Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (2024)

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Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (1)Pin it here.

Originally published in September 2012, I’m sharing again since it’s the season for popcorn balls again!

Ahhh popcorn balls. I guess, back in the old days, back when everybody actually knew everybody (and by that I mean not just Facebook friends) – people would give out homemade popcorn balls on Halloween. My mom has made them every Halloween for as long as I can remember – mostly to send to my Grandma (her mom) who LOVES them.

My mom got this recipe from her aunt Eileen M. It’s not necessarily gourmet and it will rot your teeth. BUT it is very, very yummy and it is very, very easy. Maybe make a batch and bring them to your neighbor, just for old times sake.


20 cups of popped popcorn (air popped is best)

1 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup white sugar

1 small package of JELL-O, any flavor


1.) Bring corn syrup and sugar to a boil. When sugar is dissolved, remove from heat. Be careful you don’t want to burn this stuff.

2.) Stir JELL-O into syrup and sugar mixture.

3.) Put popped corn into a very large mixing bowl and pour the mixture over the popcorn.

4.) Spray hands with a non-stick spray or you could use butter. Anything to grease your hands up so the popcorn doesn’t stick.

5.) Form popcorn into balls. Let harden. Store in Ziploc bags or wrapped in cellophane until ready to eat. Store at room temperature.

Have you made homemade popcorn balls before? What’s your favorite flavor?

(Thank you for the recipe and photo mom. Wish I was up in Alaska to make them with you!)

Reader Interactions


  1. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (2)Nancy Draayer says

    I love jello popcorn balls. So easy to make and can have any flavor or mix of flavors. Everyone that I have given them absolutely adores them.


  2. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (4)Nancy Taylor says

    I made these today with blueberry jello. I added 2 cups mini marshmallows, 1 cup cashews cut up (my granddaughter can’t have p/nuts) 1 cup dried pineapple and mango (the healthy part), 1 cup cut up strawberry licorice ad 1 c m*m’s. My son said they were wonderful and the grandkids will try them tomorrow. It made 19 balls with the above recipe. I put them in squares of wax paper and twisted the tops.

  3. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (8)Deauna says

    I’ve never made popcorn balls before, but this gives me a reason to use the Jell-O in my cabinet! Stopping by from the Totally Tasty Tuesday link party.


  4. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (9)Helen in Meridian says

    Popcorn balls and candy apples were my favorite Halloween treats. I made a big batch of caramel corn late yesterday for us to munch on watching the Boise State Football game. My mom made us popcorn balls, but I have never heard of using Jello in it, but sounds good. I bought some popcorn balls at the store last year and they were awful. They didn’t taste at all like the wonderful homemade ones. My husband would throw all homemade treats my son got Trick or Treating into the garbage. I immediately took the garbage into the kitchen and saved it for myself. Not a razor blade in a one of them.


  5. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (10)Kolleen says

    I remember my Mom making popcorn bags for Halloween…back in the day when you did not worry about awful things in your bags…she popped the corn all day long in order to get ready for the 200 or so trick or treaters we would get…I get under 20 each year now but I love every one of them! I just buy candy bars and stamp something for them.


  6. Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (12)Lila says

    I love homemade popcorn balls. My grandma used to make them for the family. It was a great tradition that we used to do. Since we have moved so far away from home I may try to make them myself for the kids this year. I have never tried it with jello so that will be interesting to see how they turn out. Thank you 🙂


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Easy homemade popcorn ball recipe (using JELL-O) (2024)


Why are my popcorn balls falling apart? ›

Why are my popcorn balls falling apart? This can happen if the syrup mixture is not cooked to the correct temperature (soft-ball stage) or if the popcorn is not evenly coated. Ensure the syrup reaches 235°F and stir thoroughly when mixing with the popcorn.

Why are my popcorn balls chewy? ›

If your syrup cools for longer it will become tough to chew as it cools. Less time will cause the syrup to not hold the balls together well. Remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the vanilla. Pour the syrup over the popcorn mix and stir everything together very well, until all of the popcorn is coated.

What are popcorn balls made of? ›

Combine corn syrup, butter, water, confectioners' sugar, and marshmallows in a saucepan over medium heat. Heat and stir until the marshmallows have melted and the mixture comes to a boil. Carefully pour hot marshmallow mixture over popcorn and toss together to coat each kernel evenly.

Why won t my popcorn balls stick together? ›

If the syrup mixture is too hot it won't allow the popcorn to hold together and if it has cooled too much it will make it difficult to mold and form the popcorn into balls. The second issue can also be that there is not enough of a syrup to popcorn and toppings ratio.

Why isn't my homemade popcorn crunchy? ›

Why is my popcorn chewy and rubbery? A top reason popcorn turns out chewy is because steam gets trapped in your pot when the popcorn kernels are popping. Fix this by using a well-vented lid or leave the pan slightly open to make a light and crispy popcorn.

What makes homemade popcorn chewy? ›

Chewy popcorn is usually caused by cooking at too low a temperature. If it's an oil cooker, then the oil might not be hot enough before you begin.

How do you make popcorn fluffier? ›

A good lid is important when making popcorn, but there's a bit of a strategy here. For the best results, and lowest number of un-popped kernels leave the lid open just a hairline amount. It allows any steam or moisture to get out as well, resulting in fluffy kernels.

How long does popcorn balls stay fresh? ›

Store the container at room temperature. Avoid places with high heat or humidity, as these conditions can make the popcorn balls stale faster. They will last a week if stored properly. However, I prefer them the day of making and no longer than 1-2 days after.

What is the black thing in popcorn? ›

The black specs you may be seeing are not mold. In fact, these are burnt sugar crystals. Sometimes with Kettle Corn the sugar gets so hot that it burns, especially if you have a new or higher end microwave. This is 100% safe and not harmful.

What is the fluffy white stuff we eat in popcorn? ›

The kernel literally turns inside out. The starch or endosperm is the white part of the popped kernel and the pericarp or hull is the darker, flaky bit at the center of the kernel.

How do you know if popcorn is too dry? ›

You can test the moisture of your popcorn by using your fingernail. If you can dent the popcorn kernel with your nail, there is too much moisture in the popcorn and if the popcorn kernel is hard and cannot be dented, there is too little moisture.

Can you Repop popcorn seeds that didn't pop? ›

How to Re-Pop Popcorn Kernels. If you still have unpopped kernels, simply add an additional splash of oil to the pot and cover it. Return the heat to medium-high, and proceed as you would for new kernels. When the popping slows, remove from heat.

How do you prevent popcorn hulls? ›

Drink water frequently as you snack on your popcorn. The water rinses your mouth, disallowing hulls from getting caught between your teeth. Have a toothpick nearby to pick out the small pieces quickly before they get stuck. Only eat popped corn – leave the hard kernels as they can even crack or break your teeth.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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