4 Sigils Of Hope for their buffs.
  • Move with Healing Hands towards enemy packs.
  • Cast Anomaly and Volatile Reversal on top of enemies for their buffs and extra Damage.
  • Spam Rive and destroy your enemies.
  • Maintain 4 Sigils Of Hope at all times.
  • Maintain Time Bubble with Anomaly at all times.


  • Rush to the objective with Healing Hands.
  • Be careful not to backtrack when using Volatile Reversal.
  • Group mobs before using Volatile Reversal to maximize its buffs.


  • Take advantage of all your defensive buffs and keep them active.
  • Use Volatile Reversal to ramp up your damage then spam Rive.
  • Use Anomaly to maintain Time Bubble.
  • Keep a Movement Skill off Cooldown for emergency situations or telegraphed Boss attacks.
  • Use unspecced Rebuke to tank telegraphed Boss attacks.

Learn more about how to maximize your gameplay in the Build Scaling section of this guide.


Gearing in Last Epoch revolves around finding Items and then using the powerful Crafting System to enhance them. As long as an Item has Forging Potential left, players can upgrade or modify their Affixes up to Tier 5. However, the powerful Exalted Tier Affixes are drop only and can't be modified by players.

Using the correct Item Bases allows you to make use of their amazing Implicits, this is fundamental for gearing efficiently. Combine Implicits, Passives, Idols and Blessings to cap your Resistances and stack as many other defensive layers as possible. Plan ahead for your next upgrades and consider the final Empowered Blessings of your build while gearing. Finish up by farming Uniques with Legendary Potential and Sealing Affixes into Exalted Items to unleash all of your build's power!

Here are the Stat Goals for this build:

  • Capped Resistances
  • Capped Critical Strike Avoidance
  • Capped Endurance
  • 3000 - 4000+ Health
  • 55% - 65%+ Armour Mitigation
  • 70+ Strength
  • 30% - 40%+ Block Chance (with Sigils Of Hope)
  • 300%+ Critical Strike Multiplier
  • 400% - 600%+ Increased Damage
  • 100% Melee Critical Strike Chance

Gear Progression

Starting Gear

Advanced Gear

End Game Gear

Aspirational Gear

Ward Variant

Milestone 1
Aim for good Item Bases with two valuable T5 Affixes. The defensive rolls on T5 Suffixes are very important at this stage as they can easily cap all your Resistances when combined with Item Implicits, Idols, Blessings or Passives. Get a Weapon with double T5 offensive Prefixes as soon as possible.

Milestone 2
Make sure your Critical Strike Avoidance is capped. Remember that Woven Flesh is always an option early on. It can be farmed by killing the Abomination in the Fall of the Outcast Monolith Timeline.

Milestone 3
Fit as much Health into your gear as possible. Hybrid Health and Health are extremely valuable, but can be hard to find early on. Use regular flat Health until you find them.

Milestone 4
Aim for T5 Level of Rive on your Body Armour to invest more points into its Skill Tree.

Milestone 5
While you look for this basic set of gear, start farming your Empowered Blessings and look for any Idols that can help you cap all your Resistances momentarily or increase your Damage output. Also be on the lookout for Ornate Solar Idols with Increased Area With Rive And Forge Strike and Critical Strike Multiplier With Rive And Judgement Prefixes and either Chance To Shred Armor on Hit or Physical Resistance Suffixes.

Milestone 1
When all your core Defenses are covered, start working on your Damage. Get Strength, Melee Attack Speed,Critical Strike Multiplier and Chance to Shred Armour on Hit to increase your DPS drastically.

Milestone 2
Get Chance to Apply Frailty on Hit to decrease the Damage enemies deal to you. This Ailment is really important and should always be kept in mind.

Milestone 3
Farm Jasper's Searing Pride. This item is a common world drop. It provides a stacking Searing Blades buff that grants Ignite chance, allowing you to take advantage of Flame Drinker's Blade. You can increase your chances of getting it with the Grand Chill of Death Blessing or by using Rune of Ascendance.

Milestone 4
Farm Siphon of Anguish for the Doom chance it provides. It's a common drop from Shade of Orobyss in any Monolith of Faith Timeline. You can farm this Unique while you look for Empowered Blessings.

Milestone 5
Increased Area for Area Skills is an useful stat for this build, getting it on at least one piece of gear helps with clearing.

Milestone 6
As you finish up your Empowered Blessings keep a decent Health pool, capped Resistances, Endurance and Critical Strike Avoidance. Your goal is to have items with 4 valuable T5 Affixes, also known as T20. Keep an eye for Ornate Solar Idols with Increased Area With Rive And Forge Strike and Critical Strike Multiplier With Rive And Judgement Prefixes and either Chance To Shred Armor on Hit or Physical Resistance Suffixes.

Milestone 1
Upgrade your T20 set up with Exalted items, high value Sealed Affixes or ideally both. Obtain the Affixes included in the Planner, but prioritize the indicated Item Bases for their Implicits. Make sure to Seal highly efficient low tier Affixes.

Milestone 2
Farm Jasper's Searing Pride with Legendary Potential. Getting Melee Critical Strike Chance on it is required to scale Crit. Since the Weapon is a common world drop and getting it with 1 LP is not too difficult, you can even craft it with T5 Melee Critical Strike Chance, which will be enough to unlock Crit.

Milestone 3
Look for Shattered Chains with Legendary Potential. This Belt grants more Damage per stack of Doom and other valuable stats. Getting Ward and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use on it is crucial. Farm it by killing the Shade of Orobyss at 120+ Corruption. At the same time, farm Siphon of Anguish with Legendary Potential.

Milestone 4
Farm Titan Heart with Legendary Potential. This item provides a lot of %Health and Damage Reduction. Health Regen is disabled when using this item, but it's not a big downside for this build since it relies on Leech for sustain. Get at least Level of Rive on it.

Milestone 5
Aurora's Time Glass is an excellent addition to this build for extra survivability, if you happen to find it.

Milestone 6
Focus on finishing your Ornate Solar Idols with Increased Area With Rive And Forge Strike and Critical Strike Multiplier With Rive And Judgement Prefixes and either Chance To Shred Armor on Hit or Physical Resistance Suffixes. You also want Stout Lagonian Idols with %Health Prefix and Health Suffix. The Suffixes on these Idols can also have Resistances, use them as needed.

Milestone 1
Keep upgrading your gear with Exalted Items with Sealed Affixes. Get every stat in the right place and in the correct Item Base. Min/Maxing your gear in Last Epoch can be pushed to the extreme as Items with multiple Exalted Affixes are technically possible.

Milestone 2
Get as close to perfect rolls for all your Empowered Blessings and find all your desired Idols with the best in slot Prefixes and Suffixes.

Milestone 3
Quicksilver Coil is a great option if you find one with high LP, for the extra Movement Speed provided by the Haste buff. Consider replacing your Ivory Ring for it.

Milestone 4
Continue farming Jasper's Searing Pride, Siphon of Anguish, Shattered Chains and Titan Heart with the maximum Legendary Potential you can find. Remember that some Unique Items are extremely hard to get with multiple Legendary Potential. Good luck with the chase!

Follow this variant for 1.0. Open the full planner by clicking the gear planner on the right. The Passive Tree is specced slightly differently for this variant, along with Healing Hands and Sigils Of Hope Skill Trees. The Ward Variant offers extra tankiness by taking advantage of Divine Barrier in Healing Hands and stacking as much Increased Healing Effectiveness as possible. With this Node, all the healing from the Skill is converted into Ward, as long as you have the Experimental Ward per Missing Health Affix on your Gloves. Tier 1 is all that is needed, don't go for higher tiers on it. This Affix drops from Exiled Mages or you can craft it with Glyph of Insight.

Milestone 1
Get 4 Adorned Rahyeh Idols with Increased Healing Effectiveness Prefix and Chance To Shred Armor on Melee Hit or Health Suffixes. These are important to scale the Ward gained from Healing Hands.

Milestone 2
Find a Helmet with Level of Healing Hands to invest more Points into its Skill Tree. Build Increased Healing Effectiveness on your Rings and Relic. You can also get this stat on your Amulet.

Learn the basics for crafting gear with our Beginner Crafting Guide.
Check our and learn how to get them!
Want to know more about Legendary Items? Check our Legendary Guide!


Completing a Timeline in the Monolith of Fate lets you choose one of several randomized Blessings from its unique pool. Their benefits are permanent and persist even outside of the Monolith of Fate.

Empowered Blessings are a fundamental part of all builds, so getting the correct ones for each is key.

The sooner you reach Empowered Monolith, the faster you can start farming your desired Blessings!

Normal Blessings

Empowered Combat Blessings

Empowered Drop Rate Blessings

Normal Blessings are not important as they are eventually replaced by Empowered Blessings. However they can still be a great source of Resistances, Critical Strike Avoidance or Life Leech for your build early on.

Pick up these Normal Blessings on your way to Empowered:

  • Echo of Solarum
  • Winds of Oblivion
  • Bastion of Divinity
  • Survival of Might
  • Persistance of Will
  • Protection of Heorot
  • Resolve of Grael
  • Heart of the Caldera
  • Body of Obsidian
  • Embers of Immortality

Note: Don't target farm Normal Blessings. Get to Empowered Monolith as fast as you can.

Reaching Empowered Monolith unlocks all the level 100 Timelines and the ability to farm Empowered Blessings. Unlike Normal Blessings, these need to be farmed until you get the desired ones for your build. It is extremely important to get this set up as fast as possible to free up affix slots on your gear. Remember, the more value you get from your Blessings, the easier it is to craft efficient gear!

These are the core Combat Empowered Blessings for this build:

  • If you are lacking Crit Avoidance, start with Grand Survival of Might. If you're building Reduced Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes, go for Grand Cruelty of Strength or Grand Resolve of Humanity instead.
  • Grand Winds of Oblivion grants a large amount of Critical Strike Chance, freeing up affixes on your gear.
  • Grand Heart of Ice provides Chill for this build, greatly reducing the Action Speed of your enemies. If you have Chill on your Weapon, you can go for any of the defensive Blessings available in this slot, for example Grand Bulwark of the Tundra.
  • Farm the best rolled Grand Body of Obsidian you can get. It grants a large amount of Flat Armor that helps increase the survivability of the build.
  • Finish up by farming Grand Crash of the Waves for the high chance to Stun enemies.

These Empowered Blessings are flexible and depend on your current needs and goals.

These are valuable Empowered Drop Rate Blessings for this build:

  • Grand Favor of Souls helps us find the best Idols for our build. Once you find all your Idols, you can switch to the Grand Winds of Fortune and focus on Uniques instead.
  • Farm Grand Chill of Death to find more Jasper's Searing Pride.
  • Lastly, take Grand Slumber of Morditas to find more Relics or Grand Embrace of Ice to find more Body Armours, such as Titan Heart.

Learn how to farm Blessings fast with our Advanced Monolith Strategies.


Idols grant your character bonuses when equipped in the dedicated Idol Container. Unlock all the slots of your Idol Container by completing the Campaign and some of its Side Quests. Remember that some Idols are Class specific and you won't be able to equip them with other non-compatible Classes.

These are the Idols recommended for this build:

  • Get 2 Ornate Solar Idols with Increased Area With Rive And Forge Strike and Critical Strike Multiplier With Rive And Judgement Prefixes. Get Physical Resistance and Chance To Shred Armor on Hit Suffixes.
  • You also want 2 Humble Eterran Idols with Vitality Prefix and Poison Resistance Suffix.
  • Stout Lagonian Idols with well rolled %Health and Health will make a big difference on your health pool.
  • Any additional space can be filled with Resistances,Health,ArmourandIncreased Stun Chance depending on your needs.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Idol Slots.
Learn how to be efficient with Idols with our Advanced Idols Setups Guide.

Build Scaling

This Void Knight unleashes Rive on enemies, dealing high Physical and Fire Crit Damage. The build focuses on scaling Physical damage, and it also gets some Flat Fire Damage when using Jasper's Searing Pride. This build also has good survivability thanks to the multiple defensive layers it can take advantage of.



  • Melee Flat Damage: This build focuses on scaling Physical Flat Damage, and it gets a ton of it thanks to the Foe Cleaver node doubling the Damage stats on a two-handed Weapon for Rive. Jasper's Searing Pride also provides some Flat Fire Damage with its Searing Blades buff.
  • Ignite Chance: This Ailment provides a massive amount of Damage for this build. With the Flame Drinker's Blade node in Rive, Ignites are consumed and turned into Physical Penetration buffs. Jasper's Searing Pride provides all the Ignite Chance we need.
  • Attack Speed: Attack faster for more Damage and Ailments.
  • % Increased Damage: Anything that increases Physical Melee Damage is welcomed.
  • Strength: Rive gains 4% Damage per point of Strength. Additionally it grants 4% Armour per point, which adds a nice defensive layer for the build.
  • Critical Strike Chance: This build reaches high Crit Chance easily, as long as you have Melee Critical Strike Chance on your Weapon. Decimation in Anomaly provide a good amount of Crit Chance. The Grand Winds of Oblivion Blessing further helps with Crit.
  • Critical Strike Multiplier: Increases the Damage your Crits deal. We get a lot of it from Void Corruption. Build as much as you can on your gear.
  • Sigils Of Hope: They grant increased Damage in this setup.
  • Volatile Reversal: The Harbinger of Dust Node applies a powerful debuff on your enemies that makes them take additional Damage.
  • Level of Rive: This is a big boost to our damage since it allows us to invest in additional multipliers from the skill tree.
  • Physical Resistance Shred: Since this build gets so much Physical Penetration from the Flame Drinker's Blade node, Physical Shred is not required. Resistance Shred and Penetration are additive with each other since they both reduce the resistance of the enemy.
  • Armour Shred: Shredding Armor is good for all hit builds, but it is especially impactful for Physical. Getting Armour Shred stats on our Gloves, Idols and Helmet is a huge damage boost to the build.
  • Doom: Granted by Siphon of Anguish, this Ailment greatly increases the Melee Damage taken by enemies. 4% per stack, maximum 4 stacks. Shattered Chains scales this further, with an extra 5% more Melee Damage per stack.
  • Penetration: Flame Drinker's Blade grants a stacking buff for 3 seconds that provides 3% Physical Penetration per stack of Ignite consumed. This can result to over 300% Physical Penetration when Bossing.
  • Finality: This passive provides a Cull. Great for Bossing.
  • Armour Clad: Grants Damage Reduction and is crucial for any Sentinel's survivability.
  • Block Chance: Block is a defensive mechanic that grants a chance to reduce the Damage taken from Hits. Whenever you take aHit, your Block Chance is rolled to determine if you Block the Hit. On a successful Block, a percentage of the Damage is mitigated. This build can have anywhere between 30% and 40% block. We get it mostly from Jasper's Searing Pride and Sign of the Guardian inside Sigils Of Hope.
  • Block Effectiveness: The percentage of Damage reduced on Block depends on how much Block Effectiveness you have. The percentage cannot exceed 85%.
  • Endurance: It allows you to take up to 60% less Damage while below a certain Health threshold. The Iron Sigils node from Sigils Of Hope makes this especially valuable for Sentinels.
  • Strength: Grants 4% Armour per point.
  • Armour Mitigation: This setup can get high Armour. Combine the Armour from your Item Implicits and all the %Armour this build has to reach 55% to 65%+ Mitigation.
  • Health: This build can stack a decent Health pool that can surpass the 3000 mark without sacrificing other defenses. Health is very effective when combined with all the other defensive layers.
  • Leech: World Eater provides this build with enough sustain. Siphon of Anguish grants even more Leech.
  • Chill and Slow: Ailments that greatly reduce the Action and Movement Speed of your enemies.
  • Frailty: This Ailment reduces the Damage dealt by enemies by 6% for 4 seconds. Stacks 3 times.
  • Ward and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use: Cleanse all Ailments on Potion use.
  • Aurora's Time Glass: This powerfulUnique can save you from dangerous situations. Make sure its internal cooldown is ready before you engage your enemies.

Our Damage Explained Article covers all you need to know to scale Damage.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Loot Filter

Loot Filters are critical in Last Epoch. Making sure you highlight all the related valuable Item Bases, Affixes, Uniques and Idols is crucial to ensure your character's progression. As your gear gets better, remember to hide the rules that are no longer useful to avoid screen clutter.

Here is the Endgame Loot Filter for this build:

Learn how to load and make Filters with our Loot Filter Guide.

Video Guide



Overall, the Rive Void Knight is a powerful warrior capable of defeating all the content in the game. While it's a fast mapper, the highlight of the build is the insane single target DPS, making it great for Bossing. The build also has great survivability thanks to its multiple defensive layers.

  • Use Healing Hands] to charge across the battlefield.
  • Spam Rive while boosting your Damage with Flame Drinker's Blade to destroy your enemies.
  • Thanks to Jasper's Searing Pride, stacking Ignites is easy without any extra gear investment.
  • Maintain 4 Sigils Of Hope and Time Bubble up at all times for the amazing buffs they provide.
  • Use Volatile Reversal on top of enemies for extra Damage.
  • While they are not mandatory, Siphon of Anguish, Shattered Chains, Titan Heart and Aurora's Time Glass are great Uniques that you want to get to scale the build to its full potential.


Written by Volca.
Reviewed by Facefoot, LizardIRL

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Rive Void Knight Last Epoch Build Guide - Maxroll.gg (2024)


What is the best class in the Last Epoch? ›

The Necromancer is undoubtedly the best mastery because you can summon hordes of the undead, as found in our guide to the best Last Epoch Acolyte builds with our Skeletal Mage Necromancer. This lets you sit back and let your minions do the work for you, essentially.

Which sentinel mastery? ›

Sentinel's Masteries are Paladin, Void Knight, and Forge Guard. A sentinel who has taken part of the Void inside himself and uses it to devastate his foes. His swings leave trails of Void that eagerly consume the essence of his enemies, darkness eating them away from the inside out.

What is the sentinel leveling build? ›

The Sentinel Leveling Build has a straightforward playstyle, where you start by using Devouring Orb to buff. Then you Lunge if enemies are at a distance, then press and hold Warpath to clear everything else. Warpath allows you to move while dealing damage, so position yourself as the situation requires.

What is the stat priority in the Last Epoch void Knight? ›

Stat priority: This build is heavily DPS-oriented so after you cap your Resistances and reach around 2500 Health, you should focus only on increasing your Melee Void DPS. Either try getting added flat Void Damage which will also boost your Movement Speed, or Attack Speed and Melee/Void Damage Multipliers.

Can you get banned on Last Epoch? ›

“We strictly enforce our terms of use when it comes to exploits and real-money trading [RMT], and as such, one can expect that abusing such exploits or engaging in RMT, both buying and selling, will result in a permanent account ban. “Since 1.0 has launched, we have been aware of two exploits.

What is the maximum legendary potential in the Last Epoch? ›

Furthermore, all Unique Items in Last Epoch drop with between 1 and 4 Legendary Potenital. The higher the number of Legendary Potential, the more affixes it can equip during its transition to Legendary.

What is the best DPS sentinel build in the Last Epoch? ›

Manifest Armor Forge Guard boasts exorbitant single-target DPS, making it one of the best Sentinel builds in Last Epoch, especially for boss fights. It's also easy to play and beginner-friendly, as it doesn't require any Unique items to perform at its full potential.

Can you change your mastery in the Last Epoch? ›

Yeah it's very surprising you can not change masteries seeing how the game shows a big fat warning when you choose a mastery about not being able to change it once you chose it and wants you to double-confirm you are sure.

Can Sentinel dual wield Last Epoch? ›

Dual-wielding is restricted to the classes listed above, and you can only equip the weapons as specified in their skill descriptions. That means Sentinels, for example, won't be able to dual wield axes since the Gladiator skill only allows swords.

How much mastery does a sentinel give? ›

Ranking Weapons, Kitgun Chambers, Zaw Strikes, Amp Prisms, Sentinel weapons, and Archwing weapons will earn 100 mastery points for each rank gained up to Rank 30 for a total of 3,000.

What level should I be before Tree Sentinel? ›

You'll want to hold off challenging it until you acquire Torrent the horse from Melina, but even then, you'll be hard pressed to deal any meaningful damage with just your base weapon. You'll have better luck returning to the Tree Sentinel in Limgrave between Level 20-30, ideally on horseback.

How do you beat the vault Sentinel? ›

Boss Battle: The Sentinel

Each time he will add a progressively more powerful elemental attack. Between each round he also performs a charged ground-slam, which can be easily avoid with a well-timed jump. Once his shield is gone, use corrosive and incendiary weapons to finish him off.

What level do you finish the story in Last Epoch? ›

For now, let's focus on the story and your journey to level 50. Some players do not finish the story until level 54 or 55, and that's okay; take your time! The entire campaign takes place over nine acts or chapters, with each one introducing unique enemies and zones to explore.

What is the max corruption in the Last Epoch? ›

By default, standard Monolith runs have zero Corruption and a hard cap of x50 Corruption stacks. Empowered Monoliths start at x100 Corruption and have no ceiling. The higher your Corruption is, the tougher the monsters will be, but the better loot you'll receive.

What is an exalted item in the Last Epoch? ›

Exalted Items in Last Epoch are among the most coveted pieces in the game. They offer tremendous stat boosts and unique Affixes, capable of completely changing the gameplay and how your build functions while clearing zones.

Are all classes viable in the Last Epoch? ›

Every Class in Last Epoch is viable in version 1.0. 4, but the three S-tier Masteries outshine the rest in the most difficult content. Each of the three can easily push Empowered Monoliths with minimal gear while still scaling far past their competitors with investment.

What is the best mastery in the Last Epoch? ›

What is the most powerful mastery in Last Epoch? Having plenty of minions to rely on, Necromancer stands out as one of the strongest masteries currently available in the game. You can deal plenty of damage thanks to your loyal mobs while also letting them soak incoming damage for you.

What is the Primalist class in the Last Epoch? ›

Primalist Mastery Classes

Each class in Last Epoch has three Mastery Classes with unique passives, skills, and playstyles. Primalst's Mastery Classes are Beastmaster, Shaman, and Druid. A warrior who takes command with the might of beasts, leading by example with strength and power.

Can you change class in Last Epoch? ›

Short Answer: No! Once you've selected a Mastery Class on a character in the game, it's locked in forever; you'll not be able to switch your decision at any point later in the game.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.