don't fear the fall @parvatiesha-archive - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Aug 12, 2020

1, 28, 47

1: what’s your muse’s favorite album of all time / favorite artist?Parvati’s favorite music is probably what’s considered “dance-pop.” She’s a big fan of Kylie Minogue, and obviously The Spice Girls. She enjoys Brittney Spears and Christina Aguilera, and in years to come she’ll like Gwen Stefani and P!nk. Her ultimate album would be Taylor Swift’s 1989, but that’s not a thing yet...

28: do they have kids? do they want kids? if so, how many?Parvati’s never really thought about having kids, mostly because she grew up in a world where children were always biological, never adopted. She’s obviously not going to have a biological child, but she’d be open to adopting with the right partner.

47: do they like tv shows or movies? or neither?Lavender was Parvati’s introduction to muggle media, so she loves telenovelas and Bollywood movies. If she had to pick a favorite of the two, it would probably be Bollywood, but that has less to do with movies vs tv and more to do with the dancing. More understated tv shows probably wouldn’t hold Parvati’s attention well, but she doesn’t have that problem with telenovelas.

#ask meme#mollywobblxs


Aug 12, 2020


3: do they take baths or showers? do they prefer one over the other?Parvati prefers baths because it’s easier to keep her hair dry when she doesn’t have time to wash it. She’s also a big supporter of luxurious soak baths.

4: do they wear their hair down when they sleep, or tied up / braided?Parvati’s hair is so long, that if she were to braid it she’d probably end up accidentally strangling herself in her sleep, and leaving it down is just plain not an option. She piles it all on top of her head and keeps it in place with silk scrunchies to reduce breakages.

5: how many blankets / pillows do they like to have on their bed?Parvati tends to run warm, so while she’s sleeping she generally keeps her bedding minimal, bamboo sheets and maybe a light cotton blanket that breathes well. But that’s only half the story, because it’s also important to think about the aesthetic of the bed when it’s made. So she has several other blankets, including a velvet duvet, that contribute to an overall sense of luxurious comfort.

6: what do they normally dream about? nightmares or nonsense?Parvati definitely leans more toward nonsense dreams, but every now and then she has sharp nonsense dreams that mean something, so she keeps a detailed journal of all of her dreams, just in case.

7: do they wake up groggy or alert? do they like mornings?Parvati usually wakes up pretty alert, it’s almost something she’s trained herself to do with so many years of recording her dreams first thing. She loves mornings when she has time to take it slow, enjoying a cup of masala chai, perfecting her makeup, styling her hair. She’ll sacrifice sleep if it means she’ll look perfect when she walks out the door.

8: what do they sleep in? pj’s, normal clothes, nothing?Parvati’s always thinking about the aesthetic of things, but when it comes to what she sleeps in her first concern is vagin*l hygiene. Whatever she wears, it has to be breathable, whether that’s loose cotton shorts, or a nightgown with nothing under it. She likes to sleep in silk because it’s cool and because it’s luxurious.

9: what do they smell like? do they use perfume or cologne?Parvati loves perfume, but she has yet to settle on a signature scent. She likes bright florals but also musky woods. The only thing she doesn’t like is when a scent is too powdery. You tend to be able to tell a lot about how she’s feeling based on what she’s wearing, florals when she’s excited, spices when she’s feeling flirty, woods when she’s ready to get sh*t done.

10: what shampoo scent do they like the best and why?Coconut, because that’s what Lavender uses.

11: bar soap or liquid? do they like loofahs?Parvati prefers liquid soap, because it suds up really well, and she loves to use loofahs for the same reason.

12: do they prefer sleeping alone or with someone else?Parvati likes the Romance of sleeping with someone else, even without sex, but the reality of it isn’t as much fun for her. She likes to be able to sprawl across her bed, and roll from one cool spot to another. Adding another person to the equation also adds a lot of heat to the equation.

13: do they like the room cold or hot when they sleep?Cold, and with good airflow. A ceiling fan is an absolute must in her bedroom.

14: do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?As a general rule, Parvati values her sleep, but not so much that she goes to bed really early. It’s also incredibly easy to distract her so she stays up later than she intended, all you have to do is get her talking.

#ask meme#lavenderaurelia


Aug 12, 2020


29: is there something they’d like to change about themselves physically?

If she could, Parvati would change her height. As it is now, she’s neither tall nor short, just pretty much average height, which she hates. She doesn’t care if she’s shorter or taller, she just doesn’t want to be neither.

#ask meme#thoughtnott


Aug 12, 2020

Parvati Patil: Task 1


Name: Parvati Esha PatilNicknames: Pav (she and Lavender came up with this so their nicknames could rhyme), Vati (her childhood nickname, her parents and Padma still call her this), Parv (only Michael calls her this)Age: 20Place of birth: Powell Manor, Carmarthenshire, WalesSpoken languages: English, GujaratiSexual orientation: lesbianOccupation: beauty assistant at Witch Weekly


Eye color: russet brownHair color: blackHeight: 5’6”Scars: nonePiercings: two piercings in each earlobe (the first when she turned 11 and the second when she turned 13), one in her left ear cartilage (the summer after her fifth year), one piercing in her left nostril (when she turned 17), a belly button ring (the summer after her sixth year)Tattoos: a magical moon that reflects the current phase in iridescent colors on her thigh


Sibling(s): Padma Patil (twin)Parents: Pranay Patil—father, Meredith Patil (nee Selwyn)—motherRelationship with Family: Generally, Parvati gets on well with her whole family, but she is very bold and assertive compared to the rest of them, all generally mild-mannered.Spouse/Significant Other: noneChildren: nonePets: a balinese cat named Durga


Wand: rowan and dragon heartstringFirst Spell: attempted? colovaria; successful? expelliarmusFavourite Spell: capacious extremisFirst Magical Experience: she used to use magic to find Padma when playing hide and seek, but neither of them ever realized itPatronus (if they have one): a lionessIf they were a Magical Creature what would they be: fwooper


Had sex in public: noHad a broken heart: noBeen in love: yesCheated: noStayed up for more than 24 hours: noBroken a bone: noBullied someone: noBeen fired: noGot into a physical fight: yesGot any grudges against anyone?: yes, A Lot, most notably Fenrir GreybackA dark secret: not dark, but she plays her feelings for Lavender close to the chest


A virgin: yesA cuddler: yesA kisser: yesA smoker: noScared easily: noJealous easily: noTrustworthy: most of the timeDominant: yesSubmissive: noForgiving: rarelySingle: technically


Have they wanted to kill someone: yesHave they actually killed someone: noHave they ridden a beast: noDo they prefer private or public praise after helpings others: publicWhat keeps them up at night: very little, most recently Padma being missingGuilty Pleasures: Bollywood, but really she’s not all that guilty about itLast time they cried: when Padma was foundWhat event would you choose death other living through: losing Padma or LavenderIf they died today would they be happy with the life they’ve lived: yes and no, she’s proud of what she’s done so far, but her life hasn’t been nearly long enough for her taste

#arctask#i dare you to dare me


open to all

with the news of the azkaban breakout, pansy was refusing to go anywhere unless it was work. she wasn’t going to fall prey to any of those who could easily have her at their mercy. as much as she wanted to believe she could handle a serious confrontation where her life was at stake, that simply wasn’t the case and she wouldn’t let that happen. it probably wouldn’t hurt for her to attend one of those training sessions with potter, but she just hadn’t done so yet and she didn’t want to go alone. if she could drag theo or daphne or draco with her, then it would be a different story. right now, pansy was slightly tipsy on her couch, pouring her third glass of cherry wine when she heard a large crash outside of her flat. getting up and yanking open the door with her wand at the ready, pansy yelled at the culprit of the nuisance.“what the hell is wrong with you?”


Looking at them from the outside, it was tempting to assume that Parvati was the self-sufficient twin, while Padma was the dependent one. But anyone who knew Parvati well, knew that she depended on Padma as much as Padma depended on her. She was the slow and steady to Parvati’s impulsiveness, the pause and consider that balanced Parvati’s leaping without looking. Without Padma, Parvati inevitably ended up doing something like going through the trash outside an apartment building where she knew a lot of wealthy purebloods, the kind of purebloods who might have taken Padma, lived. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, she shied away from the mental image of a blood soaked scrap of yellow saree, but as she used her wand to sort through the garbage from a safe distance, it felt good to be doing something. She didn’t even realize how much noise she was making until Pansy came out. She was unphased by the wand in her face, largely because she recognized the woman behind it. Pansy Parkinson was a force to be reckoned with, to be sure, but not in a duel. “Go back inside Pansy, this has nothing to do with you.”

#c pansy#pansy 002


Jul 23, 2020


starter for @parvatiesha​

While the Patil family were purebloods, Padma herself had never found it in her interest to attend the midsummer festival before. It wasn’t in their families nature to promote things that excluded others and well, most of the people that did attend weren’t those she was close to. This year however, it all felt refreshing, like there was some sort of happiness that floated above the Flint manor. It was a gorgeous day outside and all of her friends were supposed to be somewhere here on the grounds, but for now she was with her sister.“What do you want to check out?” she asked, turning towards her. She didn’t value any activity over the other though she knew that Parvati would probably dance around the maypole and go to the divination readings with Lavender at some point. Maybe floral weaving would be fun, it was one of the more quiet activities.


Parvati was sure that her mother had grown up attending British midsummer celebrations, but by the time Parvati and Padma arrived, Meredith Patil had almost entirely given up her own culture in favor of her husband. So Parvati grew up celebrating Holi, not midsummer, and in her opinion it made more sense to celebrate life and love in the spring, anyway. But Parvati was never one to turn down a party, so as soon as she was old enough to receive her own invitations, she began attending midsummer parties. With more people to see and more things to do, she fully expected this year’s to be the best yet, but her first priority was spending time with Padma.

It hadn’t always been like this, but since they started at Hogwarts Padma had become more and more shy, and as the more outgoing twin, Parvati saw it as her responsibility to start any event they attended together with Padma. She thought of it as helping Padma test the waters of any given gathering, so she’d feel more comfortable when something inevitably caught Parvati’s attention and she flitted off. So while Parvati’s plan was to spend most of the day dancing, she linked her arm with Padma’s and smiled. “Let’s go make flower crowns! I wonder if they’ll have peonies.”

#c padma#padma 001


Jul 23, 2020


There were so many people that Fenrir refused to speak to based on familiarity and others that he didn’t want to talk to based on principle. He loathed the setting and the people who waltzed around or skipped between the fields. Fenrir felt like he was humiliating himself by attending and just standing there. He had become acquainted himself with the delicacies and the drinks instead of the people, barely leaving the tables that provided such. His brows knitted together at the woman and stilled.“There are others that are more or less the same,” Fenrir assured, his scowl deepening as she took a sip.“Very well. There is no reason to be so ill.”

Parvati’s eyes narrowed. Was he trying to be… polite? Or maybe he was normally like this, admittedly Parvati had never spoken to the man before, but somehow she doubted it. Either way, he clearly wasn’t happy about something. Neither was Parvati, truly, and she certainly wasn’t about to stand there and play along like it was okay for him to be here. Parvati had never been one to bite her tongue. “Do you think so? Do you think you should be able to stand here like you haven’t stolen the agency of innocent people? Do you think you belong here?” Parvati did not think so. This man who used his condition as an excuse to be monstrous, who had stolen life and love and happiness from so many, did not belong.

#c fenrir#fenrir 001


Jul 10, 2020

Parvati was waiting for Harry at the foot of the stairs. She looked very pretty indeed, in robes of shocking pink, with her long dark plait braided with gold, and gold bracelets glimmering at her wrists…Parvati found her sister, Padma, and led her over to Harry and Ron.“Hi,“ said Padma, who was looking just as pretty as Parvati in robes of bright turquoise.Please accept these Patil twins dressed for the Yule Ball as described in the books so that we can all forget about what they were made to wear in the movie.



#[padma tag]#[general tag]


Jul 8, 2020


location: flint manor; midsummer celebration, bar


Michael didn’t mean to be guzzling down his champagne but the bar was open and he was pretty thirsty. Pretty and thirsty. He and Lisa had gotten to the celebration late in the morning, not that he knew a party like this really cared about the cutoff off fashionable late. The perks of people knowing who he was kept coming in handy. How could he have been on time when he took one look at his girlfriend that morning and knew he needed to show her just how beautiful she was. For a few hours. Michael could admit the party was pretty fancy, fancier than any of the winning parties he had been to for Kenmare. All this for getting engaged? Did they do this the first time she hitched herself to one of the brothers? “You think Octavia’s paying for any of this or has she conned more money out of the Averys?”


As a general rule, Parvati had a policy about sweating, namely that she did not do it. It was gross and uncomfortable and inelegant, and any number of other things that Parvati was not. She did, however, have one exception, and that was dancing. Sweat was permissible if and only if one had been dancing, and Parvati had been for most of the day. Now, she was taking a brief break for some much needed hydration, or as close to hydration as one could get at an open bar. She went for something sweet and fruity, hopefully with a much higher juice content than alcohol, and intended to head straight back to the dance floor when she heard Michael’s comment and couldn’t resist sharing some Upper Class knowledge.“It’s not strictly about the Avery Flint engagement, it’s about celebrating life and love and community. It’s just traditional to announce engagements at Midsummer. Marcus probably paid for most of it, since he’s the host, but I imagine the Ministry helped as well.”

#c michael#michael 001


Jul 8, 2020


location: flint manor; midsummer celebrationstatus: open to all

Fenrir absolutely despised these events but after getting word that his presence was required he went. He didn’t know what the Redeemers would want of him and doubted anyone knew but he attended. The pureblood midsummer celebration festivities was something that happened annually and was something that he avoided. The only positive outcome was knowing it was the first to have muggleborns and halfbloods in attendance. He had never been invited because of his own status but it was tempting to watch the purebloods shake by his mere appearance. The whole day was about celebrating life, love, and light which were all things that he fell flat on. Fenrir watched idly from the side as people danced well into the evening, sipping from the herbal drink that was given to him. He was sure there was alcohol in it and had been told there was one for everyone, but he was reaching for his third when someone else grabbed it.

“I believe you’re making a mistake,” he countered, raising a brow at the person who interrupted him.“There are other ones you may have, I’m sure.”


Parvati knew herself too well to think she wasn’t a confrontational person, there was far too much fire in her birth chart for that, but she did believe she knew there was a time and a place for confrontation. A midsummer fete was certainly not such a place, but when she was confronted with Fenrir Greyback, off all people, she simply couldn’t help herself. Had it been anyone else, she might have surrendered the glass in her hand, but not to this monster. She knew the polite thing to do would be to hand over the drink, and if Padma were near enough she probably would have advised against intentionally pissing off someone who was, objectively, dangerous. But Padma was elsewhere, as were Parvati’s manners, so she raised her eyebrows as she brought the glass to her lips, leaving a bright pink mark like a brand when she took a sip.“I don’t believe so, no. This is precisely the drink I wanted.”

#c fenrir#fenrir 001


Jul 4, 2020

Parvati Patil: Midsummer Celebration

#[appearance tag]


Jul 2, 2020

you wish you and your sister had been in the same house, you always have a perfect manicure, you're a really good cook

I mean, I wish there could have been a house we both belonged in, but I don’t think I would have made a very good Ravenclaw and I think Padma wouldn’t have been as happy in Gryffindor, but it would have been nice to be able to stay together. And I’m not nearly as good a cook as Lav, really. Pretty much everything I know about the kitchen I learned from her, anyway. But I definitely do always have a perfect manicure!


Jun 25, 2020

Parvati had planned an entire outfit for the charity game. It was a masterpiece, a perfect mix of Muggle and magical, of British and Indian fashions. Now, it was languishing in her closet as she rushed to Lavender’s apartment in a sensible, boring ensemble. Something terrible was going to happen at the quidditch game, the cards had made that much clear. Parvati had to be there to fight, but first she had to make sure Lavender stayed home. She knew it was a long shot, that Lavender’s instinct would be to run toward the danger, just like Parvati, but she had to try. She would be more able to fight if she wasn’t worrying about Lavender. Maybe it was selfish of her, to want to be there and want Lavender to stay at home where she was safe, but maybe Parvati was just a little bit selfish.

She knocked, before unlocking the door and hurrying in without waiting for an answer.“Lav, are you still here?” she couldn’t quite keep a small edge of panic out of her voice as she called out.


#c lavender#lavender 002


Jun 18, 2020

👂 (Ginny)

“Uh, Ginny is amazing! She’s got so much fire, I love that for her. But she really cares about people, too. She’s the best a Gryffindor can be, and really that’s the highest compliment I can give.”


#ask meme#Anonymous


Jun 18, 2020

👂- Ernie

“I mean, is he annoying? Of course he’s annoying, but his heart is in the right place, and that’s more than most can say. And you know, you always know where you stand with him, and where he stands on any issue, and I respect that.”


#Anonymous#ask meme


Jun 18, 2020

do you have feelings for lavender?

“Yes, but it’s beside the point.”


#Anonymous#ask meme#have my back yeah everyday


Jun 18, 2020

do you wish that you wish that you had been in the same house as your twin? do you think this would've changed anything?

“Yes and no, and yes, obviously.”

#Anonymous#ask meme#[padma tag]
don't fear the fall @parvatiesha-archive - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)


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Click the meatballs menu in the blog view. Select “View Archive”

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Social media platforms are all about being social. So get out there, and engage with your fellow users! Reblog content from other contributors that interest you, post memorable comments where you're able, and follow users whose content engages you. Chances are, they'll pay you back, in kind.

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Tumblr reports it has over 518.7 million blogs on its website as of February 2021. The figure is also the number of user accounts on the microblogging and social networking site. It publishes 12.8 million blog posts daily and has 327 million unique visits from users worldwide.

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All deletions on Tumblr are final – Deleted accounts or blogs cannot be restored.

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All Tumblr blogs can be viewed without leaving the dashboard using the blog view. To view a blog, click on an avatar and view it in the center of the screen. To return to the dashboard, click the X at the top of the screen.

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Monetizing Tumblr demands effort, time and creativity, just like any other platform. You can use Tumblr AdSense, affiliate links or any other ways of monetization that have been mentioned above to generate income. The key advantage of Tumblr is its flexibility that allows for fast implementations of all blog ideas.

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Cons of using Tumblr for blogging:
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Jan 9, 2016

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Having more than 100.000 followers is quite a lot. It can take a few years to get that many followers though.

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While you can certainly get to know people on Tumblr and date them, the primary purpose is to share and post content that interests you. You have to be at least 13 years old to use Tumblr.

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Overall, Tumblr using is equally divided between men and women.

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You can export all of the content you've created for your blog, and we'll package it up into a convenient ZIP file for you to download your blog backup. It's possible to export your primary blog and secondary blogs as well, although each blog export will need to be run separately.

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Click a blog's name or avatar to open it up, then click the magnifying glass at the top of the blog. Now type. Type like you mean it. Get your results.

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To get to the original poster's post, click the reblog graph icon and in the bottom you will see the original poster and the root post.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.