2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN · Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (2024)

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (1)

Russell County School DistrictDr. Brenda Coley, Superintendent

506 14th StreetPhenix City, Alabama 36867


Vision“To inspire, empower, and educate with excellence”

Mission“To engage students in quality learning experiences that will

prepare them for success in college, career, and life”

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (2)

1. Background & Purpose2. Options for Parents and Guardians3. Timeline of Events4. Facilities Management5. Safety & Health6. Curriculum & Instruction7. Technology & Learning Resources8. Emotional & Social Services9. Transportation

10. Nutrition Services11. Parental Expectations & Support12. Professional Development13. Communications & Parent Involvement14. COVID-19 Protocol for Diagnosis & Absences15. Contact Information


Thank you for being a valuable part of the Russell County SchoolDistrict. Committees of administrators, teachers, and supportpersonnel have been working hard to create a plan that providesmeaningful learning experiences while remaining focused on student andemployee health and safety. We look forward to continuing the learning experiences of all students with the procedures outlined in each section below.


2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (3)

BACKGROUND & PURPOSE EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe following COVID-19 Pandemic Return to School Plan (2020-2021) was developed with guidance from the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), the Alabama Department of PublicHealth, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), and survey data from stakeholders of the Russell County School District. The content of this plan includes a brief background of COVID-19, plan purpose, learning option form, and a series of guidelines for returning to school in the fall. This plan may change over time as we learn more about COVID-19 and the implications of the pandemic on the educational environment.

BACKGROUNDCOVID-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of the common cold. Symptoms most commonly include fever, chills, dry cough, fatigue, body aches, headaches, and shortness of breath. Other less common symptoms may include loss of smell or taste, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, and diarrhea. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia or breathing difficulties. More rarely, the disease can be fatal, mainly among older people with preexisting medical conditions.

PLAN PURPOSEAs the world continues to adapt to the effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation, the safety and continued learning of Russell County Schools remain our top priorities. We are faced with new methods of teaching, extreme safety mandates, and increased measures of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of school buildings. Although we are facing challenging times, the Russell County School District’s leadership team is more optimistic than ever about our commitment to educating the students of Russell County Schools. The purpose of this plan is to communicate to all stakeholders the necessary measures we will have in place to ensure the safety and well-being of faculty, staff, students, and parents of the Russell County School District. Again, we are committed to a safe school culture and climate, and that commitment means we are here for whatever you need moving forward.

Dr. Brenda Coley Superintendent

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (4)


It is imperative that we all work together and safely bring schools to a return to normalcy as we work through this crisis incident response. Social distancing is the most powerful tool each of us has in our personal arsenals to fight this invisible enemy. We understand that families have various needs, situations, concerns, and circ*mstances. Therefore, it is the district’s responsibility to respond to our Warrior families with an open-minded approach for school reopening during these unprecedented times by offering two options of instructional engagement for the 2020-2021 school year.

Option 1: Traditional Learning (face-to-face on school campus)

Option 2: Remote Learning (at-home learning through various technological options)

Parents and/or guardians must complete the parent choice survey by July 17, 2020 to inform the system of each student’s selected method of

instructional delivery and engagement.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the school or department listed at the end of this document.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (5)


June 29, 2020 - Reopening surveys submitted to parents and guardiansJuly 01, 2020 - Reopening surveys submitted to employeesJuly 06, 2020 - Last day to respond to reopening surveysJuly 06-08, 2020 - Reopening Committees collaborateJuly 09, 2020 - RCSD Reopening Plan released to employeesJuly 10, 2020 - RCSD Reopening Plan released to stakeholdersJuly 10, 2020 - RCSD Traditional or Remote Option released to parentsJuly 17, 2020 - Last day to respond to parent choice survey (face-to-face or remote instruction)July 22, 2020 - RCMS schedule distributionJuly 22, 2020 - RCHS schedule distributionAugust 03, 2020 - First work day for RCSD employeesAugust 04, 2020 - RCSD Annual Institute DayAugust 03-07, 2020 - Elementary schools Open House eventsAugust 10, 2020 - First day of school for all students (Traditional and Remote)

2020-2021 RCSD Calendar(click the image below to display a larger version)

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (6)


In order to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, the RussellCounty School District is committed to improving the operations and maintenance of all school buildings and work sites. We will implement the following strategies:

● Routine cleaning of surfaces such as: tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, etc.

● Disinfect using EPA-approved disinfectants against COVID-19

● Assess buildings for mold and excess moisture

● Routine checks for the HVAC system to ensure operating efficiency

● Discontinue use of water fountains (students may bring their own clear water bottles with student’s name written on the bottle or label)

● Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air by opening windows when possible

● Clean and disinfect shared items between classes such as chairs, desks, P.E. equipment, etc.

● Plexiglass will be installed in school offices and departments as necessary for protection

● Sanitation stations will be installed in school buildings and departments as necessary

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (7)

SAFETY & HEALTHThe Russell County School District is committed to promoting thesafety and health of its students, employees, parents, communitymembers, and supporters. Due to the nature of COVID-19, and despitebest efforts, there are some circ*mstances which fall beyond the district’s control. The district, through its administration and board, reserves its unilateral right to close campuses and suspend face-to-face instruction due to COVID-19.

The following safety and health measures will be implemented:

● Conduct routine, daily temperature checks of students and school employees● Require routine hand-washing practices for students and employees● All students and employees will practice social distancing● All employees will be required to wear a face mask or face shield during designated times● Protective shields and dividers will be used to minimize the spread of potential viruses● Isolation rooms will be provided for students and employees to separate anyone who

exhibits COVID-19 like symptoms● Employees and students will stay home when they are sick● Employees and students with COVID-19 like symptoms will be required to leave the

school campus or work site immediately● Cases will be reported in a confidential manner● Employees and students/guardians will be required to report symptoms and notification

of exposures to the school nurse and/or designated personnel● Hand-washing, face covering, and cough covering training will be available for students

and employees● Masks and/or face shields will be provided for students and employees (minimum of 3

per student and 3 per employee)● Signs will be posted in reference to how to stop the spread of COVID-19 such as properly

washing hands, everyday protective measures, and how to properly wear a face covering● The system will work with local health care systems to disseminate hygiene and

disinfection strategies for transmission prevention● Staggering or alternate bell schedules will be used during class transitions, arrival, and

dismissal procedures in order to reduce large crowds● The system will limit school visitors, assemblies, extracurricular activities, programs, and

field trips to reduce COVID-19 risk factors in large groups● Adhere to all guidelines of the AHSAA pertaining to all sports and athletics● Movement between classes will utilize CDC guidelines when feasible● Stagger class release time to minimize student contact in hallways during the school day● Prevent or reduce large gatherings of students in commons area, hallway, gymnasium,

and playground

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (8)



The Russell County Board of Education is committed to the development of all students enrolled. The instructional program is designed to be developmental and continuous. It is based on systematic, sequential teaching and learning whereby the instructional needs of students are assessed and mastery levels are clearly defined to ensure progression of learning and maximum academic proficiency. The primary goal is to teach students so they can attain mastery of skills as they progress from one grade level to the next.

Students will be provided with the opportunity to participate in meaningful and engaging learning experiences through on-campus or remote instructional formats. Students will participate in the method chosen for a period of nine weeks (minimum) before being allowed to switch modes of instruction (exception: school closure). Parents and/or guardians must make the school aware of their intention for their student to participate in remote learning or face-to-face two weeks prior to the end of the nine week grading period.


● Students will return to school daily, as usual, and participate in face-to-face instruction while observing health precautions.

● Students will report to classrooms immediately upon arrival. Students will not congregate in the cafeteria or gymnasiums waiting for school to begin.

● Employees and students will be required to wear face masks or face shields during designated times.

● Students will be seated as far apart as possible and will face the front of the room● Sanitation will be carried out by instructional and maintenance personnel before,

during, and after the school day.● Transitions will be limited and students will not congregate in large groups (i.e.

cafeteria, traditional PE, hallways, etc.).● Students may bring a clear water bottle (with student’s name on bottle or label) to

class as water fountains will be disabled.● Students will not share materials or electronic devices.● Students will engage in meaningful instruction and will also be exposed to the online

learning environment to be prepared for remote learning in case the school or system closes as a result of COVID-19.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (9)



● Students will participate in online/remote instruction through Google Classroom and/or other online platforms depending on the grade level and/or course (Examples: Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.).

● A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are available for checkout - subject to device usage fee).

● Teachers and tools will be available for extra support when students are in need of extra assistance.

● To declare a method of instructional delivery and engagement (face-to-face or remote instruction), parents/guardians must complete the RCSD survey by July 17, 2020.

● Active engagement in the remote classroom is required.

● Students must abide by the RCSD Acceptable Use Policy and Student Code of Conduct found in the RCSD Student Handbook.

● Phone numbers and/or email addresses of guardians must remain accurate for the duration of the program.

● Remote instruction will mirror on campus instruction as much as possible to help the transition from on-campus to remote instruction if needed because of a school or system closure.

● At times, the remote student may be required to come to campus to test (example: some assessments, CTE credentialing exams, CTE hands-on practice). When this is required, only the student is permitted to be on campus. All other guests will be required to wait in cars or off campus during the testing or instruction. Parents and/or guardians must provide transportation to and from school in these cases.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (10)


Overview of Quality InstructionWhile some aspects of instruction vary based on grade spans (K-5, 6-8, and 9-12), many aspects remain the same. After the overview of quality instruction, details related to each grade span will follow. Teachers will be assigned based on the instruction option survey results.

Assessing COVID-19 & Summer Learning Loss As the 2020-2021 school year begins, regardless of participation method, students will be assessed using iReady, Classworks, STAR, and/or classroom assessments to measure the students’ academic proficiency and possible learning loss. Students will be provided opportunities throughout the year for remediation and acceleration based upon the results of the beginning of year assessments. It is important that the students complete these assessments INDEPENDENTLY so a true account of the students’ learning can be attained.

Planning for InstructionPlanning is an essential component of classroom preparation for effective instruction, assessment, and improvement. All RCSD teachers, regardless of delivery method, will complete weekly and daily lesson plans which address the Alabama Course of Study. In addition to lesson plans, teachers will use pacing guides throughout the year. Teachers will use a specific lesson plan format to address the pacing guide while paying careful attention to the needs of students as they progress through the grade level/content area standards. The Alabama Course of Study can be viewed here.

Reporting of Student ProgressParents, guardians, and students will be provided with formative and summative feedback throughout the year through the following channels: assignment and assessment feedback focused on growth, progress and report cards through iNOW, and frequent communication by the teacher and/or school.

Improvement of LearningStudents, even in the remote classroom, will still be able to participate in the tiered intervention program which provides students with extra support with literacy and mathematics. An RTI team made up of administrators, teachers, counselors, etc. will review student progress throughout the year and make recommendations for additional support when needed. The Classworks program will be used by the RCSD to formulate an individualized learning plan for each student. Classworks will also be used to provide remediation and to monitor progress toward the attainment of each student’s learning goals.

Addressing the new ALSDE Mathematics Course of StudyThe ALSDE approved the new mathematics course of study in 2019. The RCSD will implement the new COS starting with the 2020-2021 school year.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (11)


Quality Instruction in Grades Pre-K - 5

Platforms for InstructionThe platforms for instruction, listed below, outline web-based programs that may be used for remote instruction and face-to-face instruction. On campus instruction will include face-to-face lesson delivery in addition to the platforms below.

● Accelerated Reader● Classworks● Google Classroom and/or Zoom● iReady● Pre-recorded and/or live video lessons● STAR Early Literacy● STAR Reading and/or Math

Grading of InstructionCoursework will be aligned to the rigor of state learning standards. Students are expected to devote time and attention to their studies and show consistent growth throughout the year, whether participating in remote or face-to-face learning. Grades will be assigned and may impact a student’s promotion or retention status. Students will be graded according to the following percentages.

Kindergarten students will receive an S (satisfactory), N (needs improvement), or U (unsatisfactory) to notate mastery of grade level standards.

Procedures related to academic dishonesty will be followed as outlined in the RCSD Student Handbook. Students must complete assignments and assessments independently.


Grade Bands 1-2 3-5

Tests & Projects 50% 60%

Classwork 40% 30%

Homework 10% 10%

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (12)


Quality Instruction in Grades Pre-K - 5 (continued)

Participation in State Assessments

The Alabama Literacy Act was enacted to implement steps to improve the reading proficiency of public school kindergarten to third grade students to ensure those students are able to read at or above grade level by the end of the third grade. It is essential that students are engaged in foundational reading skills instruction and are applying these skills routinely in their daily reading assignments. Student growth and progress will be assessed throughout the year using iReady and Classworks. The state’s summative assessment, ACAP, will be administered in the Spring of the year (if the state does not suspend annual testing due to COVID-19).

Physical Education (P.E.)

● Students will be assigned to groups for the P.E. classes. ● P.E. classes will be held outside or in the regular classroom.● Groups will not be allowed to mix.● All P.E. activities will be non-contact.● All equipment must be sanitized between its use by each group/class.● K-5th grade grade students will be assigned an S, N, or U for P.E.

Library/Media Center

● The library/media center will be open for teachers to visit, check out books, and sanitize books for use in their classrooms.

● The teacher will return sanitized books to the library/media center after one week.

● The media specialist will visit the students’ classrooms to facilitate lessons to support student learning at a designated time as scheduled on the master schedule.

● Students will not go to the library/media center.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (13)


Quality Instruction in Grades 6-8

Platforms for InstructionThe platforms for instruction, listed below, outline web-based programs that may be used for remote instruction and face-to-face instruction. On campus instruction will include face-to-face lesson delivery in addition to the platforms below.

● Accelerated Reader● CK12● Classworks● Discovery Ed: Math Techbook● Edgenuity● Google Classroom and/or Zoom● Moby Max● Pre-recorded and/or live video lessons● STAR Reading and/or Math

Grading of InstructionCoursework will be aligned to the rigor of state learning standards. Students are expected to devote time and attention to their studies and show consistent growth throughout the year, whether participating in remote or face-to-face learning. Grades will be assigned and will impact a student’s promotion or retention status. Students will be graded according to the following percentages.

Procedures related to academic dishonesty will be followed as outlined in the RCSD Student Handbook. Students must complete assignments and assessments independently.


Grade Bands 6-8

Tests & Projects 65%

Classwork 25%

Homework 10%

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (14)


Quality Instruction in Grades 6-8 (continued)

Student Access to Fine Arts

Remote and face-to-face students will have access to fine arts and electives. Electives are scheduled and offered to students at RCMS based on the grade level of students and will be included in the schedule given at the beginning of the year.

The RCMS Transition to 6 Periods

In the Spring of 2020, RCMS made the decision to transition from a 7 period schedule to a 6 period schedule. Through on-campus and remote learning, RCMS will still utilize the 6 period schedule. Students will be scheduled to take 6 classes per day that will last the whole year (electives may change every grading period or semester). If students choose to participate in remote instruction, they must be active in the remote classroom according to their individual class schedules. Remote students will be given instructions by their teachers at the beginning of the year for logging into remote classrooms.

● 1st Period - 8:25 am - 9:31 am● 2nd Period - 9:34 am - 10:38 am● 3rd Period - 10:41 am - 11:40 am● 4th Period - 11:43 am - 1:15 pm (includes lunch)● 5th Period - 1:18 pm - 2:27 pm● 6th Period - 2:20 pm - 3:25 pm

Lockers will not be used at Russell County Middle School during the 2020-2021 school year.

Addressing the 2019 Mathematics Course of Study

For RCMS students, the following order of math courses will take place: 6th grade math, 7th grade math, 7th grade accelerated math, and 8th grade math.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (15)


Quality Instruction in Grades 9-12

Platforms for InstructionThe platforms for instruction, listed below, outline web-based programs that may be used for remote instruction and face-to-face instruction. On campus instruction will include face-to-face lesson delivery in addition to the platforms below.

● Access● CK12● Classworks● Edgenuity● Google Classroom and/or Zoom● iCEV● Moby Max● Pre-recorded and/or live video lessons

Grading of InstructionCoursework will be aligned to the rigor of state learning standards. Students are expected to devote time and attention to their studies and show consistent growth throughout the year, whether participating in remote or face-to-face learning. Grades will be assigned and will impact a student’s promotion or retention status. Students will be graded according to the following percentages.

Procedures related to academic dishonesty will be followed as outlined in the RCSD Student Handbook. Students must complete assignments and assessments independently.

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Grade Bands 9-12

Tests and Projects 65%

Classwork 25%

Homework 10%


Coursework 80%

Tests 20%

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (16)


Quality Instruction in Grades 9-12

Student Access to Fine Arts

Students participating in face-to-face or remote instruction will still receive opportunities to take courses that meet ALSDE graduation requirements. Course requests, when possible, will be honored based on student-interest, need, and availability. For students participating in remote instruction, some electives may not be available.

Student Access to Career and Technical Education

The RCSD, in partnership with the ALSDE, will provide CTE instruction in new and innovative ways as we prepare our students for what lies ahead. Certain CTE courses may be unavailable if a student opts out of face-to-face instruction due to the nature and/or hands-on component of some courses; however, some electives and CTE courses will be offered through remote instruction. If your remote student enrolls in a CTE program that requires on-site lab instruction, the student will be required to come to class on designated days throughout the school year. Work-based learning, Co-Op, and internships may not be possible during the 2020-2021 school year. Students may be required to come to campus for safety instruction and assessment before coming on campus to participate in labs/shops.

Participation in State, College, and/or CTE Assessments

In the event a remote student needs to complete a state assessment, college entrance exam, and/or CTE credential, attendance on-campus may be required. Transportation must be provided by the student and family members may not wait inside while the assessment is completed.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (17)

Quality Instruction in Grades 9-12 (continued)

Graduation Requirements

● Students must have 24 credits to graduate high school.● Students must pass all courses required for graduation by the ALSDE and the RCSD.● Alabama High School Graduation requirements can be found on page 33 of our RCSD

Student Handbook.

The RCHS Transition to Block Scheduling

In the Spring of 2020, RCHS was approved to move to a block scheduling format. Through on-campus and remote learning, RCHS will still participate in block scheduling. Students will be scheduled to take four classes per semester. If students choose to participate in remote instruction, they must be active in the remote classroom during the following times according to their individual class schedules. Remote students will be given instructions by their teachers at the beginning of the year for logging in to remote classrooms.

○ 1st Block - 8:26 am - 10:00 am○ 2nd Block - 10:04 am - 11:38 am○ 3rd Block - 11:42 am - 1:46 pm (lunch included)○ 4th Block - 1:51 pm - 3:30 pm

Lockers will not be used at Russell County High School during the 2020-2021 school year

Dual Enrollment

RCHS is proud of the continued partnership with Chattahoochee Valley Community College and dual enrollment. RCHS will still offer dual enrollment courses on the RCHS campus and/or through remote instruction.


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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (18)


Quality Instruction in Grades 9-12 (continued)

Improvement of Learning

● Any student who fails English, mathematics, science, social studies, or other required courses should make arrangements to recover the failing grade immediately through grade or credit recovery. Progress of students will be monitored by teachers, administrators, and counselors; however, it is the responsibility of the student to sign up for grade or credit recovery.

○ Grade Recovery is required of students who fail a course with an overall average below 39/F. Grade Recovery does not replace the failed course on the transcript.

○ Credit Recovery is only available to students who fail a course with an overall average of 40-59/F. Credit Recovery does not replace the failed course on the transcript. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not recognize Credit Recovery. Students participating in Credit Recovery are not able to earn a grade higher than a 70/C.

○ Students should contact their counselor for more information (Ms. Valrie - [emailprotected]) (Mrs. Little - [emailprotected]).

College and Career Readiness

The RCSD values providing continued college and career readiness opportunities to students. The system’s Career Coach and counselors will be available for all students during the 2020-2021 school year to provide assistance with scholarship applications, college applications, job applications, resumes, etc. Students will be given opportunities to credential in vocational courses. Three opportunities will be given to benchmark on WorkKeys. Additional support will be made available to achieve benchmark scores on the ACT and AP exams. JROTC will encourage students who are excelling in the program to seek opportunities in military services.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (19)


Quality Instruction in Grades 9-12 (continued)

Addressing the 2019 Mathematics Course of Study

The ALSDE approved the new mathematics course of study in 2019. The RCSD will implement the new COS starting with the 2020-2021 school year. For the high school grades, the sequence of math courses has changed. For new cohorts of high school students, the following order of math courses will take place in most cases: 9th grade - Geometry with Data Analysis, 10th grade - Algebra 1 with Probability, 11th grade - Algebra 2 with Statistics, and 12th grade - Other Specialized Math Course. Students in an existing high school cohort (current 10th-12th graders) will follow their path they started upon entering high school.

Student Organizations

Student organizations are vital components of community service and student involvement. Students may still identify with organizations during the 2020-2021. While the interaction of clubs and organizations (Beta Club, CTE CTSOs, National Honor Society, etc.) will be at a distance, students may still run for officer positions and participate in continuing the mission and vision of each individual organization. Students may contact club and organization sponsors for more information about participation and/or membership during COVID-19.

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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (20)

Quality Instruction in Special Education & EL Services

SPED and 504 ServicesEvery child with a disability is entitled to a free and appropriate education and is entitled to special education services based on their individualized education program (IEP). Students receiving special education services may be more negatively affected by distance-learning and may be disproportionately impacted by interruptions in regular education. It may not be feasible, depending on the needs of the individual child and adolescent, to adhere both to distancing guidelines and the criteria outlined in a specific IEP. Attempts to meet physical distancing guidelines should meet the needs of the individual child and may require creative solutions, often on a case-by-case basis. Please contact your child’s school or the district’s Special Education Director, Dr. Vivian Relf, at (334) 408-4970 or [emailprotected] regarding their individualized plan.

Collaboration between General Education Teachers and SPED TeachersAs we work to provide effective instruction to our students, it is essential that we collaborate and explore options for meeting the individual learning needs of the students we serve. Collaboration between the general education teacher and the Special Education teacher is expected and necessary for student growth and achievement. As partners, both educators are responsible for teaching students and ensuring a positive learning experience. General education teachers are expected to be knowledgeable of the IEP goals for the students assigned to their classes. Additionally, general education teachers are expected to engage students receiving special services in regular classroom activities and assignments (in compliance with the IEP). Likewise, SpEd teachers are expected to know what grade level standards students are studying and work to support their mastery of skills.

Discussion Points1. Share lesson plans with SpEd teachers.2. Discuss ways to engage the students in core class activities.3. Discuss ways to differentiate instruction (face-to-face and remotely)


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2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (21)

Quality Instruction in Special Education & EL Services (continued)

Topics for Teacher Collaboration1. Student goals for learning and achievement2. Instructional planning and strategies for lesson delivery3. Student assessment4. Student progress toward goals5. Interventions offered to support academic growth6. Communication of student progress to parents

EL ServicesRussell County Schools, to the greatest extent possible, will provide instruction in accordance with their Individualized English Learning Plan through remote learning and/or face-to-face. EL students will have the opportunity to receive tutoring opportunities after school or during the day through remote learning. EL teachers will follow up at least three times a week to assess progress. If EL students request face-to-face instruction, teachers will provide accommodations as prescribed in the Individualized English Learning Plan. The EL teacher will provide English acquisition language support. Please contact your child’s school or the district’s EL Coordinator, Dr. Mesha Patrick at (334) 408-4947 or [emailprotected] regarding their individualized plan.


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The benefit of technology in education is undoubtedly the ability to reach more students more efficiently. After all, technology is all around us and only continues to expand with its many uses. Although many teachers like to rely on traditional methods of teaching, the possibilities that open when technology is brought into the classroom are endless. For one, access to education has been significantly broadened as a result, including a wide range of learning styles and degree options.

● Every student will have access to an individual device.● Several technology resources will be offered in order to continue learning

opportunities during the school year (See Curriculum and Instruction Section).● Pre-K through 5th grade devices will remain at school. If a student checks out a device

for remote instruction, a $25 fee will apply.● Secondary students will have to pay a $25 usage fee which will allow them to take

these devices back and forth from home and school.● Students and parents will have access to a limited technology help desk to support

their remote learning technology needs.● Students should use RCSD provided devices (when possible) otherwise, limited

technology support may be available.

Accessing the Internet during Remote Learning

In addition to home internet, RCSD students may access our internet in the following ways:● Hotspot checkout from the school (limited quantities available)

● WiFi buses located throughout the school attendance zones

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (23)


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School level support services will be provided by school counselors and the partnership with East Alabama Mental Health.

Students will receive lessons from the school counseling core curriculum format. Large group guidance sessions will address the following topics, but not limited to, in remote and face-to-face formats:

Small group guidance sessions will address the following topics, but not limited to:

Students will have the opportunity to receive individual counseling in a remote and/or face-to-face setting. When needed, therapeutic counseling will be provided through East Alabama Mental Health.

When necessary, the Positive Behavior Support Team will meet with parents and develop behavioral support plans for students through the use of formal and informal assessments.

Crisis Response Teams will provide crisis intervention support at the school levelStudents in trauma will be advised to seek immediate help in a crisis.

● Call 911● Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 (press 2 for Spanish), or text TalkWithUs for

English or Hablanos for Spanish to 66746. Spanish speakers from Puerto Rico can text Hablanos to 1-787-339-2663

● National Suicide Prevention Life: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) for English, 1-888-628-9454 for Spanish, or Lifeline Crisis Chat

● National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22522● National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4AChild (1-800-422-4453) or text 1-800-422-4453● National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or Online Chat

Russell County employee support services will be available at each schooland auxillary site.

● Stress management● Social isolation● Cyber bullying● Digital citizenship● Bullying

● Career awareness● Conflict resolution● Goal setting● Resilience strategies● Good hygiene

● Anger management● Self-awareness● Social skills● Grief and trauma● Effective communication

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (24)



The Russell County School District recognizes the fact that safe and efficient school bus service is vital to the educational operation of the system. While school bus transportation is offered to all students, this service is considered a privilege and not a right. Due to the safety of all students, we encourage alternative modes of transportation for students who have other options in order to better maintain the safety of students during this health pandemic. In addition to the existing school bus expectations and guidelines as outlined in the 2020-2021 Student Code of Conduct, we are committed to the following precautions for students using the district’s bus transportation service:

● Ideally, for students riding the bus, symptom screening should be performed prior to being dropped off at the bus by parents or guardians.

● Bus drivers are not medical professionals and cannot make a diagnosis at the bus stop. Parents should screen students prior to morning stops. Students that have symptoms should not be at the bus stop or attempt to ride until the student has no symptoms.

● Assigned seating with assignments will be posted above the windows. Students are expected to stay in his/her assigned seat for the entire trip.

● A face mask will be required of all students and the bus driver while riding the bus.

● It is recommended that parents and students use face masks and practice social distancing at bus stop locations.

● Drivers should be a minimum of 6 feet from students. Whenever feasible, the two front seats behind the driver will remain unoccupied.

● Minimize the number of people on the bus at one time within reason.

● Adults who do not need to be on the bus should not be on the bus.

● Outdoor ventilation will be used by opening roof hatches and selected windows in addition to the use of air conditioning when available.

● Buses will be sanitized between routes with a CDC approved disinfectant.

● Parents will be surveyed to determine ridership and leveling of the amount of students per bus.

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The Russell County Child Nutrition Program’s first priority is to providenutritious meals to all students in a safe and clean environment. By providing nutritious meals and emphasizing good eating habits, we are providing an important means of improving the health of students in Russell County. Remote students will be able to order meals on a daily basis with the consent of parents and pick-up at each school site during regular school serving times.

● We will take safety precautions when distributing food to the students.● Breakfast meals are free to all students in Russell County schools.● It is recommended that parents send food with students (with student’s name labeled).● Students who bring meals from home will need to pack items that do not require

heating or reheating.● No items may be brought from home to be shared.● It is recommended that parents use Paypam for meal payments.● Students’ lunch numbers will be scanned into the Point of Sales system by a CNP staff

member.● Outside visitors and/or family guests will not be allowed to dine in the school cafeteria.● Local schools CNP will adhere to current school nutrition guidelines and practices.● Meals may be served in classrooms or other designated areas.● Marking will be used to indicate a 6 foot distance in food service lines.● All cafeteria surfaces and classrooms will be disinfected between serving sessions.● Students should avoid sharing food items and utensils.● Students will be served individual plated food items only.● Food service workers will use face masks & gloves as required by the ADPH.● Face masks will be required for students and staff during transition.

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There is no partnership more critical than that between parents and educators. Research shows that family engagement is essential for school success. When it comes to school improvement efforts, active families are just as important as having a great principal and teachers, strong curriculum, and a positive school climate. Parent, family, and community involvement in education correlates with higher academic performance and school improvement. We strongly encourage parents to adhere to the following expectations:

● Daily temperature checks of your child/children● Not allowing your child to come to school when sick● Notify the school if your child is sick. A copy of “When to Keep Children at Home”

guidance is found on the RCSD website under health services.● Excuses for absences should be electronically delivered to the secretary or attendance

clerk. One person will be allowed into the building to check in the child.● Late check in excuses should be electronically submitted to the secretary or attendance

clerk. One person will be allowed into the building to check in the child.● Parents should call the school prior to checking out a student to inform the office of

the check out and who is checking out the child.● Limit visits to the school to emergency reasons only.● Wear face covering and practice social distancing at designated times and places● Talk with your child/children about healthy hygiene (handwashing, keeping hands out

of face, social distancing, no physical touching of others, etc.).● Provide your child with a face mask during required times in school and riding the bus.● For trauma, seek assistance (Reference: Emotional Support section).

Academic Expectations and Support

● Establish and maintain communication with your child’s teacher● Ensure that your child is attending remote learning classes daily (both live and

pre-recorded)● Demonstrate appropriate behavior in the remote classroom● Address appropriate behavior in the remote classroom● Dress appropriately for remote learning● Ensure that assignments are completed and submitted when required● Attend parent/teacher conferences remotely and/or face-to-face● Provide an environment that is conducive to remote learning

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN· Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (27)


Professional development is an essential component of effectiveface-to-face and/or remote instruction, assessment, and student growthand achievement. All RCSD teachers, regardless of instructional delivery method, will be engaged in professional learning to support their ability to deliver high quality instruction to their students.

Teachers will be engaged in professional learning prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year and throughout the year to support the successful delivery of instruction, whether in an online (remote) or face-to-face format. The professional learning sessions will be facilitated in face-to-face and remote formats as necessitated for the safety and well-being of our employees. Certified employees will login to the PowerSchool PD site and search courses to register for the appropriate training session(s).

Professional learning opportunities for the teachers and support staff of the Russell County School District may include:

● AMSTI Science● Block Scheduling● CK-12● Classworks● Clever● Coping Strategies for Teachers

and Students● CTE Quality Assurance● Discovery Ed: Math Techbook● iReady Early Literacy

Assessment● Go Math!● Google Suite● Handwashing 101● Interactive Powerpoints● Lesson Plan Development 101● Mandatory Annual Trainings

(Sexual Harassment, Suicide Prevention, etc.)

● Opening Faculty Meetings● Reading Street● Pacing Guides

● Parent Video Library (Tech Support 101)

● Pre-K Big Day for Pre-K● Pre-K Developmental

Appropriate Activities● Pre-K Teaching Strategies● RTI● Sanitation and Safety● Schoology● Second Step Comprehensive

School Counseling Curriculum● Sonday Systems Essentials● Studies Weekly Online ● Supporting CCR through

Remote Learning● Teacher Evaluation● Tech Tools (Specific Apps)● Think Central● Remote Feedback● Zoom● 7th & 8th Grade ELA

Curriculum 27Return to Table of Contents

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The Russell County School District is committed to keeping parents well-informed through various methods. Good school-parent communication should be on-going and have clear lines of communication from start to finish. We know that keeping parents involved provides a stronger relationship which benefits the child and school.

Tools our system uses are listed below:

● Peachjar provides flyers and are made available through email and social media● Facebook and website posts information only● Google Classroom, Remind 101, and ClassDojo allow teachers and speciality

groups to disseminate information● Blackboard Messenger allows administrators to send out information via email,

text, and phone calls. It also provides information to those who may not have a student in Russell County Schools

● Language Link allows for translation of written material and verbal communication

Additional efforts will be made to ensure that stakeholders voice their concerns through surveys and/or various advisory councils.

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Effective for the 2020-2021 school year, in consideration of our community and nation facing a worldwide pandemic, it will be imperative that the district’s guidelines, procedures, and policies surrounding school safety, specifically concerning COVID-19 be followed. The following information, although not conclusive, provides expectations for the smooth running of schools and protocols to keep everyone safe and minimize the spread of COVID-19.

Due to changing information concerning COVID-19 and the risk associated with exposure to the virus, these guidelines are subject to be modified. All changes and modifications will be shared with our students, parents, and employees as soon as practicable. Please continuously check the RCSD website for information regarding the district’s COVID-19 protocols, leave policies, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and other resources concerning school families and employment matters.

The District will establish minimally invasive procedures to screen all school employees and visitors before they access a school facility for any of the following new or worsening signs or symptoms, exposure of possible COVID-19. We encourage everyone to use the following as a screening to determine if they should stay at home:

● Fever as a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit without fever reducing medication

● Cough ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ● Chills or repeated shaking with chills● Muscle pain or body aches● Headache ● Sore throat ● Congestion or runny nose● Nausea or vomiting● Loss of taste or smell● Diarrhea ● Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19

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Notification of Symptoms/ExposureRussell County School District will follow protocols for contagious disease. Students and employees will follow the attached chart when feeling ill and or for notification of symptoms. We will do everything possible to quickly notify individuals once contact tracing has been completed if an individual has come in direct contact with a student or employee who has notified us that he/she has tested positive for COVID-19. The identity of that individual will be kept confidential. With the ongoing concern regarding the spread of coronavirus, the Superintendent will contact local and federal health departments for guidance in the event a parent, student or employee reports infection to the school district. Student absences due to a COVID-19 diagnosis will be excused.

Harassment ProhibitedEmployees and students who may become ill, present symptoms of the coronavirus or receive a diagnosis of having COVID-19 shall not be subjected to harassment, bullying or discrimination. The District’s policies prohibiting harassment, discrimination, retaliation and bullying of any kind and by any means shall continue to apply and be in full force. Those in violation of such policies shall be subject to discipline.

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COVID-19 Health PracticesEmployees and Students


Known/Other Health Related


Unknown Cause

Exposure to Confirmed COVID-19

Asymptomatic or Symptomatic

Tested COVID-19 Positive

Monitor your health and consult with a health official if symptoms are out of the ordinary for you (ie: seasonal allergies, sinus conditions, etc.)

Voluntary quarantine for 14 days.

Consult with health official for possible testing and/or alternate diagnosis

Fever free, at or between 97°F to 99°F for a minimum of three days (72 hours) prior to the return to work without the aid of fever-reducing medications

Quarantine for 14 days

May return to work/school before completing the self-quarantine period with a signed medical professional’s note clearing the individual based on alternative diagnosis.

Fever free, at or between 97°F to 99°F for a minimum of three days (72 hours) prior to the return to work without the aid of fever-reducing medications

Quarantine/Isolate for 14 days

May return to school/work when: -a minimum of three days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications);

Improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, etc.)

14 days of quarantine have passed since symptoms first appeared

At the discretion of the Superintendent, an individual determined through exposure or symptoms to pose a health risk to others may be voluntarily asked to stay at home or if necessary directed to stay

at home.

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Quarantine/Immediate SanitizationIn the event an employee or student is reported to have tested positive for COVID 19 and is reported to have been present at the school building or work site, the District will assess the exposure and determine arrangements for cleaning and/or sanitizing the certain area(s) or the entire building. At the discretion of the Superintendent, the District may direct an employee or student to stay at home if he or she is determined to pose a threat to the health and/or safety of the students and other employees. First, the individual will be asked to voluntarily stay at home. If the individual refuses, the Superintendent may direct an involuntary exclusion. Some of the factors to be considered as to whether an employee or student poses a risk include: The duration of the risk; The nature and severity of the potential harm; The likelihood that potential harm will occur; and the imminence of the potential harm to other students and staff. Student absences due to a COVID-19 diagnosis will be excused.

SanitizationAll staff members will be required to assist with the establishing and maintaining sanitizing measures for each classroom, school and/or job site. Sanitization will focus on commonly touched surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, tables, desks, light switches, countertops, etc) to ensure continuous cleaning throughout each work/school day. The District will purchase cleaning supplies and disposable wipes for use by staff members and students. Donated cleaning items may also be used. Each school administrator/supervisor will develop a detailed custodial plan of hourly building sanitization and cleaning activities for common areas. If there are no documented COVID 19 cases, the District will continue with regular cleaning methods. If there is a documented case, the District will work with health officials to determine proper sanitization methods.

Additional Health PracticesWherever possible, while on campus or in the workplace, employees and students will maintain at least six feet separation from other individuals. If such distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene, cough etiquette, cleanliness, and sanitization must be rigorously practiced. Consistent with the actions taken by many employers across the state, the District will require all employees and students to wear face coverings (over the nose and mouth) whenever 6ft. distances are not possible.

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Consideration should be given to wearing non-medical grade face masks. However, most “appropriate” cloth masks are acceptable. Bandanas or scarves are not acceptable face masks. If an employee does not have a mask, the district will provide a disposable mask to the employee. Exceptions to wearing masks when required may be allowed as a reasonable accommodation, subject to submission of medical certification from the employee’s treating physician and approval by the Superintendent. The District will apply normal practices and policies governing sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave and other paid leave. Employees with questions concerning leave requests, underlying health conditions, accommodation requests or eligibility under the FFCRA should be directed, in writing, to the Human Resources Director, Tammy Barnes, [emailprotected]. The District will evaluate such requests on a case by case basis. Questions concerning payroll changes, unpaid leave status and benefit changes should be directed to the Payroll Clerk, Vonnie Gilboy, [emailprotected].



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CONTACT INFORMATIONFor questions related to the RCSD Reopening Plan, please contactyour school at the number listed below. Departments associated witheach part of the RCSD Reopening Plan are also listed below.

RCSD Schools

Dixie Elementary 334-468-5323

Ladonia Elementary 334-468-5805

Mount Olive Primary 334-468-5100

Mount Olive Intermediate 334-468-5002

Oliver Elementary 334-468-5400

Russell County Middle 334-468-5604

Russell County High 334-468-5701

RCSD Departments

The Superintendent’s Office 334-468-5540

Alternative Programs & Truancy 334-408-4986

Career & Technical Education 334-408-4957

Counseling, EL, and Pre-K 334-408-4947

Curriculum & Instruction 334-408-4957

Maintenance 334-408-4967

Nutrition 334-408-4933

Safety 334-408-4972

Special Services 334-408-4970

Technology 334-408-4977

Transportation 334-408-4926 34Return to Table of Contents

2020-2021 REOPENING PLAN · Classworks, iReady, Edgenuity, Renaissance Place, etc.). A device and internet connection is required to participate in remote instruction (Devices are - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is Edgenuity a bad program? ›

The biggest complaint from students was that the videos were boring. I teach middle school students and many found the speakers to be monotone. It was difficult to show parents exactly where students were performing and understand how it fits into the overall picture.

Why are schools using Edgenuity? ›

Edgenuity's research-based instructional model meets the rigorous demands of the California State Standards. Edgenuity courses offer an interactive and personal learning environment with the right level of support for each student.

Can Edgenuity detect cheating? ›

Yes, Edgenuity uses various methods such as honor codes, time tracking, and question history analysis to detect cheating during online exams.

Is Edgenuity getting sued? ›

The Los Angeles Unified School District's inspector general is investigating a complaint about the district's use of Edgenuity, a digital curriculum company that has supplied educational software to the nation's second-largest school district since at least 2015, according to emails reviewed by BuzzFeed News.

Does Edgenuity raise your GPA? ›

Students may make up failed course work required for graduation on a platform called Edgenuity. Students can quickly recover failed credits and boost their GPA using Edgenuity.

Can you skip on Edgenuity? ›

Here are a few different approaches to consider: Keyboard Shortcuts: One of the easiest ways to skip videos on Edgenuity is to use keyboard shortcuts. For example, students can press the “K” key to pause the video, the “J” key to rewind 10 seconds, and the “L” key to fast forward 10 seconds.

Why do people not like Edgenuity? ›

In teacher Cherie Eulau's opinion, “Edgenuity has some important features such as translation, but the repetitive nature of the format, the complete lack of interactivity and the generic tone make it completely unsuitable for students who must use it for four, five, or even six courses.”

What is the success rate of Edgenuity? ›

Descriptive statistics revealed that 66.54% of the courses attempted in Edgenuity were recovered.

Why is my Edgenuity grade so low? ›

Depending on the amount of work due daily, students may see their Actual Grade decrease overnight. Once the student completes the assigned daily work, the actual grade will adjust accordingly. This is the overall grade adjusted for progress if a student is behind.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.