Guided Intro to ST Math (2024)

Table of Contents
The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice. What do you notice on the screen? Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.What do you predict will happen and why? Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us. What did you learn from the animation? Next we will Connect to what we already know. How will you solve the next puzzle? Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.What happened when you tried your prediction? The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice. What do you notice on the screen? Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.What do you predict will happen and why? Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us. What did you learn from the animation? Next we will Connect to what we already know. How will you solve the next puzzle? Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.What happened when you tried your prediction? The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice. What do you notice on the screen? Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.What do you predict will happen and why? Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us. What did you learn from the animation? Next we will Connect to what we already know. How will you solve the next puzzle? Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.What happened when you tried your prediction? The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice. What do you notice on the screen? Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.What do you predict will happen and why? Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us. What did you learn from the animation? Next we will Connect to what we already know. How will you solve the next puzzle? Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.What happened when you tried your prediction? The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice. What do you notice on the screen? Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.What do you predict will happen and why? Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us. What did you learn from the animation? Next we will Connect to what we already know. How will you solve the next puzzle? Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.What happened when you tried your prediction? Lo primero que hacemos cuando vemos un nuevo acertijo de ST Math esobservar. ¿Qué observas en la pantalla? Luego, predecimos lo que el juego nos pide hacer.¿Cuál es tu predicción para resolver este acertijo y por qué? A continuación, analizamos la animación para ver qué nos muestra. ¿Qué aprendió? Por último, lo conectamos con lo que ya sabemos. ¿Cómo resolverás el siguiente acertijo? Pruebe su predicción y describa lo que ocurrirá. Lo primero que hacemos cuando vemos un nuevo acertijo de ST Math esobservar. ¿Qué observas en la pantalla? Luego, predecimos lo que el juego nos pide hacer.¿Cuál es tu predicción para resolver este acertijo y por qué? A continuación, analizamos la animación para ver qué nos muestra. ¿Qué aprendió? Por último, lo conectamos con lo que ya sabemos. ¿Cómo resolverás el siguiente acertijo? Pruebe su predicción y describa lo que ocurrirá. FAQs

Guided Intro to ST Math (1)



Elige tu nivel de grado

Choose your grade level



Early Learning



Guided Intro to ST Math (2)

Are you ready to get started with ST Math?

Play a game!

Guided Intro to ST Math (3)

Watch Video:

JiJi to the Top

Read Digital Book:

JiJi to the Top

Guided Intro to ST Math (4)


Go to Digital Book

Teacher Notes:

Have students notice everything on the screen.

Click in the game screen to highlight the game hints. Ask students:" What is the game is showing you?"

After noticing, click the arrow button.

Teacher Notes:

Have students predict what the puzzle is asking them to do.

Name your strategy and describe what the puzzle is asking you to do.

Teacher Notes:

Double click the screen while the animation is playing to pause and replay it.

Were we correct? Why or why not?

Point out mistakes are learning opportunities in ST Math - if you get it wrong you get to try again!

Teacher Notes:

How will you use what you learned to solve the next puzzle?

Play a few puzzles.

How do these puzzles connect to what you already know?

Examples: counting, numerals, skip counting, addition, multiplication

Decide if you want a more challenging level.

Game: PreK > Shape Features > Roll Off

End Intro

The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice.

What do you notice on the screen?

Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.
What do you predict will happen and why?

Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us.

What did you learn from the animation?

Next we will Connect to what we already know.

How will you solve the next puzzle?

Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.
What happened when you tried your prediction?

Teacher Notes:

Have students choose a solution and click the Go Button to test it.

Remind students to watch the animation and describe what they see.

Getting it wrong is OK - if students choose the wrong solution, let them!

Guided Intro to ST Math (5)

It's time to sign in to ST Math!

Keep trying even if it's challenging!

JiJi believes in you!

See how many puzzles you can collect on your Journey!

Guided Intro to ST Math (6)

Guided Intro to ST Math (7)


Guided Intro to ST Math (8)

Are you ready to get started with ST Math?

Yes! Let's Play!

Yes! But first, let's watch the intro video!



Say & Click:

Guided Intro to ST Math (9)

Are you ready to do math?


Say & Click:

Let's play!

Guided Intro to ST Math (10)

Are you ready to do math?

Math that's a game!?


Say & Click:

Let's play!

I can do it!

Guided Intro to ST Math (11)

Are you ready to do math?

Math that's a game!?

A game with no directions -

so you get to figure it out?


Say & Click:

Let's play!

Hi, JiJi!

Guided Intro to ST Math (12)

Are you ready to do math?

Math that's a game!?

A game with no directions -

so you get to figure it out?

And help your new penguin friend, JiJi...


Say & Click:

Let's play!

I can do it!

Hi, JiJi!

Let's go!

Guided Intro to ST Math (13)

Are you ready to do math?

Math that's a game!?

A game with no directions -

so you get to figure it out?

And help your new penguin friend, JiJi...

Go on a math journey?

Guided Intro to ST Math (14)

Teacher Notes:

Have students notice everything on the screen.

Click in the game screen to highlight the game hints. Ask students:" What is the game is showing you?"

After noticing, click the arrow button.

Teacher Notes:

Have students predict what the puzzle is asking them to do.

Name your strategy and describe what the puzzle is asking you to do.

Teacher Notes:

Double click the screen while the animation is playing to pause and replay it.

Were we correct? Why or why not?

Point out mistakes are learning opportunities in ST Math - if you get it wrong you get to try again!

Teacher Notes:

How will you use what you learned to solve the next puzzle?

Play a few puzzles.

How do these puzzles connect to what you already know?

Examples: counting, numerals, skip counting, addition, multiplication

Decide if you want a more challenging level.

Game: How Many Legs

End Intro

The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice.

What do you notice on the screen?

Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.
What do you predict will happen and why?

Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us.

What did you learn from the animation?

Next we will Connect to what we already know.

How will you solve the next puzzle?

Click here for a more challenging level!

Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.
What happened when you tried your prediction?

Teacher Notes:

Have students choose a solution and click the Go Button to test it.

Remind students to watch the animation and describe what they see.

Getting it wrong is OK - if students choose the wrong solution, let them!

Guided Intro to ST Math (15)

Teacher Notes:

Have students notice everything on the screen.

Click in the game screen to highlight the game hints. Ask students:" What is the game is showing you?"

After noticing, click the arrow button.

Teacher Notes:

Have students predict what the puzzle is asking them to do.

Name your strategy and describe what the puzzle is asking you to do.

Teacher Notes:

Double click the screen while the animation is playing to pause and replay it.

Were we correct? Why or why not?

Point out mistakes are learning opportunities in ST Math - if you get it wrong you get to try again!

Teacher Notes:

How will you use what you learned to solve the next puzzle?

Play a few puzzles.

How do these puzzles connect to what you already know?

Examples: counting, numerals, skip counting, addition, multiplication

Decide if you want a more challenging level.

Game: How Many Legs

End Intro

The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice.

What do you notice on the screen?

Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.
What do you predict will happen and why?

Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us.

What did you learn from the animation?

Next we will Connect to what we already know.

How will you solve the next puzzle?

Click here for a more challenging level!

Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.
What happened when you tried your prediction?

Teacher Notes:

Have students choose a solution and click the Go Button to test it.

Remind students to watch the animation and describe what they see.

Getting it wrong is OK - if students choose the wrong solution, let them!

Guided Intro to ST Math (16)

Teacher Notes:

Have students notice everything on the screen.

Click in the game screen to highlight the game hints. Ask students:" What is the game is showing you?"

After noticing, click the arrow button.

Teacher Notes:

Have students predict what the puzzle is asking them to do.

Name your strategy and describe what the puzzle is asking you to do.

Teacher Notes:

Double click the screen while the animation is playing to pause and replay it.

Were we correct? Why or why not?

Point out mistakes are learning opportunities in ST Math - if you get it wrong you get to try again!

Teacher Notes:

How will you use what you learned to solve the next puzzle?

Play a few puzzles.

How do these puzzles connect to what you already know?

Examples: counting, numerals, skip counting, addition, multiplication

Decide if you want a more challenging level.

Game: How Many Legs

End Intro

The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice.

What do you notice on the screen?

Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.
What do you predict will happen and why?

Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us.

What did you learn from the animation?

Next we will Connect to what we already know.

How will you solve the next puzzle?

Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.
What happened when you tried your prediction?

Teacher Notes:

Have students choose a solution and click the Go Button to test it.

Remind students to watch the animation and describe what they see.

Getting it wrong is OK - if students choose the wrong solution, let them!

It's time to sign in to ST Math!

Keep trying even if it's challenging!

JiJi believes in you!

See how many puzzles you can collect on your Journey!

Guided Intro to ST Math (17)


Guided Intro to ST Math (19)

Are you ready to get started with ST Math?

Yes! Let's Play!

Yes! But first, let's watch the intro video!


Guided Intro to ST Math (20)

Teacher Notes:

Have students notice everything on the screen.

Click in the game screen to highlight the game hints. Ask students:" What is the game is showing you?"

After noticing, click the arrow button.

Teacher Notes:

Have students predict what the puzzle is asking them to do.

Name your strategy and describe what the puzzle is asking you to do.

Teacher Notes:

Double click the screen while the animation is playing to pause and replay it.

Were we correct? Why or why not?

Point out mistakes are learning opportunities in ST Math - if you get it wrong you get to try again!

Teacher Notes:

How will you use what you learned to solve the next puzzle?

Play a few puzzles.

How do these puzzles connect to what you already know?

Examples: counting, numerals, skip counting, addition, multiplication

Decide if you want a more challenging level.

End Intro

The first thing we do when we see a new ST Math puzzle is Notice.

What do you notice on the screen?

Next we need to Predict what the game is asking us to do.
What do you predict will happen and why?

Next we will Analyze the animation to see what it shows us.

What did you learn from the animation?

Next we will Connect to what we already know.

How will you solve the next puzzle?

Next we need to Test your solution and observe the animation.
What happened when you tried your prediction?

Teacher Notes:

Have students choose a solution and click the Go Button to test it.

Remind students to watch the animation and describe what they see.

Getting it wrong is OK - if students choose the wrong solution, let them!

Game: Wall Factory

It's time to sign-in to ST Math!

Some puzzles may be challenging, you can use paper & pencil or math tools to help you solve the puzzles.

See how many puzzles you can collect on your Journey!

Guided Intro to ST Math (21)


Guided Intro to ST Math (22)

¿Estás listo para comenzar con ST Math?

¡Sí! ¡A jugar!

¡Sí! Pero primero, veamos el video de introducción.


¿Listo para las matemáticas?


Dilo en voz alta y haz clic:

Guided Intro to ST Math (23)

¿Listo para las matemáticas?


Dilo en voz alta y haz clic:

¡A jugar!

¿¡Matemáticas como un juego!?

Guided Intro to ST Math (24)

¿Listo para las matemáticas?


Dilo en voz alta y haz clic:

¡A jugar!

¿¡Matemáticas como un juego!?

¡Puedo hacerlo!

¿Un juego
sin instrucciones

en el que tú decides cómo jugar?

Guided Intro to ST Math (25)

¿Listo para las matemáticas?


Dilo en voz alta y haz clic:

¡A jugar!

¿¡Matemáticas como un juego!?

¡Puedo hacerlo!

¿Un juego
sin instrucciones

en el que tú decides cómo jugar?

Y ayudas a tu nuevo amigo, JiJi, el pingüino

¡Hola, JiJi!

Guided Intro to ST Math (26)

¿Listo para las matemáticas?


Dilo en voz alta y haz clic:

¡A jugar!

¿¡Matemáticas como un juego!?

¡Puedo hacerlo!

¿Un juego
sin instrucciones

en el que tú decides cómo jugar?

Y ayudas a tu nuevo amigo, JiJi, el pingüino

¡Hola, JiJi!


¿Vamos de viaje
a través de las matemáticas?

Guided Intro to ST Math (27)

Notas para el maestro:

Pídales a los estudiantes que observen todo
lo que hay en la pantalla.

Haga clic en la pantalla del juego para resaltar las pistas. Pregunte a los estudiantes:

“¿Qué les muestra el juego?”

Después de observar, haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”

Notas para el maestro:

Pídales a los estudiantes que predigan lo que les pide hacer el acertijo.

Describan lo que creen que pasará cuando hagan clic.

Notas para el maestro:

Haga doble clic en la pantalla mientras se
reproduce la animación para ponerla
en pausa y volver a reproducirla.

¿Teníamos razón? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

Explique que los errores son oportunidades
de aprendizaje en ST Math. Si se equivocan,
pueden intentarlo de nuevo.

Notas para el maestro:

¿Qué aprendimos de la animación?

¿Cómo usarán lo que aprendieron
para resolver el próximo acertijo?

Jueguen con algunos acertijos.

¿Cómo se conectan estos acertijos con lo que ya saben?

Ejemplos: contar, numerales, contar saltando números, suma, multiplicación.

Decidan si quieren un nivel más desafiante.

Juego: ¿Cuántas patas hay?

Finalizar introducción

Lo primero que hacemos cuando vemos un nuevo acertijo de ST Math esobservar.

¿Qué observas en la pantalla?

Luego, predecimos lo que el juego nos pide hacer.
¿Cuál es tu predicción para resolver este acertijo y por qué?

A continuación, analizamos la animación para ver qué nos muestra.

¿Qué aprendió?

Por último, lo conectamos con lo que ya sabemos.

¿Cómo resolverás el siguiente acertijo?

¡Haz clic aquí para un nivel más desafiante!

Pruebe su predicción y describa lo que ocurrirá.

Notas para el maestro:

Haga que los estudiantes escojan una solución y hagan clic en el botón para probarla.

Recuérdeles a los estudiantes que vean la animación y describan lo que ven.

Equivocarse está bien: si los estudiantes escogen la solución incorrecta, ¡déjenlos!

Guided Intro to ST Math (28)

Haz clic aquí para un nivel aún másdesafiante!

Juego: ¿Cuántas patas hay?


Finalizar introducción

Guided Intro to ST Math (29)

Guided Intro to ST Math (30)

Game: How Many Legs

Finalizar introducción


Juego: ¿Cuántas patas hay?

Guided Intro to ST Math (31)

Guided Intro to ST Math (32)

¡Es hora de iniciar sesión en ST Math!

Sigue intentándolo, aunque sea difícil.

¡ JiJi cree en ti!

Fíjate cuántos acertijos
puedes juntar en tu viaje.

Guided Intro to ST Math (33)

Guided Intro to ST Math (34)


Guided Intro to ST Math (35)

¿Estás listo para comenzar con ST Math?

¡Sí! ¡A jugar!

¡Sí! Pero primero, veamos el video de introducción.


Notas para el maestro:

Pídales a los estudiantes que observen todo
lo que hay en la pantalla.

Haga clic en la pantalla del juego para resaltar las pistas. Pregunte a los estudiantes:

“¿Qué les muestra el juego?”

Después de observar, haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”

Notas para el maestro:

Pídales a los estudiantes que predigan lo que les pide hacer el acertijo.

Describan lo que creen que pasará cuando hagan clic.

Notas para el maestro:

Haga doble clic en la pantalla mientras se
reproduce la animación para ponerla
en pausa y volver a reproducirla.

¿Teníamos razón? ¿Por qué sí o por qué no?

Explique que los errores son oportunidades
de aprendizaje en ST Math. Si se equivocan,
pueden intentarlo de nuevo.

Notas para el maestro:

¿Qué aprendimos de la animación?

¿Cómo usarán lo que aprendieron
para resolver el próximo acertijo?

Jueguen con algunos acertijos.

¿Cómo se conectan estos acertijos con lo que ya saben?

Ejemplos: contar, numerales, contar saltando números, suma, multiplicación.

Decidan si quieren un nivel más desafiante.

Finalizar introducción

Lo primero que hacemos cuando vemos un nuevo acertijo de ST Math esobservar.

¿Qué observas en la pantalla?

Luego, predecimos lo que el juego nos pide hacer.
¿Cuál es tu predicción para resolver este acertijo y por qué?

A continuación, analizamos la animación para ver qué nos muestra.

¿Qué aprendió?

Por último, lo conectamos con lo que ya sabemos.

¿Cómo resolverás el siguiente acertijo?

Pruebe su predicción y describa lo que ocurrirá.

Notas para el maestro:

Haga que los estudiantes escojan una solución y hagan clic en el botón para probarla.

Recuérdeles a los estudiantes que vean la animación y describan lo que ven.

Equivocarse está bien: si los estudiantes escogen la solución incorrecta, ¡déjenlos!

Guided Intro to ST Math (36)

Juego: Fábrica de muros

¡Es hora de iniciar sesión en ST Math!

Quizá algunos acertijos sean difíciles. Puedes ayudarte con papel y lápiz
o herramientas de matemáticas
para resolverlos.

Fíjate cuántos acertijos
puedes juntar en tu viaje.

Guided Intro to ST Math (37)


Guided Intro to ST Math (2024)


How to introduce ST math to students? ›

First, choose whether to play a game right away or watch a fun introductory video that your students will love. After asking and answering some fun questions, you'll be guided through helping your students with the Notice, Predict, Analyze, Connect Learning Cycle as you play a simple game.

How do I get started with St math? ›

Once students sign in they will be taken directly to the next game or activity they have access to. They can start playing by clicking on the first blank box (or "level") in front of JiJi.

Is St math a good program? ›

Across the country, ST Math schools are living proof that an effective digital learning program can make a real impact. Schools using ST Math have repeatedly proven to double or triple their growth in math proficiency.

What does St stand for in St math? ›

The ST in ST Math stands for spatial temporal.

How long should students be on ST math? ›

ST Math is a flexible instructional tool that can fit easily into many different curriculum implementations. In a computer lab, during designated classroom time, station-rotation, or at home - as long as students are using ST Math for 60-90 minutes per week, you will see gains in their math achievement.

How should a beginner start math? ›

Begin With Foundations

Math is a subject that relies on the foundations when introducing sequential topics. For example, you'll start with the basics like adding, subtracting, dividing, and multiplying. Then, as you build on your knowledge, you can master harder subjects in math like algebra, geometry, and calculus.

What happens when you get 100% on St math? ›

ST Math is mastery based, which means students must pass each level with a score of 100% (all puzzles correctly solved) before the next level in a sequence becomes available to them. Each student has their own personalized journey and takes as long as they need to achieve mastery.

What is guided practice in math? ›

Then, the teacher turns over the task to the students. This is an example of guided practice. Guided practice is showing learners how to complete a task or problem and then turning over the practice to them.

How do you teach math for beginners? ›

10 Strategies for effectively teaching math to elementary schoolers
  1. Use hands-on learning methods. ...
  2. Incorporate visuals. ...
  3. Integrate math games into math lessons. ...
  4. Connect math concepts to everyday life. ...
  5. Allow students to explain their reasoning. ...
  6. Give frequent feedback and direction. ...
  7. Reward progress. ...
  8. Personalize lessons.
Sep 9, 2021

Why teach guided math? ›

Guided Math provides “just right” mathematics instruction that targets students' immediate learning needs. Guided Math invites teachers to engage their classrooms, to assess students' problem-solving abilities, and to utilize small-group and whole-group instruction, manipulatives, math warm-ups, and math workshops.

Is it possible to finish ST math? ›

An early finisher is a student who completes the ST Math Journey before the end of the school year. Rather than moving an early finisher to the next grade level, teachers have several options in ST Math to help students go deeper with their understanding of the current grade level content.

What company owns St math? ›

Spatial-Temporal Math (ST Math) is game-based, instructional software for K–12 students created by the MIND Research Institute (MIND).

What is the goal of St math? ›

"As a program, ST Math puts students in a situation that expects them to think immediately. Students are required to build deep math understanding by building concepts and making analytical estimates. The program gives students a chance to turn their mistakes into opportunities for reflection.

How do you introduce math to students? ›

8 Engaging strategies and lessons for teaching math in any classroom
  1. Write about math using Open-Ended Questions. ...
  2. Do a warm-up activity using a number talk. ...
  3. Use interactive drawing assessments to teach graphs. ...
  4. Model the steps for problem-solving. ...
  5. Teach math vocabulary with Matching Pairs.
Jul 25, 2024

How do you teach maths in an interesting way to kids? ›

How to introduce maths to your toddler
  1. Point to shapes. Talk with your child about the shapes you see around you. ...
  2. Count it out. Find some small objects – such as shells or beads – to count together out loud. ...
  3. Play a sorting game. ...
  4. Have fun in the kitchen. ...
  5. Build a tower. ...
  6. Compare and contrast.

How do you make math exciting for students? ›

How to boost student engagement in math
  1. Use games and puzzles. ...
  2. Use real-world examples. ...
  3. Make it relevant to students' lives. ...
  4. Use a variety of teaching methods. ...
  5. Personalizing the learning experience for every student. ...
  6. Integrating technology into math classrooms.

How do I add students to St math? ›

How Do You Create a Class and Add Students?
  1. On your My Classes screen (Home), click the Add button.
  2. Name your class and choose the grade level.
  3. Click Create.
  4. From your My Classes page, click on the class you just created.
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. Add students. ...
  7. You'll see your new class on your My Classes page.

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Article information

Author: Van Hayes

Last Updated:

Views: 5934

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.